
  • The_leviathan_xThe_leviathan_x Member Posts: 14
    "Bland" scamquent crystals ,is all i can say
  • Lost____oneLost____one Member Posts: 25
    The overflow of rankup material that will expire will give a new low to the event. Extra space in inventory or extended time to use the rank up materials would be appreciated.

    Also since most of the "rewards" are in the milestones, lowering the milestones cost would also be appreciated.

    And I believe, the low quality item drop rate in sbc has been mentioned.
  • AnvilOfCromAnvilOfCrom Member Posts: 35
    Kabam may feel that they’ve achieved an improved experience this year round, i however would have to disagree with that sentiment, as I’m sure would the majority of the community.

    I opened 90 crystals and received approx 3k titan shards, 5k of T7 cat, 1.5 T4A, approx 30k 7-star shards and an absolute ton of T5C and various small amounts of T6C. i did not receive a single banquet key, nor a trophy champion selector or a Jess Jones… that from 27k units, that is immensely disappointing :(

    As for the T7C, just how many crystals would one be expected to open to receive just 1 fully formed cat? 1000 crystals or more? Too much emphasis is being put of the realm event milestones which was stated to be an add on, however it very much feels like it was anything but that as the lions share of the decent rewards are contained therein. How are we, as a community, going to achieve the realm event top tier milestones if players are put off spending their units on crystals which offer too little in the way of anything really beneficial or desired?

    No Christmas calendar either, and no comms from Kabam as to why - in fact there appears to have been many aspects of this event shrouded in secrecy or information only made available at the last minute. Why not just be fully transparent and forthcoming about the activities ahead, and do so in a timely manner? Giving us snippets in the monthly stream doesn’t constitute good communication in my opinion. Had I known that my 27k hard earned units would translate into this, I would not have bothered spending anywhere near that amount.

    I can’t speak for anyone else, but this 10-year anniversary event, meant to celebrate a HUGE milestone in the longevity and success of this game, as well as those who play it day in and day out, feels rather deflated and like a slap in the face!
  • Martin27Martin27 Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2024
    I would never ever again open any banquet crystals. I spend 19 k units and everything other than garbage t6 and t3 alpha was 1 t4 alpha 20k 7 star shards, 5k titan shards and 8 sig stones. For a Valiant player that’s hot garbage.Just WOW and compared to some other players i think I got lucky. Biggest regret in this game for me.
  • AnvilOfCromAnvilOfCrom Member Posts: 35

    You overloaded crystals with items that Valiants have been stockpiling for months and much of it is just going to go into the overflow. Getting the R2/3 materials isn't the end of the world, and they do have value, but they also cost more units for less materials than we can get in other places of the game.

    There is a continued overvaluing of 7* champions. In old gifting events (and I do mean in the 6*R3 and earlier days) we could open 50 crystals and get several 6* champs worth of crystals, but in 50 crystals this round we might not even get one full 7* crystal. We won't even touch Titan crystals. I got 2k shards in 66 crystals (20k units worth of crystals). That's insane.

    Because you can't give too much to TBs, it seems like Valiants got the short end because we are stuck sharing a prize pool with them. But that isn't just this event, it is fairly consistent across the game that Valiants will share what is ultimately reduced rewards in most content we get to play (but that's a conversation for another day).

    The basement is too low, the ceiling is exciting, but our options are basement, 1st floor, or ceiling another 10 stories up and nothing in between. The scaling isn't reasonable because the drop rates lean too far in the direction of the basement.

    I've never had good luck with banquet or gifting crystals, but I have never been this disappointed by a crystal opening. Had this event not been hyped as much as it was by Kabam, it may have been easier to digest. Overall, celebrating 10 years has been a great time, but it's ending on a sour note.

    This. Most Paragon and Valiant players, especially free to play, could benefit from everything in the crystal EXCEPT for t5cc, t6b, and t3a, which was what seems to be in the overwhelming majority of the crystals I've seen. I understand what was said about making sure that the gap between big spenders and everyone else isn't too big (in another post), but I feel that this way of doing things actually has the opposite effect, where the only people benefitting from these crystals at all are opening huge numbers of them. I appreciate not wanting to hand out r3 and r4 materials too carelessly and in fact I think it's good for the game to take things slow in that regard, but it feels like there's no reason the drop rates for shards couldn't have been higher. It makes no difference to whale accounts with stacked rosters and in fact just makes the floor for everyone else a bit higher. As it is though, most people feel like they spent x amount of units on crystals that just disappeared straight into overflow.

    Basically, raise the floor of the crystals. I understand that it's an RNG based event, but there's no reason for it to be all or nothing and spending upwards of 10k units should leave you something for your trouble, even if it's not exactly what you were after.
    I saw that feedback too, it was an earlier response which Kabam Crashed had posted, if I’m not mistaken. That said, the gap between big spenders and the rest, is and always has been vast… why is that now suddenly being used as an excuse, which in itself is skewed because this event IS designed to benefit the big spenders, i.e. chasing T7C or trophy champions is going to be more likely achievable for a big spender who’s opening hundreds of crystals, as opposed to someone who can only afford to purchase 5 or 10 SBC’s. This excuse doesn’t sit right in my opinion.
  • JhennyJhenny Member Posts: 96 ★★
    MCOC Team said:

    We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.

    I am scratching this off from my kabam response bingo i think i nailed that. Instead od actually looking at the feedback, they of course say that "it was a complete success", please say the lines "we gathered all the data we needed and it tells us community loved it" i need this for my bingo
  • Kozak_KirillKozak_Kirill Member Posts: 13
    To get 7* champ from SBC is big problem. Maybe its because of random.. it was the main issue for me. when you open crystal you expect to get some champ, even old one, but this year you get mostly resources((
  • Espe03Espe03 Member Posts: 1
    As someone who took a lengthy break (about 7-8 months) from the game this year, I was really hoping that I could use the banquet event as a way to sort of “catch up” on things that I had missed. The biggest thing being trying to get some newer characters to play around with. In previous years, I pretty much always got a ton of crystal shards to help expand my roster and this year, only ended up getting around half of a seven star crystal from the milestones. I understand that the main thing of the event is the milestones and having people spend to get through the milestones, but I feel like the crystals this year are really just a way to track points. I was really hoping the items that I got from the crystals would help me expand my roster horizontally by getting more characters, but instead got a ton of catalyst fragments that are almost useless for the current state of my account due to not having the characters that I would like to invest it.
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    Truly horrible event. I opened 7K crystals and did not get a single crystal shard talk more of a full crystal.

    I have stopped claiming my rewards because I'm overloaded on cats with no one to spend them on.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    I'm happy with it, saved my units and money since they are so disappointing you'd be silly to spend on them. Got alliance milestones through free ones
  • Manoj259Manoj259 Member Posts: 20
    Saving units for an event from 3-4 months back and getting rewards that aren't worth even 300 units is a completely failed scenario. It is yet another disappointing event to end this 2024.
  • DicedicedicediceDicedicedicedice Member Posts: 139 ★★
    It’s just hurtful the way game team has been treating valiants for a while now. This is also reflecting in the banquet.

    They r literally distributing upgrade material to lower tiers as if they want everyone to get to valiant with minimum effort. Like they said during livestream about TBs running around with R3s.

    U have to b a big spender in order his game now to have any kind of distinct advantage.

    Valiant doesn’t mean anything anymore.
  • Cyberguy7777Cyberguy7777 Member Posts: 72
    Probably too late but adding Nightcrawler to the selector would have been cool
  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 738 ★★★
    Kabam- give everyone a Jessica Jones and call it good. That’s least you guys can do for lying about the SBC’s on live stream.
  • TeiTei Member Posts: 69
    Brian! save us again!
  • Ryan17171717Ryan17171717 Member Posts: 3
    These banquet crystal are so bad….
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,202 ★★★★★
    i popped around 70 SBCs and had terrible luck and there's two ways i feel about it.

    my irrational side still feels "scammed" and gross that i spent 15k+ units on "nothing" but rationally it's not nothing because most of the value is actually in the milestones so i don't feel as bad when i look at it like that and i've stopping popping crystals after hitting the milestones so all is good.

    in the future, different messaging by hinting at where the best value is would go a long way to stop the backlash.
  • Manoj259Manoj259 Member Posts: 20
    EdisonLaw said:

    One word: Disappointing

    Every Word : Disappointing
  • Phil_ReagonPhil_Reagon Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2024
    I feel like the 7* crystals I opened from the shards I got from opening superior crystals were old and did not have updated 7* pool in them…. I can’t be the only one who experienced this.
    I do believe the milestones is where the best value is and these superior catalyst crystals are intended to level the playing field in such a way if you opened 100 or so it’s just rank 2-3 material at best.
  • Ceo_WakefordCeo_Wakeford Member Posts: 130 ★★
    When will start the GRAND BANQUET? I dont see that event ingame yet ,is it today ,tomorrow or when?
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