
  • GingerJunoGingerJuno Member Posts: 17
    Usually I buy both bundles of banquets crystals(beginning and near end of event) and I’ve spent 18k units and i have no encouragement to spend any money or more units, the SBC is not worth the 300 units of filler.

    Milestones are done in solo and alliance and I’ve got enough points for the 7* isosphere.

    Lacklustre event
  • BenjiferBenjifer Member Posts: 3
    As a returning player over the last 4 months after not playing for about 4 years. I was thinking I had returned at a great time. Grinding for the banquet tickets and stockpiling units which as a f2p isn't easy.

    I am recently paragon and have a few 7*s but all rank 1.

    I spent about 9-10k units on SBC and have received pretty much all the rewards from crystals and milestones I'm going to (essentially the 10 year grand banquet event is now over for me within the hour).
    I have managed 4-5 new 7*s 2k titan shards. Only one of note which was serpent. Many many t6c shards and yes while this at my level will help me, for the investment it has been a massive and underwhelming disappointment.

    I remember someone from kabam had said that we could see Thronebreakers with r3 7*s. Well from all the rewards I'm nowhere near a r3.

    What a complete disappointment of an event.


  • IronmichaIronmicha Member Posts: 4
    Echt Schade, das wir eine so schlechte Droprate erhalten für die Units und das Geld, was investiert wurde, dafür hat man sich eindeutig besseres Inventar erhofft. Da muss man echt darüber nachdenken, hier weiterhin Geld zu investieren.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,691 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    Remembering the last stream and all the hype, just reminds me of infomercials on QVC, the comment that still echoes in my head is seeing TBs with r3s.. well you might have hit the goal. Piss off a lot of the players just to have a few lazy TBs that won't beat act 6 spend thousands of units on banquet.
    How is it possible to completely butcher a highly anticipated event is beyond me

    Its mind blowing and they need to fix it badly and its the weekend so i hope they bring info later but again weekend and winter break now i imagine meaning will we actually hear anything
    Hearing back is the last of my interest at this point. What are they gonna say?... "We listen and we will try to do better"? This is supposed to be the better compared to last year.
    Just something like give everyone at this point 300 crystals not like u will get much anyway
    Stellar said:

    One way would be to rebuild the crystal and send a per Crystal compensation to all who opened those superior banquet crystals 🤷‍♂️

    Just tell us the banquet is suspended for 2-3 days, in order to review and rework that part of event. Rework the crystal to better the rewards and their drop rate

    Your expectations of them fixing this are way too high.
    I just won't spend a dime anymore, and its not out of spite or anger, this game is just not worth the investment anymore. I mean what's the point when all they do is events where the 3rd progression level gets the most and that is INTENDED.
    I might as well grind arenas and stay still in the game, that way i can get rewarded.
    Who knows maybe next year we will see TBs and Paragons with r4s and that's the next goal...
    My thing was more on if u saw peoples openings where 300 crystals isnt gonna be gamebreaking at all, but i get they cant do that but i still think the contents badly need to be fixed and something needs to be done since its called GRAND banquet if they didnt call it grand it probs wouldn’t be so bad on what we get.
  • Devil_Killer_01Devil_Killer_01 Member Posts: 4
    We all are just disappointed 😔 not expected this atleast in mcoc 10th anniversary all wasted aur grinding
  • Devil_Killer_01Devil_Killer_01 Member Posts: 4
    Don't give the title of this event grand it just bad
  • Eneya77Eneya77 Member Posts: 3
    The biggest disappointment is for us Valliant players!!! Why are we sharing chrystals with TBs??? That's super unfair and as a Valliant player I don't want to spend 300 units to get t6cc or 7* shards!? I can get them in BG store!! I've been grinding and saving units for nothing!
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,126 ★★★★
    Normax_X said:

    MCOC Team said:

    We see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals

    Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.

    If you saw we were disappointed then how do yall think you succeeded in improving our experience over last year. These two statement contradict each other im not following
    Unless their goal was to disappoint us 🤷‍♂️
  • DarkNihilusDarkNihilus Member Posts: 15
    I think one of the biggest issue is the lack of 7* shards or full crystals ( basic and titan ). You hyped this event soooo much but opening catalyst fragments isn’t exciting at all, even the t7b fragments because the pourcentage is so meager we know it’s going to be useless for a long time. It’s opening champion crystals that has always been the most exciting thing in this game.

    Speaking of t7b a really sad aspect of this event in my opinion is that compared to last year were firsts 7r3 were obtained by hard rewarding content ( and you were quite proud of saying that ) this year the 7r4 are hidden behind the biggest paywall in any free to play game because of the way it’s structured and it prolongs the irl socio-economic inequalities in the game. Where we all start at the same point and all that should matter is skill and knowledge.
  • LiquidkoldLiquidkold Member Posts: 204 ★★
    I have opened 122 Superior Banquet Crystals and I am very disappointed. It appears most people are if they are end game players.
    I honestly do not believe that you will do anything about it but you could save this event by doing something more for people who have opened crystals but I have a suggestions for you that could make you happy and us the players happy.
    You would want to do this right away.
    Make an Announcement that you will be sending out generous "Thank You Packages" at the end of the event. These packages would be dependent on how many crystals each person have opened up. Let people know ahead of time what the cut offs were for each level of open will get you there. This will push people who may want to get to the next level.
    These "Thank You Packages" would be rank dependent, you have to stop lumping in all TB, Paragon and Valiant in the same group. They are very different players at different levels and have different needs. This reason could possibly why they SBC feel so bad for me.
    I understand you will not make any changes but know that this Grand Banquet is going to go down as a Fail.

    On a side note. Thank you for making a great game that I have loved playing for nearly a decade and will continue to play. Thank you and hopefully there will be another 10 Years of playing this game.
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  • vicmasterrvicmasterr Member Posts: 35
    I think this banquet event has shown how far Kabam is from understanding their community. The focus of the last couple of years has clearly shifted towards monetizing the game, getting the most profit per player, and not to make the game fair and enjoyable for different progression levels. It's not about the skill and knowledge anymore but how much spare money you're ready to waste on this game. Titles are not achiements anymore. Worst banquet event ever Christmas mood is below zero. Favorite game that I've been playing for 6 years seems like an abyss to burn money.

    If we actually hear anything back, I'd be very surprised.
  • LeslieChowLeslieChow Member Posts: 81 ★★

    MCOC Team said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We just wanted to take a moment and address some of the concerns around our Banquet event this year as we see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals in particular.

    We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.

    That being said, we want to make sure the game team sees and hears you, so please leave your constructive feedback on what you’d like to see changed.

    It has been absolutely amazing so far I'm a cavalier player and I got 5 new 7* and 4 6* on rank 4 and pulled Hercules and duped him .
    Screenshots, please ???
  • Meliodas93Meliodas93 Member Posts: 4
    The community need a compensation
  • Henk647384648Henk647384648 Member Posts: 15
    Dear Kabam and Summoners,

    Disappointment you find, where expectations were set.
    In the case of the banquet there are 2 main causes:
    1. Expectations created by Kabam , by what and how they communicated
    2. But also very important: Expectations created by us, the summoners. We always create an image in our head of what we think we are owed, and in this specific case hyping ourselves up because it's a 10 year anniversary.

    I don't think the solution is in "better" or different rewards, but in managing said expectations:
    1. Kabam could try to not fuel hypes too much
    2. We as summoners could try to tone down our entitlement

    I wish you all happiness and good health for the holidays and coming year.
  • HaudraufwienixHaudraufwienix Member Posts: 14
    I hated this specific sig stones! 40 or 70 of them and probably never will get a dup of 1 of 6 champs is disappointing as hell.
    Why they aren’t generics?
  • MusikmenMusikmen Member Posts: 85
    I'm certain this is already shared earlier in the thread, but a review of the drop rates seems prudent. +30% for t6 catalysts seems significantly high given the rest of the options in the crystal. There is enough evidence across the community showing that it is causing crystals to be fairly static in offerings with occasional drops of other items.

    Given this %, it's difficult for Valiants to justify spending any units or money for that resource. When you can get a similar resource in the Battlegrounds store for trophy tokens, there's just no incentive to spend additional on a random chance crystal with awful drop rates.

    I'll agree the realm milestones may be good, though if you're not spending units that won't be a channel to get anything. I like the 'thank you' package idea earlier in the thread as a gesture for the community.
  • TheBroookTheBroook Member Posts: 41
    With how poor the drop rates are, it would have been much better to have gold or iso, then “prize 1” and “prize 2” be the same, so we have the possibility of getting some exciting. Very underwhelming event.
  • Sketch1037Sketch1037 Member Posts: 57
    I raked in rank up materials and 7*s. I'm happy with it. A lot of people in this online community are just way too negative. Be thankful for what you have.
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 390 ★★★
    70 crystals, roughly 16K units for T6CC and handful of 7 star shards. That sums up the entire banquet for me.

    I remember a comment from Kabam Crashed when was asked to choose between cyber deals and Banquet, he pointed out Cyber deals as preferred as that's more guarantee, should have seen the fine line and listen.
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