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  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,095 ★★★★★
    Magura said:

    ArocPart2 said:

    Ive been playing this game for 9 years between 2 different accounts and this is probably the most lackluster banquet I've experienced. I didnt spend huge... maybe 12K units, but I got almost nothing to show for it. I think I got 4500 total 7 star shards.

    I understand not wanting us to outgrow 7* too quickly but the lack of shards was pretty concerning to me. I typically drop 2-3 odins on top of whatever units I have saved up, but definitely will not be this year.

    I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh, but... for 12.000 units you got way more than 4500 7* shards from one of the 3 milestone trees alone. I agree that the crystals are absurdley disappointing, but I feel like some people here let that cloud their judgement of the entire event as they don't factor in the milestones.

    If anyone could rationally explain what the main issue is, I would be extremely happy [This sounds sarcastic, but I truly mean it as many people here criticize many different things for different reasons]. From my point, I spent 14.000 units for those milestones and got many 7*s [Will be a total of 14 I think?], will get a 7* AG crystal and one for the buffed champs, materials for 2 more 7* R3 champs and several 6* R5 ones from the milestones alone. Are the milestones truly an issue here, or is this solely about the crystals? I really want to understand
    I’ll keep it as simple as possible for you. The high majority of the players are upset that the crystals for which we spend 300 units apiece and were promised to contain far less “filler” materials, are almost entirely “filler.” Yes the milestone rewards are nice and attractive but we have to reach them. Because the drop rates for real quality items from these crystals is so poor, fewer and fewer people will continue to spend to reach these milestones you are apparently assuming we will reach. The mad rush of the 1st day pf the event has ended and we have a ways to go to reach these milestones. The community is upset and feels betrayed and lied to and it’s highly likely not motivated to continue to spend their units or additional money to open the crystals to get the milestones you are already counting as “claimed.” I hope we do get there as I too have already blown my wad on this event and qualify for all the good stuff in the Realm rewards. But I’m not sure we’ll get it done. Hope that clears things up for you as to what most people seem to be upset about with this.
    Okay, I can get behind that. Still, I think the outrage is far too massive considering that you get from the solo and alliance milestones alone. But I agree that the crystals should be better
    As you’ve spent 14k, you’re able to benefit from future rewards through Realm milestones, which offer better compensation. The crystal rewards (or chances, I’d say) are quite poor overall. Personally, I’ve spent around 6.5k–7k coupons, and all I’ve gotten are crystals with terrible drops, alongside rather disappointing realm and personal milestone rewards.

    That said, the future Realm rewards you’ll receive aren’t just because of your 14k spend, but also because of contributions from players like me—and thousands of others—who’ve spent smaller amounts. My question is: why can’t I also receive something meaningful, especially when the event wasn’t designed well?

    I feel undervalued by Kabam simply because I’ve spent less than others. It seems like they don’t care about players like me, nor about fair compensation or better balancing in events.
    Totally agree with this. I spent over 15k of units so will get the ‘buffed rewards’ but the crystals were rubbish for everyone who purchased them, including those who haven’t purchased enough to reach those milestones. They don’t matter less because they spent less, and there contribution still helps the overall total. Kabam really needs to rethink all of this.
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 911 ★★★
    Go ahead and open the community rewards 100% to everyone. Buff the beginning levels as well asap that people have unlocked and give people rewards always more than what they could have got otherwise from 300 units....and not just iso and gold.

    Drop a calendar today that rewards 3 sbq every day until Jan 2nd and a omega/specialselector for Christmas.
  • Corby11Corby11 Member Posts: 185 ★★
    10 x 7* for free to everyone and then nothing but rubbish for the vast majority of the people willing to spend. 🤔. Just echoing others thoughts here but not much point adding a bit more to higher milestones that you have to buy disappointing crystals to get. Much better to add some more 7* shards to milestones lower down as well so that people who have already spent can get some return and double the number of milestones in alliance event so that the alliances who have already spent enough to blow the current ones out of the water twice over can pick up some compensation in terms of ££ already spent.

    All this said, in fairness it is the weekend, maybe come normal business hours they can offer a better solution than the one already on the table.
  • BionixBionix Member Posts: 1
    kabam I really enjoy playing his last times, but your banquet is really disappointing, I save practically 9k unité without having anything interesting obviously, but the I see you have added rewards up milestones which is really stupid
  • Cerberus1905Cerberus1905 Member Posts: 10
    @mcoc team, Bought an Odin expecting a Gifted Guardian Key just like it says in game. No key & no offer to make it right. When the game team says something is available they should make sure the product is actually for sale
  • LuigihulksmasherLuigihulksmasher Member Posts: 92 ★★
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  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,673 ★★★★★
    So as just got back from being mia im still not happy about the updated realm rewards as if i could go back and know how bad these were i wouldnt of spent even 15k units, as the 2 7s and 7 nexus doesnt help put out the fire from horrible drop rates, like it should of been looked at more and more discussions with us on what to add than this, as in no way does it fix the mess as u could of gotten unlucky in whatever units it costs for this and these are ur only 7s plus the shard 7s which isnt a lot at all and it just puts more salt on the wound.
  • LaurcenLaurcen Member Posts: 22
    disappointment doesn't even come close to describe it. would've been fine if it wasn't hyped up so much for months. This is supposed to be the 10 year anniversary for crying out loud.
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 573 ★★★

    I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars each year on this game.... Being a software developer myself,...
    For the first time, I genuinely wanted a refund. This is coming from someone who spent $7,000 on Dazzler and Isophyne crystals.

    Wow $7000 for 2 7* really!? Don't boast that much, bro, my income in an entire year (for real food and log in living on this earth) can't even reach that much 😂 with tens of thousands of dollars each year, you should have shares in Kabam and get profits for that amount 🙄 no need to boast that hard, your contributed comment will be listened like spending tens of dollars like me anyway 😂
  • LaurcenLaurcen Member Posts: 22

    Stop lumping Valiants in with TB and lower players. Rewards that apply to them do not apply to us and what applies to us isn't for them.

    End-game players are literally the people keeping the game alive. Stop screwing us over.

    this is by far the biggest issue with the event.
  • Supersha7Supersha7 Member Posts: 325 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    Gah my post messed up. So redoing it lol

    Simple solution.

    Make the superior banquet crystals like the super daily event.

    The super daily design was so good. They should have just ported it directly over to banquet.

    All sbc are 300 units. Which one will you discover….

    Each crystal has a choice of 3 rewards. Choose 1 of 3 options to claim.

    1% ultra rare rank up sbc found - contain t7b 5% or 1t4a or 8 x t6cc selector
    5% rare rank up sbc found - contains 2% t7b, 50% t4a, 4 x t6cc selector
    10% semi rare rank up sbc found - contains 1% t7b, 25% t4a, 2 x t6cc selector
    34% common rank up sbc found - 10% t4, 1 t6cc selector, (combined 3xt6b and 3xt3a)

    1% ultra rare hero and sig stone sbc - 1 x titan nexus, 2 x 7 star crystal, 40 x generic
    5% rare - 10k titan shards, 20k 7 star shards, 25 sig stones random
    10% semi rare - 5k titan shards, 10k 7 star shards, 12 sig stones random
    34% common - 2k titan shards, 5k 7 star shards, 6 sig stones
  • Supersha7Supersha7 Member Posts: 325 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    Or could even have 2 sbc.

    A hero sbc and a rank up sbc. So people have even more control over what they want to get.

    With the example above,

    Hero sbc - guaranteed option of either titan shards, 7 star shards, sig stones at every opening.

    Rank up sbc -

    guaranteed option of t7b for semi rare and above
    Guaranteed option of t4a for all rarities
    Guaranteed option of t6cc for all rarities

    So you could go for t4a, by choosing the rank up sbc, and just click on t4a all the time.
    Or buy the hero sbc, and just get sig stones every time.etc etc

    Choice is yours completely,
  • tonemonkeytonemonkey Member Posts: 59
    I don't like events where rewards are based on community participation, and especially when that participation involves spending. It feels like a group project in school. The realm milestones are creeping up at this point, and I'm concerned that we're going to plateau pretty soon. Any chance those of us who popped enough crystals to max out our realm points will get the rewards anyway? I'm at 26,400 points out of 25,574, so should get all of that.
  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,179 ★★★★
    edited December 2024
    As a spender (not a whale but a high end dolphin) i have been very underwhelmed by the turn out. I believe I saved enough for 54 crystals and 1% of a new material seems silly to me. Plus just getting mostly small amounts of material shards that are definitely not worth 10 dollars a pop feels really bad. The gold is good. But I'm at 770,000,000 gold. I realize that's not a common situation but I spent most of my 10 year tenure not using much gold and i always go for gold pools and arena crystals(i still haven't pulled that 6* trophy chump or punisher). Either way. While it's very nice for ftp and low spending players that it takes almost nothing to hit max milestones, there isnt much incentive after you get the deathless piece. The drop rates and shards (or two sig stones? Really?) Just don't make it worth opening. And at 30k realm participation I've pulled literally zero keys, zero champ selectors, zero trophy champs. While I don't expect a Jessica Jones year one I definitely expected slightly better 7* basic shards or titans or even selectors. It's just supremely underwhelming and without the realm event and she hulk piece I doubt I'd have any interest in it beyond the reworked champ rewards which we got two guaranteed keys of and then nothing (3 if we get the realm there)
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