WAIT...... Glory store Revives for summoner appreciation in the glory store. For real? Not really

So we get this nice email from the game team stating that there will be a summoner appreciation event starting today and that Revives for AQ/AW would be available in the Glory store permanently but wait for it......... it's only a level 1 which gives your champs a incredible 350 health and........ you can only purchase 1 per week with glory. I'm sorry you really can't make this up. This is like a middle finger to the entire player base on so many levels. What a way to appreciate your customer base.
Bravo Bravo Bravo!!!!
Bravo Bravo Bravo!!!!
Sorry that you're not a fan of the way this is implemented, but perhaps you guys can give us some constructive criticisms and ideas on how it can be improved. Simply saying "This sucks, I hate this" doesn't give us much to work with and doesn't help things improve.
If you have some suggestions for Revives in the Glory Store, we'd be happy to hear them.
It would also be beneficial to be able to purchase more than one per week.
Im like we now Can Buy Them But when it only one pair week it like we dont doing alot and it is 325 life like one say Berfor me it one blok hit and you dead it hard to keep slow But im alredy Got a warring so. Im dont wont to break ruls aging. But from me like chacnge. But only one pair week it not enuget.
I would bet a weeks pay that there is not ONE person that can muster up any sort of hype from a revive that gives 350 health....tbh those shouldn't even exist...and should be redesigned to give more health (all the revives need scaled up)...
Was a bit too pissed to give constructive criticism at first, sorry for that.
1. For that glory price I think a lvl 2 revive would be more appropriate, given how rare revives already are.
2. Don't make it 1 per 8 days, rather 5 per 8 days or 1 per day.
3. Add SINGLE revives, a lvl 2 single revive for... 160 glory? Does that sound fair?
Something like this wouldn't piss off as many players Miike. I don't know if you can do #3, but the first 2 would be a good thing.
5/5 available
add in
3 levels of revives
going up in glory price
5/5 at say 325
5/5 at say 500
5/5 at say 650
I'd truly love to really know what kind of leveled players the Kabam people are. It really seems as if everyone over there is so out of touch with what really is. If you guys want constructive feedback from your player base, as you just mentioned, then turn to your top rated/high prestige players, & listen to what we've been saying for a few years already...
Constructive idea: make the game normal so you don't have to think about atuff like this. Level 1 revives do nothing, at any level. 4* gems, 5* gems, 5* shards, 4-5* sigs. Literally anything other than lvl 1 revive. And literally is a better price than what you suggested. Do ypu people think we're made of glory and units, what?
And why have you made yourself unmentionable on the forum? Is that the transparency that was stated in old forums?
With a month+ worth of bugs the player base shouldn't have to use their resources to get back what they spent to overcome the flaws within the game.
The unit store deals are garbage; $150 for 1 t4b is absurd. Constructive feed back, that is too much for t4b, when in the past that they have been sold for far less.
Level 1 alliance revives are a complete waste. Constructive feedback, alliance revives/pots should be sold half off through out June.
Imo, this shows the game team put little thought into showing the player base any appreciation.
Thanks for the gold realm though....
I think a good way to put alliance revives in glory store is to have a limit of 3 per 48 hrs since many alliance can run war and map 5 within that time period i'd say thats about the average revive use within 2 days
Change revives.
Not enough health for level 60 summoners with champs at 18K health.
Hey Guys,
Sorry that you're not a fan of the way this is implemented, but perhaps you guys can give us some constructive criticisms and ideas on how it can be improved. Simply saying "This sucks, I hate this" doesn't give us much to work with and doesn't help things improve.
If you have some suggestions for Revives in the Glory Store, we'd be happy to hear them.
Really, you guys need constructive criticism on this fantastic Idea. A group of baboons could give all the imput you need. I feel like you never even play this game. Any player over 200k rating knows what a joke these are:
1: Go back to pre 12.0 ( I know never going to happen, although that was the best part of this game in the 2 years I've played it.)
2: 5/5 level 2 revives for 280 glory would at least been a bone
3: How about more 4* arena bonuses like the 2x and 3x.
4: Increase ways to obtain t2a other than dropping a mortgage payment on LOL
5: If you are going to give XP bonus then it's time to take up max level to 70 and allow us to get more mastery.
@Kabam Miike
EDIT: add quotation marks (") before Kabam and after Miike. His username won't show up in list of suggestions/matches but you can tag him this way
Hehe.. What he said. I agree 100%. But generic.. Too rare. Make it a class Awakening gem like the 12.0 compensations.
This point is huge. Truly needed at this point.
How about use the same limits and time refresh as other potions? Or at the very least one or the other. One per aq? I'm guessing the logic behind that is we used to get that in the milestone. But we never used to get level 4 singles in the milestones so I don't quite get the point. At times it seems you guys are hell bent on taking away people's ability to play for free at a certain level even though every attempt seems to have back fired and actually hurt profitability. Maybe that's just outside looking in.
As far as price a level 4 single health is 100 units and costs 260 glory(first buy). A level 2 revive is 180 units so you guys are putting the value of level 1 just over 100 units. It's not a bargain but as far as in game purchases it seems on scale. For me personally the pricing seems fair enough. Let's just expand that purchase to five or have it refresh daily and I think most people will be happy.
XP boost is really good for us, the players who've only started playing few months ago.