Banquet Rewards Expiration time?

How long will the banquet rewards stay unclaimed? Unfortunately the Superior Banquet Crystals this year over-flowed me with way too many T4 Alphas and not enough T3 Alphas. So I ended up with like 3 of the T4’s in overflow. I have more in the realm banquet rewards yet to be claimed. Wondering how long do I have to claim them before they expire? Till the end of the event? 3 days after?… sucks that we can only keep 6 of them at a time.
If the event ends and they’re still in your stash, you have until the timer on the stash expires.
The 2x “IF's” were not “IF's”, they were for you to look at your own account, and compare the timers.
If you were asking “when event ends, does any unclaimed milestones get a *NEW* Stash Timer ?” Then no. They continue on the same Stash Timer as had begun at the moment you were eligible to claim each of those individual Milestones.
If you reached a Milestone very early on, then the Stash Timer for it will be expiring before Banquet Ends. But in that case, you still have up to the time the Banquet Milestones end in which to claim them from your Events lists.
If you reach a Milestone very late (like, still haven’t reached one, but will maybe the day before, or day of, Banquet ending), then obviously the Stash timer will be the longer reaching one, and can still claim it from Stash Rewards even after the Banquet Event ends.
**Of course, when you claim the Milestone (from either Event, or from Stash), the ITEM itself (ie, the Catalyst) will then have it's own separate STASH - CAT timer that will begin when you claim the milestone. (for all those Cats that you are already at Max).