Help me decide on my 7 Star Science awakening gem

I pulled a Science 7 star awakening gem.
Endgame player - focused on BGs, content, and fun.
I can use it on Luke Cage, Thing, or Jessica (unsure how much she needs it).
Luke is obvious for offense while Thing and JJ would be for defense.
I could put 140 signature stones in the champion so it could be very helpful.
Endgame player - focused on BGs, content, and fun.
I can use it on Luke Cage, Thing, or Jessica (unsure how much she needs it).
Luke is obvious for offense while Thing and JJ would be for defense.
I could put 140 signature stones in the champion so it could be very helpful.
Help me decide on my 7 Star Science awakening gem 29 votes
I’m doing Carina’s number 5 next weekend and if I pull a science gem I’m certainly using it on Nuke.
Awakening Thing and taking him to sig 141 could be a solid choice if you're looking for a tanky defender and want to make the entire Battlerealm hate you. I think that's a great choice, both in terms of who to use your AG on and who to use your sig stones on.
As for Luke, he would probably be my pick. I don't necessarily think he needs all of the sig stones, but that initial awakening is really nice. Being able to just tank a special attack is a fantastic piece of utility. Plus, he's a very good champ nowadays so it's not as wasted on him as it was previously.
So I think either Thing or Luke would be my choice. I can't really pick one or the other - it entirely depends on whether you want an attacker or a defender, since both do a great job in one category but absolutely sucks in the other.
Then again, you will not awaken Jessica for a very long time unless you use the gem on her, whereas both Luke and Thing are in the basic pool by now. So if you really do like Jessica and you want to use her in questing, that might be an option. But don't do it because you think it'll make her a tougher defender, because it most certainly will not.