Okay just so you know the head of data frequents this website often and can call you out on ANY lies about your account. Their name is kabam crashed. Have you done necro recently, yes or no. When was the last time you did necro. Did you cheat? Person defending op, if you know he cheated stop defending him. It won't be a good look when the truth comes out. Just so you, crashed one time revealed the specific champs someone used to do a quest and how fast they did it, showing they were cheating. He can see EVERYTHING. Lying is literally pointless. You cannot convince kabam to give your account back through lying. However if you tell the truth RIGHT NOW, I will put in a good word with kabam about maybe getting your account back. You have to admit it in the next couple of hours though or my offer drops. EVERYONE else here will verify that I have enough power with kabam to get your account back. Right guys?
Technically, Crashed is not the head of data. My recollection is Crashed is now head of ordering people to do stuff, a title he humbly granted to himself and no one else was willing to argue with, seeing as how he's the head of ordering people to do stuff. His main job now is to reduce the amount of scaramvling going on, although he's having to chip away at that slowly.
I think he also still runs the game economy in his spare time.
I am actually reading and literally I can't belive my eyes. Let me make 1 thing clear, I NEVER USED CHEATS, no bots no aims no apps nothing whatsoever, that's why we are making a fuss and Onassys is actually being a good friend because we play together and aim to get better everytime, that's why I will never use any kind cheats. I SWEAR I woke in the morning and it was gone. I HAVEN'T DONE ANY NECORPOLIS, but the one line I did in January last year and ai do not understand why this happened. He is worried that it might be something gone wrong and it might happen to him or to the community. I DIDN'T USE ANYTHING. Please understand that this is actually something really bad, I didn’t put money just now, I invested a whole lot more, not to mention the time, the annoying fights with my wife because of it. It came crushing down on me. I am not just saying that I didn't cheat, I really haven't.
I am actually reading and literally I can't belive my eyes. Let me make 1 thing clear, I NEVER USED CHEATS, no bots no aims no apps nothing whatsoever, that's why we are making a fuss and Onassys is actually being a good friend because we play together and aim to get better everytime, that's why I will never use any kind cheats. I SWEAR I woke in the morning and it was gone. I HAVEN'T DONE ANY NECORPOLIS, but the one line I did in January last year and ai do not understand why this happened. He is worried that it might be something gone wrong and it might happen to him or to the community. I DIDN'T USE ANYTHING. Please understand that this is actually something really bad, I didn’t put money just now, I invested a whole lot more, not to mention the time, the annoying fights with my wife because of it. It came crushing down on me. I am not just saying that I didn't cheat, I really haven't.
But u did do necro as ur email report says cheating in necro and literally necro has a insane success rate of true bans
@DNA3000 you are right, and if something what I did was wrong, I would like to know what it is, because I always obeyed the rules of how I knew them, I could be wrong and did something stupid ( something is highly impossible) or I don't know, but I would like to know what it is. If I am the stupid one I will take my fault and apologise to everybody, but from where I am standing and how good it was for me this past 10 years, I don't see that happening. I have many faults, just this 1 was not one of them.
It's just what happened and he just got banned 2 days a go and he bloody spent nearly £ 500 or more on banquet 2. He is devastated and I my self for him as he isn't stupid to do something like that to himself.
1. Virtually everyone who says they were banned unfairly were banned for doing something obviously stupid. Unfair bans are extremely rare.
2. This is not a sentence I thought I would ever have to write on the forums but:
- Nobody gets banned for playing in Mexico.
3. Cheaters also lie. It is in the job description.
4. The last person who came to the forums to say they would never do something stupid to their own account promptly posted a screenshot of them using a modded game client to try to prove they were unfairly banned.
5. If it was a Necropolis ban, my guess is your friend falls into the category of either a) not understanding what a human-like Necropolis run looks like, or b) decided to hire a merc who is equally ignorant of the capabilities of humanity.
6. Crashed has yet to disappoint me when it comes to "oh yeah, that was totally a for realsies completely fair Necro run." The Necro telemetry probably indicates the enemies in Necropolis just happened to forget their were NPCs in a video game that day and left mannequins in their place while they went out for a couple drinks.
Again, if this comes as he really cheated my trust will be forever lost. I trust him with my life and I don't want to be disappointed by my best friend even if is just over a game . The truth always comes out to the light .
If Kabam Crached says officially he is a cheater then I have to say to him to F off for he's lies !
@Bendy yes I did do it 1 time last year in January that's all and it took me 5 days to get threw it because I was in Mexic and my wife was going mental on me.
I am actually reading and literally I can't belive my eyes. Let me make 1 thing clear, I NEVER USED CHEATS, no bots no aims no apps nothing whatsoever, that's why we are making a fuss and Onassys is actually being a good friend because we play together and aim to get better everytime, that's why I will never use any kind cheats. I SWEAR I woke in the morning and it was gone. I HAVEN'T DONE ANY NECORPOLIS, but the one line I did in January last year and ai do not understand why this happened. He is worried that it might be something gone wrong and it might happen to him or to the community. I DIDN'T USE ANYTHING. Please understand that this is actually something really bad, I didn’t put money just now, I invested a whole lot more, not to mention the time, the annoying fights with my wife because of it. It came crushing down on me. I am not just saying that I didn't cheat, I really haven't.
Funny that’s you two never online at the same time but could be it the same account
@Gamer if you check now properly you might see it different, as it was answers in the same time. We are not trying to screw the community, me, I am looking for help and support that was it.
@Gamer if you check now properly you might see it different, as it was answers in the same time. We are not trying to screw the community, me, I am looking for help and support that was it.
@Gamer if you check now properly you might see it different, as it was answers in the same time. We are not trying to screw the community, me, I am looking for help and support that was it.
@DNA3000 you are right, and if something what I did was wrong, I would like to know what it is, because I always obeyed the rules of how I knew them, I could be wrong and did something stupid ( something is highly impossible) or I don't know, but I would like to know what it is. If I am the stupid one I will take my fault and apologise to everybody, but from where I am standing and how good it was for me this past 10 years, I don't see that happening. I have many faults, just this 1 was not one of them.
If you are one of the extremely tiny minority of players that somehow got banned errantly that’s unfortunate and I’m sure when Crashed digs deeper they’ll find something.
The problem is far too many people say exactly what you’re saying now with a straight face and then are proven to have been not just likely cheating, but so obviously cheating that they would be breaking the laws of physics if they did what they claimed honestly. This has made most of the player community highly skeptical. And I say that as one of the very few players that takes every claim seriously, and helped players appeal bans when I thought there was actually something there to appeal.
If I had bet on every person claiming to have been unfairly banned being lying, I would be regretting the two or three times I was wrong from my private jet on the way to my winter home in Monaco.
It's just what happened and he just got banned 2 days a go and he bloody spent nearly £ 500 or more on banquet 2. He is devastated and I my self for him as he isn't stupid to do something like that to himself.
1. Virtually everyone who says they were banned unfairly were banned for doing something obviously stupid. Unfair bans are extremely rare.
2. This is not a sentence I thought I would ever have to write on the forums but:
- Nobody gets banned for playing in Mexico.
3. Cheaters also lie. It is in the job description.
4. The last person who came to the forums to say they would never do something stupid to their own account promptly posted a screenshot of them using a modded game client to try to prove they were unfairly banned.
5. If it was a Necropolis ban, my guess is your friend falls into the category of either a) not understanding what a human-like Necropolis run looks like, or b) decided to hire a merc who is equally ignorant of the capabilities of humanity.
6. Crashed has yet to disappoint me when it comes to "oh yeah, that was totally a for realsies completely fair Necro run." The Necro telemetry probably indicates the enemies in Necropolis just happened to forget their were NPCs in a video game that day and left mannequins in their place while they went out for a couple drinks.
Again, if this comes as he really cheated my trust will be forever lost. I trust him with my life and I don't want to be disappointed by my best friend even if is just over a game . The truth always comes out to the light .
If Kabam Crached says officially he is a cheater then I have to say to him to F off for he's lies !
@DNA3000 you are right, and if something what I did was wrong, I would like to know what it is, because I always obeyed the rules of how I knew them, I could be wrong and did something stupid ( something is highly impossible) or I don't know, but I would like to know what it is. If I am the stupid one I will take my fault and apologise to everybody, but from where I am standing and how good it was for me this past 10 years, I don't see that happening. I have many faults, just this 1 was not one of them.
If you are one of the extremely tiny minority of players that somehow got banned errantly that’s unfortunate and I’m sure when Crashed digs deeper they’ll find something.
The problem is far too many people say exactly what you’re saying now with a straight face and then are proven to have been not just likely cheating, but so obviously cheating that they would be breaking the laws of physics if they did what they claimed honestly. This has made most of the player community highly skeptical. And I say that as one of the very few players that takes every claim seriously, and helped players appeal bans when I thought there was actually something there to appeal.
If I had bet on every person claiming to have been unfairly banned being lying, I would be regretting the two or three times I was wrong from my private jet on the way to my winter home in Monaco.
Even to the end when kabam crashed gave data on the bans the people still kept lying
And why are you so convinced that your friend was banned for his Necro path done a year ago?
Because that's what they tell him ,and he hasn't touched that quest since then and also wanted to do the new challenges to get the piece for she-hulk
See not painting the whole picture so the ban has something to do with she hulk piece in necro challenges thats why hes banned
Lol, he wanted to do it in the future you little noob he hasn't had the chance 🤣.
Right yet he got banned in necro weird that again he hasnt told u the full story
I hope from the bottom of my heart this is just a bloody misunderstanding and people will understand finally that it was just a legit mistake he's bann . Nothing alse to say as this will go on forever and it won't help .
Yet necro ban system has a 100% rate of not being false
You are fully confident that a A.I system dosent make mistakes ? I'm just wondering 🤔 ,coz if that's the case you are definitely delusional mate .
Oh my god it’s smdam, I was wondering why you weren’t in this thread at all
And why are you so convinced that your friend was banned for his Necro path done a year ago?
Because that's what they tell him ,and he hasn't touched that quest since then and also wanted to do the new challenges to get the piece for she-hulk
See not painting the whole picture so the ban has something to do with she hulk piece in necro challenges thats why hes banned
Lol, he wanted to do it in the future you little noob he hasn't had the chance 🤣.
Right yet he got banned in necro weird that again he hasnt told u the full story
I hope from the bottom of my heart this is just a bloody misunderstanding and people will understand finally that it was just a legit mistake he's bann . Nothing alse to say as this will go on forever and it won't help .
Yet necro ban system has a 100% rate of not being false
You are fully confident that a A.I system dosent make mistakes ? I'm just wondering 🤔 ,coz if that's the case you are definitely delusional mate .
Oh my god it’s smdam, I was wondering why you weren’t in this thread at all
And why are you so convinced that your friend was banned for his Necro path done a year ago?
Because that's what they tell him ,and he hasn't touched that quest since then and also wanted to do the new challenges to get the piece for she-hulk
See not painting the whole picture so the ban has something to do with she hulk piece in necro challenges thats why hes banned
Lol, he wanted to do it in the future you little noob he hasn't had the chance 🤣.
Right yet he got banned in necro weird that again he hasnt told u the full story
I hope from the bottom of my heart this is just a bloody misunderstanding and people will understand finally that it was just a legit mistake he's bann . Nothing alse to say as this will go on forever and it won't help .
Yet necro ban system has a 100% rate of not being false
You are fully confident that a A.I system dosent make mistakes ? I'm just wondering 🤔 ,coz if that's the case you are definitely delusional mate .
Oh my god it’s smdam, I was wondering why you weren’t in this thread at all
Imagine the true smdam joins in need him to chime in on his thoughts
You are fully confident that a A.I system dosent make mistakes ? I'm just wondering 🤔 ,coz if that's the case you are definitely delusional mate .
Whether this is something you’re doing or not, I wonder if many people who challenge bans believe there’s some inscrutable AI monitoring game play and banning players with no way for the devs to understand what’s going on, so they can simply push back until the devs cave in.
Nothing of the kind happens in MCOC as far as I’m aware, and I’m aware of quite a bit. Necropolis in particular contains a lot more telemetry that informs the game servers of what’s going on, and those logs are constantly reviewed to find essentially impossible or highly suspicious things. Suspicious activity gets reviewed by the anti cheat team. Blatantly impossible things trigger an automatic permanent ban.
There’s no “AI” guesstimating cheating activity, at least none ever mentioned to me in all my discussions related to cheating. I doubt if Kabam would autoban on the basis of an AI driven determination alone. The only times autobans accidentally triggered incorrectly was when players found ways to do what had been previously considered impossible (Cantona’s speed runs, for example). For that to happen in Necropolis would require the player to either stumble across a huge bug no one else ever has, over and over again, or be so good so as to surpass the performance of the best players in the game who’ve practiced Necro fights dozens or hundreds of times.
The devs know Necropolis is going to attract the best of the best of the best. So the anti cheat algorithms in there specifically aren’t just looking for superhuman performance, they are looking for cosmically impossible performance. I don’t know what the specific criteria they are looking for is, but every time a player has appealed a ban publicly the result was performance not anywhere near the realm of the remotely possible. Many cases involve performance that would not even be possible with a bot capable of playing perfectly.
You are fully confident that a A.I system dosent make mistakes ? I'm just wondering 🤔 ,coz if that's the case you are definitely delusional mate .
Whether this is something you’re doing or not, I wonder if many people who challenge bans believe there’s some inscrutable AI monitoring game play and banning players with no way for the devs to understand what’s going on, so they can simply push back until the devs cave in.
Nothing of the kind happens in MCOC as far as I’m aware, and I’m aware of quite a bit. Necropolis in particular contains a lot more telemetry that informs the game servers of what’s going on, and those logs are constantly reviewed to find essentially impossible or highly suspicious things. Suspicious activity gets reviewed by the anti cheat team. Blatantly impossible things trigger an automatic permanent ban.
There’s no “AI” guesstimating cheating activity, at least none ever mentioned to me in all my discussions related to cheating. I doubt if Kabam would autoban on the basis of an AI driven determination alone. The only times autobans accidentally triggered incorrectly was when players found ways to do what had been previously considered impossible (Cantona’s speed runs, for example). For that to happen in Necropolis would require the player to either stumble across a huge bug no one else ever has, over and over again, or be so good so as to surpass the performance of the best players in the game who’ve practiced Necro fights dozens or hundreds of times.
The devs know Necropolis is going to attract the best of the best of the best. So the anti cheat algorithms in there specifically aren’t just looking for superhuman performance, they are looking for cosmically impossible performance. I don’t know what the specific criteria they are looking for is, but every time a player has appealed a ban publicly the result was performance not anywhere near the realm of the remotely possible. Many cases involve performance that would not even be possible with a bot capable of playing perfectly.
Exactly like soloing necro with 2 stars in 1 minute. You didn't happen to solo necro with 2 stars in one minute did you op?
I am actually reading and literally I can't belive my eyes. Let me make 1 thing clear, I NEVER USED CHEATS, no bots no aims no apps nothing whatsoever, that's why we are making a fuss and Onassys is actually being a good friend because we play together and aim to get better everytime, that's why I will never use any kind cheats. I SWEAR I woke in the morning and it was gone. I HAVEN'T DONE ANY NECORPOLIS, but the one line I did in January last year and ai do not understand why this happened. He is worried that it might be something gone wrong and it might happen to him or to the community. I DIDN'T USE ANYTHING. Please understand that this is actually something really bad, I didn’t put money just now, I invested a whole lot more, not to mention the time, the annoying fights with my wife because of it. It came crushing down on me. I am not just saying that I didn't cheat, I really haven't.
Funny that’s you two never online at the same time but could be it the same account
Funny is in it 🤣 is just a bloody mystery 🤣 we are never online ,oh I forgot you have no life that's why !
I am actually reading and literally I can't belive my eyes. Let me make 1 thing clear, I NEVER USED CHEATS, no bots no aims no apps nothing whatsoever, that's why we are making a fuss and Onassys is actually being a good friend because we play together and aim to get better everytime, that's why I will never use any kind cheats. I SWEAR I woke in the morning and it was gone. I HAVEN'T DONE ANY NECORPOLIS, but the one line I did in January last year and ai do not understand why this happened. He is worried that it might be something gone wrong and it might happen to him or to the community. I DIDN'T USE ANYTHING. Please understand that this is actually something really bad, I didn’t put money just now, I invested a whole lot more, not to mention the time, the annoying fights with my wife because of it. It came crushing down on me. I am not just saying that I didn't cheat, I really haven't.
Funny that’s you two never online at the same time but could be it the same account
Funny is in it 🤣 is just a bloody mystery 🤣 we are never online ,oh I forgot you have no life that's why !
So many wonky people around!
Nah we are more forum detectives when comes to forum accounts and bans as u only allowed one forum account
They do not do late bans ever in these sorts of scenarios, he has most definitely cheated during these new carinas challenges and making you a sheep of his to get him out the situation.
I am actually reading and literally I can't belive my eyes. Let me make 1 thing clear, I NEVER USED CHEATS, no bots no aims no apps nothing whatsoever, that's why we are making a fuss and Onassys is actually being a good friend because we play together and aim to get better everytime, that's why I will never use any kind cheats. I SWEAR I woke in the morning and it was gone. I HAVEN'T DONE ANY NECORPOLIS, but the one line I did in January last year and ai do not understand why this happened. He is worried that it might be something gone wrong and it might happen to him or to the community. I DIDN'T USE ANYTHING. Please understand that this is actually something really bad, I didn’t put money just now, I invested a whole lot more, not to mention the time, the annoying fights with my wife because of it. It came crushing down on me. I am not just saying that I didn't cheat, I really haven't.
Funny that’s you two never online at the same time but could be it the same account
Funny is in it 🤣 is just a bloody mystery 🤣 we are never online ,oh I forgot you have no life that's why !
So many wonky people around!
Nah we are more forum detectives when comes to forum accounts and bans as u only allowed one forum account
Let's do one better .....check this in game name, Cristallayzer and go further and investigate on to the alliance where my friend is 2 . Ask the alliance Leader if this ls one and the same person on the forums,If you are so doubted . And stop making allegations you knoob!
I am actually reading and literally I can't belive my eyes. Let me make 1 thing clear, I NEVER USED CHEATS, no bots no aims no apps nothing whatsoever, that's why we are making a fuss and Onassys is actually being a good friend because we play together and aim to get better everytime, that's why I will never use any kind cheats. I SWEAR I woke in the morning and it was gone. I HAVEN'T DONE ANY NECORPOLIS, but the one line I did in January last year and ai do not understand why this happened. He is worried that it might be something gone wrong and it might happen to him or to the community. I DIDN'T USE ANYTHING. Please understand that this is actually something really bad, I didn’t put money just now, I invested a whole lot more, not to mention the time, the annoying fights with my wife because of it. It came crushing down on me. I am not just saying that I didn't cheat, I really haven't.
Funny that’s you two never online at the same time but could be it the same account
Funny is in it 🤣 is just a bloody mystery 🤣 we are never online ,oh I forgot you have no life that's why !
So many wonky people around!
Nah we are more forum detectives when comes to forum accounts and bans as u only allowed one forum account
Let's do one better .....check this in game name, Cristallayzer and go further and investigate on to the alliance where my friend is 2 . Ask the alliance Leader if this ls one and the same person on the forums,If you are so doubted . And stop making allegations you knoob!
Keep acting like that u will get a forum ban and u and the alliance is being lied to by someone that cheated
I am actually reading and literally I can't belive my eyes. Let me make 1 thing clear, I NEVER USED CHEATS, no bots no aims no apps nothing whatsoever, that's why we are making a fuss and Onassys is actually being a good friend because we play together and aim to get better everytime, that's why I will never use any kind cheats. I SWEAR I woke in the morning and it was gone. I HAVEN'T DONE ANY NECORPOLIS, but the one line I did in January last year and ai do not understand why this happened. He is worried that it might be something gone wrong and it might happen to him or to the community. I DIDN'T USE ANYTHING. Please understand that this is actually something really bad, I didn’t put money just now, I invested a whole lot more, not to mention the time, the annoying fights with my wife because of it. It came crushing down on me. I am not just saying that I didn't cheat, I really haven't.
Funny that’s you two never online at the same time but could be it the same account
Funny is in it 🤣 is just a bloody mystery 🤣 we are never online ,oh I forgot you have no life that's why !
So many wonky people around!
Nah we are more forum detectives when comes to forum accounts and bans as u only allowed one forum account
Let's do one better .....check this in game name, Cristallayzer and go further and investigate on to the alliance where my friend is 2 . Ask the alliance Leader if this ls one and the same person on the forums,If you are so doubted . And stop making allegations you knoob!
I am actually reading and literally I can't belive my eyes. Let me make 1 thing clear, I NEVER USED CHEATS, no bots no aims no apps nothing whatsoever, that's why we are making a fuss and Onassys is actually being a good friend because we play together and aim to get better everytime, that's why I will never use any kind cheats. I SWEAR I woke in the morning and it was gone. I HAVEN'T DONE ANY NECORPOLIS, but the one line I did in January last year and ai do not understand why this happened. He is worried that it might be something gone wrong and it might happen to him or to the community. I DIDN'T USE ANYTHING. Please understand that this is actually something really bad, I didn’t put money just now, I invested a whole lot more, not to mention the time, the annoying fights with my wife because of it. It came crushing down on me. I am not just saying that I didn't cheat, I really haven't.
Funny that’s you two never online at the same time but could be it the same account
Funny is in it 🤣 is just a bloody mystery 🤣 we are never online ,oh I forgot you have no life that's why !
So many wonky people around!
Nah we are more forum detectives when comes to forum accounts and bans as u only allowed one forum account
Let's do one better .....check this in game name, Cristallayzer and go further and investigate on to the alliance where my friend is 2 . Ask the alliance Leader if this ls one and the same person on the forums,If you are so doubted . And stop making allegations you knoob!
Also do u know how easy it is to change accounts very easy u can be multiple people (yes it happened one time where a guy was banned and 3 people in the alliance was actually playing the account), and all the people that played the account is acting just like u are of i know the guy on this forum it was hilarious when crashed confirmed the account had 3 people attached
I am actually reading and literally I can't belive my eyes. Let me make 1 thing clear, I NEVER USED CHEATS, no bots no aims no apps nothing whatsoever, that's why we are making a fuss and Onassys is actually being a good friend because we play together and aim to get better everytime, that's why I will never use any kind cheats. I SWEAR I woke in the morning and it was gone. I HAVEN'T DONE ANY NECORPOLIS, but the one line I did in January last year and ai do not understand why this happened. He is worried that it might be something gone wrong and it might happen to him or to the community. I DIDN'T USE ANYTHING. Please understand that this is actually something really bad, I didn’t put money just now, I invested a whole lot more, not to mention the time, the annoying fights with my wife because of it. It came crushing down on me. I am not just saying that I didn't cheat, I really haven't.
Oi, make sure you write correctly and you don't make grammar mistakes as they will make a big fuss about it 🤣🤣🤣
I am actually reading and literally I can't belive my eyes. Let me make 1 thing clear, I NEVER USED CHEATS, no bots no aims no apps nothing whatsoever, that's why we are making a fuss and Onassys is actually being a good friend because we play together and aim to get better everytime, that's why I will never use any kind cheats. I SWEAR I woke in the morning and it was gone. I HAVEN'T DONE ANY NECORPOLIS, but the one line I did in January last year and ai do not understand why this happened. He is worried that it might be something gone wrong and it might happen to him or to the community. I DIDN'T USE ANYTHING. Please understand that this is actually something really bad, I didn’t put money just now, I invested a whole lot more, not to mention the time, the annoying fights with my wife because of it. It came crushing down on me. I am not just saying that I didn't cheat, I really haven't.
Funny that’s you two never online at the same time but could be it the same account
Funny is in it 🤣 is just a bloody mystery 🤣 we are never online ,oh I forgot you have no life that's why !
So many wonky people around!
Nah we are more forum detectives when comes to forum accounts and bans as u only allowed one forum account
Let's do one better .....check this in game name, Cristallayzer and go further and investigate on to the alliance where my friend is 2 . Ask the alliance Leader if this ls one and the same person on the forums,If you are so doubted . And stop making allegations you knoob!
Also do u know how easy it is to change accounts very easy u can be multiple people (yes it happened one time where a guy was banned and 3 people in the alliance was actually playing the account), and all the people that played the account is acting just like u are of i know the guy on this forum it was hilarious when crashed confirmed the account had 3 people attached
There was someone on forums who acted so badly their in game account got banned and the whole ally got banned because it was all just alts iirc
I am actually reading and literally I can't belive my eyes. Let me make 1 thing clear, I NEVER USED CHEATS, no bots no aims no apps nothing whatsoever, that's why we are making a fuss and Onassys is actually being a good friend because we play together and aim to get better everytime, that's why I will never use any kind cheats. I SWEAR I woke in the morning and it was gone. I HAVEN'T DONE ANY NECORPOLIS, but the one line I did in January last year and ai do not understand why this happened. He is worried that it might be something gone wrong and it might happen to him or to the community. I DIDN'T USE ANYTHING. Please understand that this is actually something really bad, I didn’t put money just now, I invested a whole lot more, not to mention the time, the annoying fights with my wife because of it. It came crushing down on me. I am not just saying that I didn't cheat, I really haven't.
Funny that’s you two never online at the same time but could be it the same account
Funny is in it 🤣 is just a bloody mystery 🤣 we are never online ,oh I forgot you have no life that's why !
So many wonky people around!
Nah we are more forum detectives when comes to forum accounts and bans as u only allowed one forum account
Let's do one better .....check this in game name, Cristallayzer and go further and investigate on to the alliance where my friend is 2 . Ask the alliance Leader if this ls one and the same person on the forums,If you are so doubted . And stop making allegations you knoob!
Also do u know how easy it is to change accounts very easy u can be multiple people (yes it happened one time where a guy was banned and 3 people in the alliance was actually playing the account), and all the people that played the account is acting just like u are of i know the guy on this forum it was hilarious when crashed confirmed the account had 3 people attached
There was someone on forums who acted so badly their in game account got banned and the whole ally got banned because it was all just alts iirc
I think he also still runs the game economy in his spare time.
If Kabam Crached says officially he is a cheater then I have to say to him to F off for he's lies !
The problem is far too many people say exactly what you’re saying now with a straight face and then are proven to have been not just likely cheating, but so obviously cheating that they would be breaking the laws of physics if they did what they claimed honestly. This has made most of the player community highly skeptical. And I say that as one of the very few players that takes every claim seriously, and helped players appeal bans when I thought there was actually something there to appeal.
If I had bet on every person claiming to have been unfairly banned being lying, I would be regretting the two or three times I was wrong from my private jet on the way to my winter home in Monaco.
Nothing of the kind happens in MCOC as far as I’m aware, and I’m aware of quite a bit. Necropolis in particular contains a lot more telemetry that informs the game servers of what’s going on, and those logs are constantly reviewed to find essentially impossible or highly suspicious things. Suspicious activity gets reviewed by the anti cheat team. Blatantly impossible things trigger an automatic permanent ban.
There’s no “AI” guesstimating cheating activity, at least none ever mentioned to me in all my discussions related to cheating. I doubt if Kabam would autoban on the basis of an AI driven determination alone. The only times autobans accidentally triggered incorrectly was when players found ways to do what had been previously considered impossible (Cantona’s speed runs, for example). For that to happen in Necropolis would require the player to either stumble across a huge bug no one else ever has, over and over again, or be so good so as to surpass the performance of the best players in the game who’ve practiced Necro fights dozens or hundreds of times.
The devs know Necropolis is going to attract the best of the best of the best. So the anti cheat algorithms in there specifically aren’t just looking for superhuman performance, they are looking for cosmically impossible performance. I don’t know what the specific criteria they are looking for is, but every time a player has appealed a ban publicly the result was performance not anywhere near the realm of the remotely possible. Many cases involve performance that would not even be possible with a bot capable of playing perfectly.
So many wonky people around!