Deathless Pieces discount?

I was wondering with all this new deathless content coming out is Kabam going to lower the prices to obtain the missing pieces that you need. 5000 units per piece is kind of steep specially if you have to get more than one like I do.. And especially after the whole banquet fiasco that would be really nice of them.
I mean at the rate and at the price that it is, I will never ever be able to do a necropolis run for that Deathless Thanos but if they were to cut the prices, maybe… I need 35k units as of right nowto collect all the deathless characters I need SMH…. I don’t think so, not worth it…or is it?
I mean at the rate and at the price that it is, I will never ever be able to do a necropolis run for that Deathless Thanos but if they were to cut the prices, maybe… I need 35k units as of right nowto collect all the deathless characters I need SMH…. I don’t think so, not worth it…or is it?
X- force doing now that he’s not performing the way they intended…. and the community found a loophole in his rotation…. but when the roles are reversed and the community needs help… crickets. like the guy said everyone’s complaining or whining so it not just me… I don’t mind wasting my units but a little discount here there doesn’t hurt either and you never know unless you ask right…. I guess I’m that guy. FREELOADER🤣🤣🤪😜.
If you want a discount on the deathless, you'll have to wait until late 2025 or early 2026 when they said they would probably have the cheaper way to acquire them for those who missed out. They won't have a discount early so people who put in the effort can enjoy their maidenless thanos for awhile.
Here's an alternative narrative. After the "disaster" of the banquet, are the devs now going to take all the effort players put into the Deathless chase and throw *that* into the toilet by basically handing out those champs to whoever wants them for whatever price they think is fair?
There's this long persistent myth that there are "pro-player" game changes when it comes to rewards. There are no game changes that affects rewards that are a pro-player game change. All reward changes help some players at the expense of others. Even if you just plain give stuff away, you devalue the time and money players spent to acquire those things.
The question is always where you draw the line, and the funny coincidence I've noticed over the past nine years is the person drawing the line always seems to draw it exactly six inches behind them, never a single inch in front of them.
You know what would be unfair? To allow those who missed pieces to get Thanos at the same time as those who put in effort and resources to get every piece
Deathless pieces will now cost 4999 units
The SBC crystals and the banquet realm event which had all the better milestone rewards,was 100% milking event that I’m speaking of…. Ask a FTP player if they feel the same and I’m pretty sure FTP does not mean Fun To Play because that’s not how they feel after this event but that’s neither here or there…xLunatiXx I take it you work for Kabam because of the comment “ we worked hard for your lazy bum to get a discount”… yeah you should work hard. You also probably got a paycheck for working so hard right. Normal more people just called that work I mean if you did it for free I 100% totally understand where you’re coming from but I doubt it. Look you guys did an excellent job putting out the deathless saga stuff 100% hands-down you guys should be compensated for your guys‘s work all I’m saying is 5000 units is a lot for one pice cut that in half 2500 units does that take away from your hard work…. i’m pretty sure the community wouldn’t care because they already have their pieces and the people like us that have to pay to play know we messed up and that’s why we’re paying…. I did not know, but I guess later on in the year they’ll be an opportunity for us to obtain the pieces we needed…look guys I do not like having all this “Smoke” so let’s just. Lower the prices and let everyone get the pieces they need to move forward….🤣😜🤪… I’m just kidding. I know that’s not gonna happen….. and for you guys who put so much hard work into this I appreciate you guys you guys are doing an excellent job and that’s why I play this game
Also, don't take my word "work" literally, we've put many hours this year to chase them. Just wait for your turn in 2026.