JESUSCHRIST said:Arena I finish 3 fights in 1 min
Arena I finish 3 fights in 1 min
Uzzy131004 said: JESUSCHRIST said:Arena I finish 3 fights in 1 min How long would it take to get that amount of units tho
CandyCane2 said:You might want to apply for a credit card if you haven’t already.
You might want to apply for a credit card if you haven’t already.
Uzzy131004 said: CandyCane2 said:You might want to apply for a credit card if you haven’t already. Money to get a king groot piece gtfoh
Uzzy131004 said:I've got 350 units rn and need 4650 units to get last piece for deathless king groot.Any tips to farm units asap
I've got 350 units rn and need 4650 units to get last piece for deathless king groot.Any tips to farm units asap
I finish 3 fights in 1 min
Maybe it would take 2 weeks ?
There's no real way to grind 5k units quickly in general, but if a lot of the non-repeatable (you can only get once) unit sources are still available to you, it is possible to grab a lot of them in a relatively short period of time.
Back issues have also got units if you just want something to autoplay
also... RichTheMan on YT has a good video and spreadsheet for this
Everything in MCOC obeys the Holy Trinity of 3F
If you want something FANTASTIC and FAST in MCOC, it won't be FREE
If you want something FREE and FAST, it won't be FANTASTIC
If you want something FANTASTIC and FREE, it won't be FAST