Can someone help me here with my math ???

LatamayoLatamayo Member Posts: 32
So what's going on here am I thinking crazy or are these numbers crazy and not anywhere near correct???


  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 796 ★★★★
    Percentages in MCoC don't directly translate to numbers in that way, unfortunately.

    You might have something like 450 being 12% but 45000 being 95%

    There is a proper formula AFAIK but I don't know what it is

    However, it is a little odd that the percentages directly add up.
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 806 ★★★★
    Stats have diminishing returns. It’s not a linear scale (i.e. you do not get 10% crit rating for every 200 raw stat gains). As an example:
    Raw stat: actual percentage
    500: 20%
    1000: 33%
    2000: 50%

    8000: 80%
  • LatamayoLatamayo Member Posts: 32
    Squidopus said:

    Stats have diminishing returns. It’s not a linear scale (i.e. you do not get 10% crit rating for every 200 raw stat gains). As an example:
    Raw stat: actual percentage
    500: 20%
    1000: 33%
    2000: 50%
    8000: 80%

    So if this is the case why have numbers or details explaining partially what the numbers are even there for. If it doesn't follow math or logic or any type of common principles we could just be all over the place and it could be just random nonsense for example
    2637: 3%
    346: 15%
    42: 20%
    So I don't know about you but this sure doesn't seem to be reasonable or understandable at all
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 806 ★★★★
    Latamayo said:

    Squidopus said:

    Stats have diminishing returns. It’s not a linear scale (i.e. you do not get 10% crit rating for every 200 raw stat gains). As an example:
    Raw stat: actual percentage
    500: 20%
    1000: 33%
    2000: 50%
    8000: 80%

    So if this is the case why have numbers or details explaining partially what the numbers are even there for. If it doesn't follow math or logic or any type of common principles we could just be all over the place and it could be just random nonsense for example
    2637: 3%
    346: 15%
    42: 20%
    So I don't know about you but this sure doesn't seem to be reasonable or understandable at all
    Because it does follow math and logic. The conversion is just closer to exponential rather than linear. Nothing in your screenshot is lying to you.

    You have a base block proficiency of 3670, which translates to 64.7% reduced damage while blocking. The stat focus adds 1093 block proficiency. Your new stat total is now 4763, which translates to 70.4%, a 5.7% increase. This is all correct information that has been conveyed to you.
  • FeuerschwerFeuerschwer Member Posts: 448 ★★★
    It’s a diminishing returns scale: increasing the flat stat always does increase the percentage, but the higher the stat is the less increase you get from the next point. For example, and not using the exact calculations, say 1000 armor translates to 50% damage reduction. That causes problems once you scale up to 100%, because you’d never take damage. so the way it scales can never hit 100%. Instead the first 1000 gets you to 50%, then adding another 1000 only pushes you to 75%, then the next 1000 increases to 85%… you always benefit from increased armor but the increase slows down the higher the rating is.
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