Strongest Thronebreaker account 😂🤣🤣

Atleast he knows the meaning of throwing money around.
Kinda insane to be a thronebreaker with an r4

So much for we don’t want to “widen” the gap 🤣😂🤣😂
Been valiant couple months after it was released but this is insane.
Kinda insane to be a thronebreaker with an r4

So much for we don’t want to “widen” the gap 🤣😂🤣😂
Been valiant couple months after it was released but this is insane.
Let them, I would wager good money you never meet this guy in BG or AW - and he probably doesn't have the skill to do very well anyway. More money for kabam means a longer shelf life of this game that you seem to enjoy complaining about on forums. Don't name and shame spenders - its bad etqieutte for someone who stops you seeing unskippable ads.
And hey, if I meet him in bg's or AW, sweet! 😎
Or do the buff apply to the other Deadpool versions ? 🤔
I spend myself dude 🤣
I just find it wild that thronebreaker account has an r4 when kabam themselves say they don’t want to widen the gap.
Wouldn’t know if it was never shared. It’s been scared a lot in line chats and also on reddit.
Not shaming so don’t take it the wrong way,More power to him if he can spend, he’s ready to take the next step for paragon.
Ill be happy getting r4’s whens they come in 4th of July deals so ill do my spending there.
Again I made multiple post about people who spend, even did throwback post to the whole mcoc 2019 banquet.
More power To the thronebreaker whales.
I also got 1-10% in gifting event and also have 70k+ units ready for next spending event.
I just know if I spent 40,50,60k units that won’t get me a r4 right now.
And I know if I spent $100 on early ACCESS bundle for plots the chances of getting the 7* almost non existent. I been through this game plenty through the years and have been playing for 10 years myself.
People love to say play the game but sure
Play it and have fun.
But to be a thronebreaker and have r4 is insane and insane in a good and bad way because kabam
Said they didn’t want to”widen” the gap. But it shows you what money can buy getting a r4 NOW VS 4th of July.
And I quote @DNA3000
$35m USD is a lot of money to get out of a spending population of between 50k and 100k players. A lot of games would kill for that, although that number isn't necessarily better than previous years. MCOC spending has declined over the years as the game has gotten older, and whether the 2024 banquet will reverse the trend or not will have to wait for February's Netmarble reporting to determine.”
Kabam made ALOT OF money, it you see how the game is running, tong of bugs and even juggs being unplayable.
Next thing you know you saying why am I spending on a game that kabam cant even run.
Don’t worry I’ll spend in 4th July and cyber deals so you can say something along the lines i don’t care about what your spend!!
Or why am spending on the game and showing your pulls!!
Wana shame me for buying 7* quicksilver now?
Thats the current whale/good offer since.
I could of spend 3k units on trash banquet crystals instead.
That’s why I said plenty of times I’m goood and can wait for July 4th and that’s what a lot people are doing.
Most likely there will be another progression title to chase.
Happy for those who spend. But hey what do I know.
Thronebreaker can get same rewards as valient players if not better and this is perfect
Example. There was a thread about this somewhere also.
Makes me wonder which boss they stopped at.
Money talks, though.
Exactly kudos for him for “early” access to r4’s.
Kabam made about a lot of money from banquet, but will the state of the game be better ?
Probably not but atleast we will have mcoc and it will keep running.