Missed opportunity-Arena Express

Kabam, you should have turned on Arena express for everyone for 2 weeks. Everyone could see the benefits… and the sigil purchasers aren’t out the $10 (USD) they paid for the convenience as no compensation was discussed for the time lost not having this feature.
Would have been a win-win.
Would have been a win-win.
Because it's punishing everyone and it could have been a great way to see a lot of the beebfits for those who haven't had it ever or in a long while before the next update.
Just a missed opportunity again.
I probably won't touch arenas until this is back again. Been too used to that style and benefits.
- Mando
There is no compensation being given for arena express disappearing for two weeks because the units can still be grinded in arena….
Mkay… then the only conclusion is arena express doesn’t have value. So which is it? if it doesn’t have value, it shouldn’t be paywalled. If it does - then sigil folks aren’t being compensated appropriately
Either Kabam views it as holding Value, which, if so, means there should be compensation either by having EVERYONE have this ability for 2 weeks until new Sigil arrives to purchase OR give more than the Sigil Time Remaining package (which literary stated it was for the TIME REMAINING, Not being without the multiple things for 2 weeks)!
It doesn't hold value which means no type of "compensation" or access to be given is needed. Which means it really shouldn't be considered a perk you're paying for within the Sigil and should either not exist at all or be available to everyone regardless.
That's a major frustration and coming from someone who doesn't always quickly turn to "compensation please" every time some little thing happens, there definitely needs to be something more than just saying the mo ey we already spent is being converted to other items because Kabam has changed their Sigil. This was required to not be considered a legal issue because we paid for an item which was stated would give access for certain items and benefits for a set time. That's why we are getting Units and Sigil Tokens for the time remaining, NOT because we are without items for 14 days.
Existing Sigil owners should not have to be downgraded because Kabam chose to launch later than the date they discontinued the old Sigil. Especially since we are given a "promise" of converting money we already paid - because we haven't been yet.
- Mando
Is it that hard to keep it active? And why do they charge of they do not offer it, how they are gonna compensate?