How hard is it for Kabam employees to hop on the forum and answer burning questions and problems

Is it that much of an inconvenience to take 2 minutes to put out a response or statement. Is that not what you get paid to do?
they are pretty busy
Neither Crashed nor Mike are community managers. Crashed is the live game lead, and he monitors the forums for his own reasons and to try to pitch in where he can. Mike is, well I don’t know exactly precisely what his title is, but I’m pretty sure he’s not a community manager. He mostly does work In The Battlerealm. It is not his job either to make announcements or answer questions, that’s also something he does voluntarily and as he has time for.
If there is a serious problem happening in the game, Crashed should not be spending any time on the forums notifying people of it, because his attention should be on the problem itself. It would not be Mike’s job to inform us either, and the only way he could get pertinent information would be to bother the people actually working on the problem, unless he was himself working on the problem. So it would not be his job to inform the community either.
Pinwheel and Dork are essentially replacing Miike and Jax as community managers, and are still ramping up in those jobs. And while there is certainly lots of room for them to continue to improve in their management of the player facing communications channels, in the case of the Sigil client breakage this morning this was a sufficiently fast paced issue that it would be difficult for anyone to figure out what was happening quickly enough to alert players about what was happening and answer questions before it was all over anyway.
Also express arena is bugged and im paying for sigil 😭
that seems to be his main job, and in managing discord I think
The only job I'm directly aware of that has a shorter than 90 day onboarding is McDonalds. But I wouldn't call that a profession per se.
Personally I do find it frustrating that we don’t see Dork respond to much. Pinwheel certainly has since the Christmas / New Year period has ended. Appreciate there is a ramp up period to new roles but giving a little more love to some of the legitimate forum posts that probably should get some attention can only help the game and there own development experience.
That being said for the game client issue, what else could they have added that DNA didn’t? He summed up the issue and let us know when the fix was in. I think the forum banner could have been up earlier but outside of that not much more could have been.
People are frustrated about the Raids revives myself included, but realistically they probably want to see the community reaction as a whole before responding if we get a response at all. Not sure I really want a response as would likely be frustrated as doubt anything will change with it. It is what it is and time will tell if it impacts on player engagement.