We are not getting enough ISO-8 for upgrade and 7* specially requires a tons of them but we are getting same old small amount on duplicating a character either it is 6 or 7 * also there is no option in battleground store to purchase iso -8
Thronebreaker MEQ contains ISO in every quest, 24 total T6 bricks per quest for completion and exploration, across 6 total quests, so 144 T6 bricks, 144 x 17500 = 2.5m ISO total. Used with corresponding class, this would be the equivalent of 3.78m ISO. That's three 7* R1 level ups or two 7* R3 level ups plus change. Cav MEQ adds another 72 T6 bricks, 1.26m raw ISO or 1.89m class appropriate ISO. That's an additional level up.
Cav+TB by themselves would be 5.67m class-appropriate ISO, which is almost 5 7* R1 level ups, just about 4 7* R2 level ups, or three and a half 7* R3 level ups. That's before counting any other sources of ISO.
The Battlegrounds store is focused on rank up materials, not level up materials. There is ISO in the Glory store. It has escalating costs like everything else in there, but it starts at 100 glory for 10 T6 bricks (Valiant pricing). If you're really starved for ISO 100 T6 ISO bricks would be 2350 glory, which would be enough ISO for two more 7* R1 level ups, almost two 7* R2 level ups, or one 7* R3 level up with a million ISO left over. Buying just enough for one 7* R3 level up would cost about 1050 glory for 60 T6 ISO bricks.