Probably gonna be shredded here, any way you could put out an offer for a Deathless Awakening Gem?

Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
edited January 14 in General Discussion
I know a bunch of us, myself, included had to pick up a couple pieces for various Deathless champs. Because of this, my Deathless Groot is unawakened as well as my Deathless Vision. I’ve kind of become obsessed with running the Deathless team, and all of them are ranked three except for Deathless Guillotine, which I should have rianked three by the end of the week. It would be cool though, if I could get them awakened without having to use a seven star awakening gem (which both have been science). I’d be totally fine if it was exclusive to those four and not Deathless Thanos.


  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,290 Guardian
    I imagine we will see something in late 2025 or early 2026 when kabam has the revamp of the catchup mechanic for deathless.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,062 ★★★★★
    I missed out on the Gully awakening so this would be welcomed so if it happens I’d be happy but wouldn’t mind if it didnt
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,749 ★★★★★
    since I haven’t gotten a single deathless champ, and have no way to awaken any of them…

    sounds good
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    I’ve got to be honest, I’m kind of surprised with how civil this thread is, anything deathless seems to be such a touchy subject, but yeah, that’s just my biggest desire right now in this game.

    For those of you who have the full team at a decent level maybe your experiences have been similar to mine, but I’m finding this team to be one of the most enjoyable and fun questing teams in the whole game and really want to enjoy them at their full potential. The problem is… I guess not that I have enough money even if this wasn’t the case, but when you get the deathless champion unlocked, you no longer have any options to buy any of the pieces so you really are completely and totally locked out of the dupe unless you get an awakening gem, which at least as it stands currently is very, very rare.
  • ChrisPowellChrisPowell Member Posts: 159
    Seems like a very niche need. I guess throwing it in the deathless store would be alright. Really the awakened ability on most of them is pretty hohum and mostly there for bragging rights / pride of achievement. If they did add one to the deathless store I'd probably recommend waiting a year or two for awaking gems to be more common.
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    I was thinking of the same last night. Bought missing pieces and now would like to awaken Guillotine and KG. Would be great if they are offered again as one of the rewards for the last AOA fight or the next equivalent season, which would be similar to how other folks obtain the awakening previously.
  • SkunkcabbageSkunkcabbage Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    OmegaCrab said:

    I know a bunch of us, myself, included had to pick up a couple pieces for various Deathless champs. Because of this, my Deathless Groot is unawakened as well as my Deathless Vision. I’ve kind of become obsessed with running the Deathless team, and all of them are ranked three except for Deathless Guillotine, which I should have rianked three by the end of the week. It would be cool though, if I could get them awakened without having to use a seven star awakening gem (which both have been science). I’d be totally fine if it was exclusive to those four and not Deathless Thanos.

    It's all your fault you don't have them duped, and it's really inconvenient to me that you're writing this post asking this from Kabam.

    In future can you not ask for such unreasonable things to happen all because you were either:
    a) disorganised
    b) busy with real life.

    (But also, I agree it would be cool if you had an opportunity to dupe them)
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    I'm not wholly against it.

    But given that each Deathless piece has cost 5000 units, what would people perceive as a 'fair' price?

  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★

    I'm not wholly against it.

    But given that each Deathless piece has cost 5000 units, what would people perceive as a 'fair' price?


    I was actually thinking 5k. My reasoning is that, most people are getting the pieces for the Deathless Thanos. Once you get him, I feel like the drop off for using these characters is going to plummet for the overwhelming community. There was a fantastic post a little while back, it still could be active, but it talks about how great the Deathless team is but how the current quest design structure of MCoC does not really allow them to have a place to thrive. This leaves only really the collectors or the OCD'rs who need those platinum stars. I guess at that point, I find the awakening gem just an optional piece, and therefore, like the others, it should be about 5k.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    Also, if you think about it, thats still almost $200 dollars to awaken a Deathless Vision.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,563 ★★★★★
    Deathless awaking gem for 5k units? I don't see an issue with it for those who don't want to wait until they're more obtainable in the future.
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,756 ★★★★★
    edited January 15
    This is such a weird topic, not because of the topic itself but more due to Kabam’s approach. So many changes in 2023 and 2024 seemed to be around making the game less intimidating and more welcoming to new players. But the deathless chase and approach contradicts it in a way. Perhaps the goal here is to let people know that the endgame is a long game and to get them hyped for a similar chase since they missed on this one…but I don’t know.

    It does seem counterintuitive at the moment though as you’d think the team would cap the amount of units needed to complete a champ at 10k (just above going rate for 7stars) at the very least, with another 5-10k to dupe one of the 4 chase champs as they are not in permanent content, where Thanos is.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,563 ★★★★★
    BigBlueOx said:

    This is such a weird topic, not because of the topic itself but more due to Kabam’s approach. So many changes in 2023 and 2024 seemed to be around making the game less intimidating and more welcoming to new players. But the deathless chase and approach contradicts it in a way. Perhaps the goal here is to let people know that the endgame is a long game and to get them hyped for a similar chase since they missed on this one…but I don’t know.

    It does seem counterintuitive at the moment though as you’d think the team would cap the amount of units needed to complete a champ at 10k (just above going rate for 7stars) at the very least, with another 5-10k to dupe one of the 4 chase champs as they are not in permanent content, where Thanos is.

    The deathless chase isn't meant to be "less intimidating to new players", it was meant for endgame players.

    Why would they put a "cap" of 10k (which as you said, is just above a regular 7*) to get a deathless champ?
    They're literally chase champs that alot of us took a year to get.
    Making them available for 10k units would be a kick in the teeth for the people who spent a year chasing them.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    BigBlueOx said:

    This is such a weird topic, not because of the topic itself but more due to Kabam’s approach. So many changes in 2023 and 2024 seemed to be around making the game less intimidating and more welcoming to new players. But the deathless chase and approach contradicts it in a way. Perhaps the goal here is to let people know that the endgame is a long game and to get them hyped for a similar chase since they missed on this one…but I don’t know.

    It does seem counterintuitive at the moment though as you’d think the team would cap the amount of units needed to complete a champ at 10k (just above going rate for 7stars) at the very least, with another 5-10k to dupe one of the 4 chase champs as they are not in permanent content, where Thanos is.

    I will say, the Deathless chase, the legends badge for Necromaster, Deathless Thanos the whole package was I think my favorite thing MCoC has ever done. I can't speak for everyone here, but now that I think we see what a complete Deathless epoch looks like, I think that if they do this again (which I really hope they do, it really makes playing the game and logging in much more exciting as an end game player of 7 years), I think their participation will be drastically higher. I know they teased a champ from which looks like Ares, and...I may be wrong but I think there were other Deathless/Nameless champs that we could still get like Hyperion that if they started a new epoch, culminating in Deathless Ares, I know I would be completely onboard.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian
    OmegaCrab said:

    Also, if you think about it, thats still almost $200 dollars to awaken a Deathless Vision.

    Not really, because players get that much units for free in-game in not all that much time, and can earn that much in game in a very short amount of time. There were lots of players who spent that many units during the banquet that were free to play.

    I'm not against Deathless awakening gems becoming available at some point, but the cost should not be based on how expensive anyone thinks it should be or how useful the awakening is. It should be based on how hard it was to get in the first place. For some people it was easy, but for many players it was a fairly difficult thing, and it was also time limited which made the chase more difficult. It is that difficulty that has to be factored into any potential AG cost, because if you make it cheap enough and soon enough to devalue the original chase for it, it will discourage people from chasing after similar things in the future.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,438 ★★★★★

    Dr. Zola
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    @DNA3000 That’s for sure a fair point but like you mentioned, the question becomes a little bit more of a philosophical one because when the acquisition of something is subjective, where do you dig your feet?

    For instance, me personally, I had a very, very easy time getting my Deathless She-Hulk dupe. I believe it took me about 2 maybe 3 revives to do so, which of course is about 120 units. Now I am an aggressively average player. I cap out about Uru 3/2, I do one run of whatever Everest content is currently out, and casually do War/Quest.

    From this perspective, charging 5,000 units for a gem from which will barely (at least the way current quest design permits) be of use, especially if structured in a way that requires the completed champion is quit steep. Your second point however is very relevant, that of time sensitivity. This of course is very very difficult to quantify because it puts a artificial inflation on the value of something simply because when it’s gone, it’s gone so in that case it’s value is theoretically infinite. Again though, I’m willing to dig in here because the same thing could be said for any of the pieces that are not found in permanent content, and yet they are able to be purchased individually for 5000 units. Now I’m definitely not saying I’m right here but I consider the dupe just another piece of a champion and I believe 5000 units is a fair price considering that 5000 units worth of revives would be for the overwhelming amount of endgame players and unbelievable overreach of need to dupe whatever champion you needed.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian
    OmegaCrab said:

    @DNA3000 That’s for sure a fair point but like you mentioned, the question becomes a little bit more of a philosophical one because when the acquisition of something is subjective, where do you dig your feet?

    Difficulty isn't subjective (in this context) it is different for different people. Game developers judge difficulty the same way people judge standardized or scholastic tests: not by how hard any one person sees it, but by the percentage of people who pass is.

    If 10% of the players (who attempt it) do it and 90% fail, that's hard. If 70% of the players who attempt it succeed, that's easy. This oversimplifies details like participation and target audience (nobody cares if a Proven player tries and fails to complete Uncollected MEQ), but that's the general idea.

    The question is: did players actually chase the thing? If so, how many? How many of each roster strength and progression title? Was it perceived as valuable enough to stretch for, to spend resources on, to spend lots of time trying? If so, that's the definition of valuable in the game, or at least what we might call incentive value (to distinguish from utility value).

    If it is worth chasing, and then you moot the need to chase, you've in effect destroyed value in the game. This not only devalues assets players spent time trying to acquire, it makes your job as a game developer more difficult, because now you have to invent something else for players to chase.

    The thing to keep in mind is value in MCOC is not so much about what people have, as it is about how long they are allowed to be the only ones to have it. If you're the first player to pull a new champ that has value, but that value is temporary because eventually everyone will have it. Rank threes are only valuable now because most people don't have them, and those that do tend to have few. In a couple years those R3s won't be all that valuable, not just because there will be higher ranks but also because everyone will have those R3s.

    The people who acquired Deathless awakening don't have a permanent thing of value. They have a temporary thing that eventually everyone will have. The only question is how long should they have it, because the longer they do, the more value the original chase for them was. Even Red Deadpool is now acquirable by players who don't spend: nothing is exclusive forever. But it is the length of time that things are exclusive or hard to get that is the judgment call. None of this is really subjective. It is a matter of judgment, which is different.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    @DNA3000 Thats completely fair and rational logic, I don’t think many people who would take the time to read that would disagree. I will say, though, I don’t believe the awakening gem fits within this category of value that I believe you’re arguing for.

    In this case, the real exclusivity should have been on the actual champions, the catalyst for the Grail, which was the Deathless Thanos. Now again, this is absolutely just my opinion here but with the gates being open to acquire those champions, I personally believe that the awakening gem is lower on the totem pole of special, especially with the fact that awakening gems are absolutely coming, I myself have already opened two.

    I think when it comes down to it, the axioms that I’m structuring my opinion on revolve around a central point that Deathless Thanos is what is special about this event. I believe that a 5000 unit price tag is a fair price for something that has no impact on the hunt for the him and is ultimately just for casual fun.

    Of course, with this being said, and these champions being obtainable via the deathless shop, I understand this is the last way to make something uniquely valuable to the subset of players that did it in real time, however, I do believe personally that there is nothing really unique about the awakening gem, especially with the inclusion and ever increasing presence of the seven star awakening crystal.

    For me, the champions are what was, exclusive, they no longer are via the shop. Throwing in the awakening gem at, I believe the fair price of 5000 units is still painful enough where most won’t do it (I also believe those who are willing to purchase the awakening gem most likely are either whales or wouldn’t need to because they probably did the content to get the dupe naturally). I believe they number is also a respectable number for those saving units and grinding will feel a sense of reward and pride for purchasing it and finally the whales, well if they want it, whatever it is in the current moment…they’ll get it.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 701 ★★★
    By the way, I didn’t hit the disagree button lol
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,440 ★★★★★
    kvirr said:

    since I haven’t gotten a single deathless champ, and have no way to awaken any of them…

    sounds good

    you aren't the target audience for this idea don't worry
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