Autumn of Agony Guantlet



  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,491 ★★★★★
    How / why does Tigra go unstoppable in the middle of Silk’s sp2? I combo into first hit of the heavy then cancel into special. First couple of hits land, then Tigra goes unstoppable (or appears to) and then blocks the final hits.
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,246 ★★★★
    edited January 16

    Right side
    Cassie-Red Mags
    Heimdal-Red Mags
    All solos!

    Who else did you take? I've got deathless point & I'm trying to do mutant/tech/skill, non-saga, & villain objectives. Also, how do you play that Heimdall fight w/ Rags?
  • TheUglyone123TheUglyone123 Member Posts: 308 ★★★

    Right side
    Cassie-Red Mags
    Heimdal-Red Mags
    All solos!

    How did you play your onslaught vs. Jabari? I can’t figure out how to do it. I keep on activating damage reflection because of all the neuroshocks.
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 782 ★★★★

    Right side
    Cassie-Red Mags
    Heimdal-Red Mags
    All solos!

    How many points was this and how’d you do the heimdall red mags fight? Don’t you have to knock him down?
    Villain objective, mutant skill and tech objective, and non saga objective so 3 points + path point.
    And mags heimdal is easy, just punish heavy to remove unstoppable and heavy/special spam for damage. Matador is on so mags won’t always get a bar back due to AAR but got a bar like 70% of the time. Onslaught can take heimdal too
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 782 ★★★★

    Right side
    Cassie-Red Mags
    Heimdal-Red Mags
    All solos!

    Who else did you take? I've got deathless point & I'm trying to do mutant/tech/skill, non-saga, & villain objectives. Also, how do you play that Heimdall fight w/ Rags?
    I brought 6* ghost lol, she took a bit off of northstar but honestly I don’t recommend her. Bring anyone that fits!
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 782 ★★★★
    edited January 16

    Right side
    Cassie-Red Mags
    Heimdal-Red Mags
    All solos!

    How did you play your onslaught vs. Jabari? I can’t figure out how to do it. I keep on activating damage reflection because of all the neuroshocks.
    My onslaught is the big chonky r3 and I had low level boosts on. Just heavy often, take advantage of the falter, punish with heavies, hit her with one sp1, but for the sp2 pop it on her BLOCK. Degens will still inflict and you won’t take reverb damage. When she has 20 degens just keep pausing them. It takes practice just go til you solo, took me over 15 tries!
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★

    Right side
    Cassie-Red Mags
    Heimdal-Red Mags
    All solos!

    How did you play your onslaught vs. Jabari? I can’t figure out how to do it. I keep on activating damage reflection because of all the neuroshocks.
    In general, you have to do light ending combos to refresh the node cleanse timer.

    I couldn’t realize why my Bullseye was getting damage reflected since he doesn’t apply any debuffs, but I realized that one node gives her a cleanse on a timer, and another node inflicts a debuff that she can cleanse. Once I focused on using the occasional light ending combos that fixed the problem.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,842 ★★★★★
    edited January 16

    Right side
    Cassie-Red Mags
    Heimdal-Red Mags
    All solos!

    @DerpyEagle how are you using red mags for Heimdall? His Magnetize is interacting with the matador node so I'm not gaining power.
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★

    Right side
    Cassie-Red Mags
    Heimdal-Red Mags
    All solos!

    @DerpyEagle how are you using red mags for Heimdall? His Magnetize is interacting with the matador node so I'm not gaining power.
    Yeah I was wondering the same
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 782 ★★★★

    Right side
    Cassie-Red Mags
    Heimdal-Red Mags
    All solos!

    @DerpyEagle how are you using red mags for Heimdall? His Magnetize is interacting with the matador node so I'm not gaining power.
    Yeah I was wondering the same
    I don’t know he worked great. Is there some bonus ability accuracy somewhere? I only failed to receive a special once. Sorry if I costed anyone anything!
  • 5forever5forever Member Posts: 26
    edited January 16
    serpent and deathless she hulk solod whole left side for me right side onslaught and bullseye did everything on the right
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    My teams (2 path for all objectives)
    Left side — hulk, serpent, Chavez (saga + classes)
    Right side — stryfe, sinister, onslaught (non saga villain + classes). The thing is I ended up using stryfe for all the path and sinister got easy solo vs final boss, but if you want all objectives done, you can replace sinister and onslaught with apoc and omega red to include metal tag. Jabari is by far the most difficult fight, for some reason her damage reflection was activating after I placed my passive shock from sp1, but overall here you can just spam sp3 and ramp stryfe in the next fight with parry-heavy. R2 stryfe got me 1 revive for jabaru (after several restarts almost got a solo), 2-3 for Cassie, same with Heimdall (just spam sp3 to finish ramp up).
  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★★
    I had 18 points so only needed 5/6 objectives complete.

    Left: Saga, Cosmic/Mystic/Science.
    Team: Silk, Dead Thanos, Serpent (all R3)
    Tigra - Silk solo. No burst damage, but bait SP1 the entire time and it’s easy
    Prowler - Serpent solo. Ignore miss
    Heimdall - Thanos solo. Anyone can solo, just don’t mess up
    Northstar - Serpent solo. Ignore miss.

    Right: non-saga, Villain, Mutant/Skill/Tech
    Team: Omega Sentinel, Onslaught, Bullseye (all R3)
    Jabari - Bullseye solo. Just end with lights and you’re fine. Throw specials when cleanse is down.
    Cassie - Bullseye solo. Ignore the miss phase. Be careful parrying, but you mainly won’t need to.
    Heimdall - Bullseye solo. Crits build the battery charge thing quickly. I mainly just threw SP3s but you can do it quicker if you risk the heavy baits.
    Northstar - Omega Sentinel solo. Tracking mode, keep it up, and throw SP2. My plasmas were ticking off 15k per tick. Pause those and 1 special is all it takes. You could also just ignore the node and use Bullseye.

    My favorite gauntlet yet, just truly fun. Bullseye can easily solo the entire right path, and the left side Serpent does almost all of it
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,104 ★★★★★
    Heimdall spamming heavy like his life depends on it, I went from 800 to 200 units trying to get this man down, so annoying
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,180 ★★★★★

    Heimdall spamming heavy like his life depends on it, I went from 800 to 200 units trying to get this man down, so annoying

    Yeah this node combination makes his AI weird, i tried a relic intercept that got autoblocked and he threw a heavy after while being hit by the stricker 🤣
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,556 ★★★★★
    Right side was Bullseye, Onslaught, and Mr Sinister for 4 points. Bullseye did every fight except for Northstar - Onslaught for him. Left side was Photon, Nuke Cage, and Serpent for 3 points. Luke Cage handled Tigra pretty easily. Photon and Serpent for Prowler. Team for Heimdall, photon for Northstar.

    Really hate that Heimdall fight. Found Northstar easier by comparison.
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,582 ★★★★★
    I'm not proud. I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out teams. Then went Leroy Jenkins and said F it, ill do it live. Herc'd the right side in less than 10 minutes with filler 7* i didnt use. Ihulk and i dont even remember the second. Used deathless thanos, guilly, and vision on the left. Didnt complete science, skill, mutant, but didnt need to.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    My teams. Left side. Silk, Serpent chavez. Silk solo on tigra. Prowler with serpent. Heimdall a tiny bit with silk then died. A bit with chavez then died. Did the rest with serpent. Then did notthstar with serpent. No revives. Science, mystic, cosmic tags and saga.

    Right path I brought kingpin, sinister and bullseye. Bullseye soloed jabari, ignore the miss. He is really good for cassie as well. I died when cassie was at maybe 10 percent cuz stupidness. I finished with kingpin and just heavy spammed cuz reverse controls. Sinister is good for heimdal. Solo. And he soloed boss as well. 0 revives on right side too. Non saga, tech, mutant and skill and villains.

    That left metal meaning I had to do a third run. Didn't mind that much initially because I used no revives on the others. OH. MY. GOD. WHY IS IT SO TERRIBLE. I used yellowjacket against tigra and kept taking off around 60 percent health then dying. After dying the 3rd time, I decided left side would be last resort. I went right side but couldn't gst into the flow of the jabari fight with any metals. I kept trying left side with vox, guardian and Weapon x who did nothing so far. Ended up soloing with guardian somehow, eventually. Tried vox against cassie, got her to 40 percent, died. Killed with guardian even though she is shock immune. Then I revived vox for heimdall and died. Tried others and died. Guess I was tired. But I will revive again, vox heimdall and guardian or vox Northstar
  • MiStaloOvaMiStaloOva Member Posts: 125
    Saga not working no pts...what is non saga best team?
  • FeydRauthaFeydRautha Member Posts: 216 ★★★
    Left side was a walk in a park with Silk and Serpent. Right side used Sentinel and Red Skull. Spent about 5 revives in total; could've been itemless if the ai didn't started acting weird, especially Heimdall and Northstar.
  • jdschwjdschw Member Posts: 554 ★★★

    Serpent was MVP for the right side, every fight done with him.
    Jabari's falter ✅
    Cassie's miss and evade✅
    Heimdall root/unstoppable/autoblock✅
    Northstar's Untouchable ✅

    How does serpent handle heimdall's unstoppable? The fear debuff doesn't do anything about that, does it?
  • IAmGrO_ot78IAmGrO_ot78 Member Posts: 239 ★★
    Took a test ride with 6R4 Wasp against Tigra, with R3 Red Skull and Odin to open the gate. This ✅ #metal…

    Took 20% on the first try, unboosted, so with some training, fully boosted and a good first run, it's possible to get it done with 1-3 revives, for me. Those of you who are good, can probably solo the hell out of that C**t with Wasp 🥵
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,104 ★★★★★
    edited January 16
    jdschw said:

    Serpent was MVP for the right side, every fight done with him.
    Jabari's falter ✅
    Cassie's miss and evade✅
    Heimdall root/unstoppable/autoblock✅
    Northstar's Untouchable ✅

    How does serpent handle heimdall's unstoppable? The fear debuff doesn't do anything about that, does it?
    Push him to sp1, bait, hit him after to get rid of the autoblock and the true focus, then bait heavy, dodge every hit, but right after the last one, use your special 1, it will hit him while unstoppable but he won't block, it will deactivate the knockdown node and knock him down, plus, him sp1 has a lot of hits, so extra damage
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,303 ★★★★★
    Found this helpful.

    I did left side with silk luke and serp. Was waiting to get the 7* sinister out from AQ. But I will use KM. With 6* onslught and bullseye.
    It's been so long since I have used KM, I really like his smooth playstyle.
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★

    Took a test ride with 6R4 Wasp against Tigra, with R3 Red Skull and Odin to open the gate. This ✅ #metal…

    Took 20% on the first try, unboosted, so with some training, fully boosted and a good first run, it's possible to get it done with 1-3 revives, for me. Those of you who are good, can probably solo the hell out of that C**t with Wasp 🥵

    I’m also trying to do the left path metal but don’t have a good counter for tigra. I had Odin or CGR as my miss counter and then maybe dragon man for the heimdall fight but wasn’t sure about countering tigra. I have 4 points secured but not sure I’ll be able to get the last two if I can’t find a tigra counter that fits the bill
  • IAmGrO_ot78IAmGrO_ot78 Member Posts: 239 ★★

    Took a test ride with 6R4 Wasp against Tigra, with R3 Red Skull and Odin to open the gate. This ✅ #metal…

    Took 20% on the first try, unboosted, so with some training, fully boosted and a good first run, it's possible to get it done with 1-3 revives, for me. Those of you who are good, can probably solo the hell out of that C**t with Wasp 🥵

    I’m also trying to do the left path metal but don’t have a good counter for tigra. I had Odin or CGR as my miss counter and then maybe dragon man for the heimdall fight but wasn’t sure about countering tigra. I have 4 points secured but not sure I’ll be able to get the last two if I can’t find a tigra counter that fits the bill
    I’m switching to the jabhari path with R3 Odin, 6R5 Angela and probably R3 DL Guilly or R5 Sentinel.

    Tested Angela vs jabhari, she managed 50% before I messed up the timers and died.

    Odin should counter evade, and then Angela should handle Heimdal doing only sp3s. So probably Sentinel for the last boss.

    I’m gonna do some work in arena, get me some units as back-up, 1 mistake vs Heimdal, and your done 🥵
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