Should GC players be kicked back to victory track diamond 5 every season?

It's just routine work every season to win against smaller players and get into GC
I see Celestial players repeat that every season and it's just a waste of time
We know they can win, there's no need for them to prove to anyone that they can win enough matches in VC to get to GC

Should GC players be kicked back to victory track diamond 5 every season? 53 votes

Yes, I enjoy playing against smaller players
Feeney234phillgreenHerbal_Taxmanrcm2017OurobørosSoundwarpAyden_noah1svilariumDonDudu2809Valkyrie1994GlassbackNameless_IWChiefGoatJackTheSnackHerohanoiAgenteMagnusThe_0wenpusJaffa_Chief_WiggumShadow_Shooter 32 votes
No, it's a waste of time, just start all GC players at Uru 3
JohnnooooooAKTEKEddieVanWMadhanHiphopArnavSbkruebpeixemacacocaptain_rogersCretzuJESUSCHRISTCrcrcrcThePredator1001Scott_Summers82willrun4adonutDarkraw346WhatsGoodEnglishJason_32Z0rMasquiradejj_jj_9 21 votes


  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 859 ★★★
    No, it's a waste of time, just start all GC players at Uru 3
    Just start all GC players at Uru 3 and play 5 matches for all the rewards of VT
    I'm in GC every season and I get smaller players in VT and they see my deck and forfeit immediately
    Let the big players start fighting for points in GC at the start of the season
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 859 ★★★
    No, it's a waste of time, just start all GC players at Uru 3

    I’d be happy if they kicked us back to bronze.

    Oh yes I understand, those easy wins at bronze lol
  • Chief_WiggumChief_Wiggum Member Posts: 169
    edited January 17
    Yes, I enjoy playing against smaller players
    You do realise that almost all the people you are facing the first few days in VT are also people who got to the GC ?

    They probably scraped in at the end of the season... forcing them into GC would then make it a worse experience for those players not being able to face weaker accounts until more people get to GC. With that sort of experience.. less people will want to get to GC.

    At least now.. they can wait for the try hards to get to GC in the first week and have a easier time quicker.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,549 ★★★★★
    Yes, I enjoy playing against smaller players
    I love stomping Cavs and TBs,
    Especially those damn TBs
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,674 ★★★★★
    No, it's a waste of time, just start all GC players at Uru 3
    That makes low level players impossible to win any matches in BGs
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,679 ★★★★
    Yes, I enjoy playing against smaller players
    You pit it in a bad way. Yes, I enjoy doing victory track
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,252 ★★★★
    Yes, I enjoy playing against smaller players
    I love the free wins against the small accounts that just quit out when they see my battle deck. Less actual matches i need to play. Time is everything
  • GlassbackGlassback Member Posts: 796 ★★★
    Yes, I enjoy playing against smaller players

    You do realise that almost all the people you are facing the first few days in VT are also people who got to the GC ?

    They probably scraped in at the end of the season... forcing them into GC would then make it a worse experience for those players not being able to face weaker accounts until more people get to GC. With that sort of experience.. less people will want to get to GC.

    At least now.. they can wait for the try hards to get to GC in the first week and have a easier time quicker.

    Completely this.

    I’m at nearly 20 R3s and highest I climbed was Q3. Thought I was amazing. Hit the alliance 300k. Left it two days, more players in GC and I was magically at A2. I then tried to climb again, overreached and lost 5 in a row and all of a sudden I’m in U1. Cautionary tale-don’t fly too close to the sun.

    If everyone started near where they ended up based on my own experience, I would be at more losses than wins in the GC and I would be out of lots of the rewards I’ve accumulated through the current system.

    Keep as is.
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★
    No, it's a waste of time, just start all GC players at Uru 3
    "I enjoy playing against smaller players" 😭 this is like, the bullied becomes the bully type deal. You shouldn't get a sense of accomplishment stomping a fresh Paragon with a seasoned Valiant account, and the Paragon won't have a great time either. Move the VT rewards into GC.

    But first, Kabam, please change the BG milestone rewards, we don't need 6*'s anymore 😭
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★
    edited January 17
    No, it's a waste of time, just start all GC players at Uru 3
    Glassback said:

    You do realise that almost all the people you are facing the first few days in VT are also people who got to the GC ?

    They probably scraped in at the end of the season... forcing them into GC would then make it a worse experience for those players not being able to face weaker accounts until more people get to GC. With that sort of experience.. less people will want to get to GC.

    At least now.. they can wait for the try hards to get to GC in the first week and have a easier time quicker.

    Completely this.

    I’m at nearly 20 R3s and highest I climbed was Q3. Thought I was amazing. Hit the alliance 300k. Left it two days, more players in GC and I was magically at A2. I then tried to climb again, overreached and lost 5 in a row and all of a sudden I’m in U1. Cautionary tale-don’t fly too close to the sun.

    If everyone started near where they ended up based on my own experience, I would be at more losses than wins in the GC and I would be out of lots of the rewards I’ve accumulated through the current system.

    Keep as is.
    Your problem is what though? You didn't play as well as you did on your initial run and you lost a few games? If you can quickly climb the ranks early season, you're a good player who was better than the competition, who in turn will be in a similar position with their account - you're not winning or losing straight up because of your roster.

    Very different case to your 20 R3's being run into a Thronebreaker player on week 3 who gets beaten so badly they put the game down. All you're doing is passing that bad feeling you get in GC onto someone else in VT.
  • WhatsGoodEnglishWhatsGoodEnglish Member Posts: 116 ★★
    No, it's a waste of time, just start all GC players at Uru 3
    I think they should just adopt a system like Street Fighter or Tekken for the GC instead of resetting the points every month. You can require everyone to play a minimum amount of matches every week in order to maintain the reward level for the higher ranks. That would potentially fix a lot of the matchmaking issues so we don’t get situations like seasoned valiant accounts going against fresh uncollected and thronebreakers because everyone will already be in whatever bracket they’ve managed to win themselves into
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