Excess Elder marks are not going to stash?

I jumped quickly in battlegrounds and observed that my marks are at limit.
I am not seeing excess elder marks in stash.
I am not seeing excess elder marks in stash.
**but if they are part of a claimable reward, you can delay claiming the “reward” from stash. As in the “first five BG match” package at the start of each BG season (can keep that package unclaimed in stash until you have enough room in your Marks Treasury limit to not lose any).
Same for Glory, Mysterium, Incursion Artifacts, etc.
Since I found out I've been using marks almost exclusively in BGs and have used them all the way up to GC, even then it's hard to stay under the 9k cap.
My advice is to delay claiming the marks at the start of the season after you've done your first 5 fights as there's like 2k+ marks there which you're effectively deleting if you claim it and you're close to cap, like I tend to be.
There is a price to pay, however: you will be treated to this message popping up each and every match you play until you claim them…
Dr. Zola