Raid potion bug

GeneralMerceGeneralMerce Member Posts: 242 ★★
Is this something other people are experiencing or just me. I am showing 2 sets of level 2 revives. One is 1/7 and the other is 1/1 with 6 in overflow. I should be 7/7 with 1 in overflow


  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,080 ★★★★★
    It’s because of the change Kabam is making to only allow you to carry over 1 revive. The “old” revives you could carry 7 and the new one that is changed to 1. Any revives you purchase in this raid over that 1 will go to overflow.
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,178 ★★★★
    not a bug, you just need to read the mail kabam give, now you can only bring forwards 1 raids potion, not 7, so if you buy 7 pots, only 1 in your pots count, while 6 others is in your inventory
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    Oh, is that how they are doing it ?
    Thought it would have been the SAME item, just reduced Max, and your existing would start out showing Owned 7 / Max 1.

    So, do you have a choice when you go to use it in Raids, get to choose between using the Old one vs the New one ?

    Can you continue to keep the up to 7 old ones you still had in Inventory across multiple Raids, to use when you really need those extra ones ?
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,080 ★★★★★

    Oh, is that how they are doing it ?
    Thought it would have been the SAME item, just reduced Max, and your existing would start out showing Owned 7 / Max 1.

    So, do you have a choice when you go to use it in Raids, get to choose between using the Old one vs the New one ?

    Can you continue to keep the up to 7 old ones you still had in Inventory across multiple Raids, to use when you really need those extra ones ?

    Yes, you can choose which one to use. My alliance is using the new ones so we can carry over the old for as long as they will last.
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