Can't beat a 11,000 namor end boss .

I have five players all rated above 16,000 and I don't get a single hit on namor. This is the type of stuff that makes me want to quit and not play this game ever again that is completely ridiculous. These things are timed and I only have a certain amount of time to do them and now I can't get through it at all you completely robbed me this game has all kinds of bugs all the time you fix one thing and you screw something else up.
Namor takes 100% less damage (basically, no damage) unless you have three debuffs on him. You did not read the nodes, so you did not know this, so you did not prepare for this.
This game is not a "just bash them until they fall down" game. This game has complexity and requirements and things you have to read and understand to comprehend what's required to beat the fights. This is not a particularly difficult node to understand and work around. If you're not prepared to read and understand the fight conditions, there will be a lot of situations where you will just get plain roadblocked. Some you can ignore and the fight will just be harder. Others if you ignore the fight is just impossible. Some will actually require specific things only certain champs have, so if you choose to read the nodes only after you get stuck, you might need to completely start over.
This is all on you to do. It is not the game's fault if you choose not to do this, and then you get stuck.