Bullying and Harassment against my gender

Today I was playing mcoc and chatting in global, when I had mentioned I was transgender during a conversation. Several people jumped into the conversation (which they had no reason to do other than just to be pricks) and started harassing me. (Screenshots provided, which were all I could get. Most of the messages got tagged for obvious reasons) I don't have many, but I can provide several other things they said which personally offended me.
"You're a 40 year old pedophile
"You need your hard drive checked"
"You need to be @slaughteredandmurdered"
"I #### stomped"
Among other things. Now I tried to be patient, and didn't decide to report the person(s) until they legitimately started going too far. I don't mean to be sensitive but there's only so much a person can take.
Post edited by Kabam Crashed on
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Second, that’s global for you. Doesn’t excuse the issue at hand. People are just crappy. Not sure what Kabam will do for you though unfortunately.
Now you're trying the same on forums as well??
I was in chat, reading through most of what was said. OP isn't exactly innocent. Both parties are in the wrong, but Global is unfortunately the wild west.
Like others have said, why even promote yourself in that way? do people not have self respect?
It’s gonna be a good weekend. I can already see this thread blowing up over the next 2 days. I look forward to being part of it ALL.
OP you should be disgusted and ashamed of not only using sexuality infused talk on other player who not only is unknown to you but also can be a minor who was only trying to play the game,
But you also have no shame to come here and falsely frame other's words which you forcefully tried to extract?
That's next level of victim behaviour.
Step 1) Download the app.
Step 2) Disable global chat.
Step 3) Enjoy.
8 global chat bans
4 in game bans
13 threads complaining about being banned and that extra complaint is a random dude who modded necropolis
just doing your part..? In what regards? Trying to traumatize kids ? You do know that this is a KIDS game right, It just so happened young adults and others not so young play it more then actual kids, yet my global I’m sure is filled with 14 yr olds. You had NO reason to say what you said other than looking for attention and maybe a bit of a pick me up on confidence.
@PT_99 couldn’t have said it better tbh, OP is the reason why people disable global. There is good people in global, yet there’s people like OP that make it so much worse then it should be.
Edit : fyi, I’m not supporting the other party even though it may seem like I am, they were just as wrong as OP, nothing to do with how OP lives their life, but they are just slightly more wrong to me, just clearing that up because I’m re-reading what I said
OP, Global is an ongoing effort to keep clean. I would suggest disengaging and reporting them with the Support function, then letting go of the outcome. It's the Internet, and you can run into people who are ignorant. I'm sorry someone was directing that at you.
Op you can't change the world. Save your mental health by keeping stuff like this to yourself. Kabam will ban these guys but new ones will keep on coming. I'm not victim blaming but protect yourself.