Summoners Sigil and the Summoners Sigil solo event.

I purchased the summoner sigil, yesterday, and today I get in to farm some of (what used to be a solo event) only to find out it was scrapped. I also learned that there are no other ways to earn the Sigils, other than this solo event (that was scrapped). I was looking forward to farming some for a new 6* and maybe to progress through act 6. May I ask why Kabam decided to remove this solo quest? I don’t understand how we’re supposed to farm this anymore.
The text for the Sigil credit panel just wasn't updated to show this yet.
It's sad to hear that they decided to do away with a way to get extra credits (pun intended)
by doing what we do in game already rather than just the amount of purchase/renewal
Unfortunate indeed
You get the sigil credits and you get the rest in a weekly gift. Nothing changed on that matter. If anything you don't have to do the event to earn them.