War defence shows full but also shows 4 people missing which is accurate ?

To many visual issues with this game. Defence placement shows full team has placed but after entering the map there is 20 defenders missing so what’s the deal ? Are my defence there or are they not ?
So, your current war is showing as “HARD TIER MAP”.
But when placing Defenders, people can place in Current, Next Tier UP, and Next Tier DOWN, separately.
I imagine you just advanced up into the HARD tier now, and previously a few people had only placed their defense for what was then current INTERMEDIATE Tier Map (never bothered, or forgot, to place in UP Tier back then).
So, the 30 spots showing as having people in for each BG is unfortunately just saying they are locked into that BG (have defenders placed “somewhere” for that BG), even though maybe not necessarily placed on all potential Tier Maps (or even the Current).
The 10/10/10 also could show because maybe someone who never placed ANY defenders anywhere had just joined war on ATTACK, so they get counted as being on that currently running war.