I think we should adress the elephant in the room



  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,075 ★★★★★
    Having to google the relevance of LNY in the world and not even writting a paragraph about it, posting a screenshot instead is the equivalent of going to Panda express to celebrate it
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,123 ★★★★★

    Polygon said:

    In the 19th Century genocide by Turkey , they slaughtered and displaced millions of Armenians , Greeks, Syrians, and Kurds but you never see anything done to commemorate the survivors

    Shhhhh.... The genocide defenders will come out saying it was fake.
    Jokes on them lol, half their land is stolen and their "culture" is basically a conglomerate of those 4 groups I mentioned
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,438 ★★★★★
    Forums are really teetering on the cliff these days…
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,068 ★★★★★

    Forums are really teetering on the cliff these days…

    Been saying for a few days now. Forums are the new global chat.
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    edited January 30
    Ortoun said:

    JessieS said:

    PT_99 said:

    Are you Chinese?

    No but I do have a Masters Degree in Asian so I am intimately aware of what a huge and important event this is and how bizzare Kabam 180 degree turn is

    The game is banned in China. They got definitely got beef. ( This is a joke)

    A masters degree in Asian what?
    In Asian Studies . I missed the second word but by context it should be obvious . But the fact that you are trying to make it about me instead of Kabam’s policies is telling
    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    JessieS said:

    Are they obligated to do it? At least we got a LNY event multiple times before; Diwali, a festival which is also celebrated by more than 1 billion people worldwide has never even been addressed by Kabam yet you don't see people complaining about it. Btw they did address the elephant in the room and also post it in fb. You'd have known if you spent a little time searching instead of just rushing into the forums to complain about it.

    Are you just being weirdly defensive about Kabam or do you truly not understand what a bizzare move it is for Kabam to go from widely celebrating Lunar New Year year after year to not even doing something as simple as acknowledge it with an in game message ?
    I am not being defensive for anyone. If you’re trying to insinuate that it’s some kind of a hidden agenda against China then it’s highly unlikely and the way I see it is just a business move. I am just speculating here so take it with a grain of salt. Before when the game had a large active player base in China generating sizeable revenue it made sense to do a LNY event to keep the players happy. But now that the game got banned in China and the revenue declined from that region, they might not find it necessary to keep doing that event. If India was a top revenue generating region then we would probably get a Diwali event every year. The fact that they give a decent Christmas gift suggests that the players who spend most in the game are from American and European countries. Again pure speculation and I have no concrete data to support what I said whatsoever.
    That was my thought as well. Which is why I could understand removing the event . But removing it completely and not even sending a simple symbolic message ( it’s not like they are shy on the messages ) to wish people a Happy Lunar New Year . This just seems like pure pettiness and generally when corporate entities begin acting petty and unprofessional and they face no pushback it’s a sign that the quality is about to drop
    How fortunate for all of us that you’re providing the pushback that will eliminate that critical threat to quality.
    Nah I am just a small cog but I provide a place for players to vent their frustration . Nothing can ever eliminate the inevitable enshittification but we can try to slow it down a bit
    Cory Doctorow recommended two strategies to counter what he called enshittification when he coined the phrase. One: don’t use algorithms to decide what content people get in your platform. Two: don’t lock users into your platform; allow them to walk away. Neither of these are really applicable to MCOC as MCOC is not a platform in this context.

    It’s probably not a good idea to use terms you’re unfamiliar with just because they sound cool, just as it’s probably not a good idea to attempt to represent all us Asians just because you have a degree in “Asian”. Most Asians already know how to Asian and can Asian for themselves.
    Enshittification comes as corporations cut corners and offer less product and poorer quality to increase their profits . The more people comply with it the faster it happens . You are entitled to your opinion that Kabam is is improving its services but I think you will find out that many people disagree

    JessieS said:

    This is not some “small event “ This is one of the biggest holidays on planet and Kabam won’t even do something as simple as send a Happy Lunar New Year message to players . We constantly get game wide messages over the most ridiculous things but Kabam can’t even be bothered to send one over one of the biggest holidays on the plane ? This is beyond bizzare and seems clearly deliberate. The literally least they could do was send a Happy Lunar New Year message with the attached profile pic. Does anyone know if Kabam got in some beef with China or something ?

    I guess if we are going with your train of thought. Kabam had a beef with India too they are a Billion+ people and nothing Hindi is ever celebrated.
    They got something against Messi and Ronaldo, millions follow them and they weren't even mentioned in the game. KABAM what is your problem with Messi and Ronaldo? And if you don't have a problem which one is the GOAT?
    We would if you can show me a when Kabam has spent years celebrating a Hindu holiday only to suddenly do a 180 and not even post a quick in game message for congratulations. Can you point to such example ?

    Guys I think op did his masters in a Asian country that's what he meant

    No I mean Asian Studies but again I am honestly baffled as to why people care about me when the topic is Kabam very weird and clearly petty behavior .
    Polygon said:

    In the 19th Century genocide by Turkey , they slaughtered and displaced millions of Armenians , Greeks, Syrians, and Kurds but you never see anything done to commemorate the survivors

    I hope you are not posting this from Turkey or you will be arrested
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    JessieS said:

    PT_99 said:

    Are you Chinese?

    No but I do have a Masters Degree in Asian so I am intimately aware of what a huge and important event this is and how bizzare Kabam 180 degree turn is

    The game is banned in China. They got definitely got beef. ( This is a joke)

    Masters Degree in Asian?

    What, did you go to Greendale Community College? Was Chang your Spanish Professor (Teacher)?
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,123 ★★★★★
    JessieS said:

    Polygon said:

    In the 19th Century genocide by Turkey , they slaughtered and displaced millions of Armenians , Greeks, Syrians, and Kurds but you never see anything done to commemorate the survivors

    I hope you are not posting this from Turkey or you will be arrested
    I'm not lmao but just goes to show how crazy of a country Turkey is that they kill/arrest any journalists that report these crimes
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,629 ★★★★★
    edited January 30
    BigBlueOx said:

    Great wait until the people realize Mantis is an actual alien…

    She's Vietnamese in the comics. It's only the MCU and James Gunn's desire to keep Quill the only human that made her alien. Drax was a human in the comics too.
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    edited January 30
    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    JessieS said:

    Are they obligated to do it? At least we got a LNY event multiple times before; Diwali, a festival which is also celebrated by more than 1 billion people worldwide has never even been addressed by Kabam yet you don't see people complaining about it. Btw they did address the elephant in the room and also post it in fb. You'd have known if you spent a little time searching instead of just rushing into the forums to complain about it.

    Are you just being weirdly defensive about Kabam or do you truly not understand what a bizzare move it is for Kabam to go from widely celebrating Lunar New Year year after year to not even doing something as simple as acknowledge it with an in game message ?
    I am not being defensive for anyone. If you’re trying to insinuate that it’s some kind of a hidden agenda against China then it’s highly unlikely and the way I see it is just a business move. I am just speculating here so take it with a grain of salt. Before when the game had a large active player base in China generating sizeable revenue it made sense to do a LNY event to keep the players happy. But now that the game got banned in China and the revenue declined from that region, they might not find it necessary to keep doing that event. If India was a top revenue generating region then we would probably get a Diwali event every year. The fact that they give a decent Christmas gift suggests that the players who spend most in the game are from American and European countries. Again pure speculation and I have no concrete data to support what I said whatsoever.
    That was my thought as well. Which is why I could understand removing the event . But removing it completely and not even sending a simple symbolic message ( it’s not like they are shy on the messages ) to wish people a Happy Lunar New Year . This just seems like pure pettiness and generally when corporate entities begin acting petty and unprofessional and they face no pushback it’s a sign that the quality is about to drop
    How fortunate for all of us that you’re providing the pushback that will eliminate that critical threat to quality.
    Nah I am just a small cog but I provide a place for players to vent their frustration . Nothing can ever eliminate the inevitable enshittification but we can try to slow it down a bit
    Cory Doctorow recommended two strategies to counter what he called enshittification when he coined the phrase. One: don’t use algorithms to decide what content people get in your platform. Two: don’t lock users into your platform; allow them to walk away. Neither of these are really applicable to MCOC as MCOC is not a platform in this context.

    It’s probably not a good idea to use terms you’re unfamiliar with just because they sound cool, just as it’s probably not a good idea to attempt to represent all us Asians just because you have a degree in “Asian”. Most Asians already know how to Asian and can Asian for themselves.
    Enshittification comes as corporations cut corners and offer less product and poorer quality to increase their profits . The more people comply with it the faster it happens . You are entitled to your opinion that Kabam is is improving its services but I think you will find out that many people disagree
    No, the term "enshittification" has nothing to do with that whatsoever. The term was coined by Cory Doctorow to encapsulate a set of observations not unique to him, but were advocated by him as the net result of allowing large platforms to dominate both side of an otherwise competitive market. Ordinarily you'd expect in a capitalist market that buyers compete against other buyers and sellers compete against other sellers, but market incentives promote the creation of middle men in between, and as those platforms grow to a sufficiently large size those same capitalist forces that would ordinarily act to promote competitive benefits on both sides now act to allow platforms to squeeze both sides in deleterious ways, using competition against itself. It is a critique against so-called late stage capitalism when it isn't properly regulated and simply assumes market forces will always act to benefit at least one side of every transaction.

    The example he uses is Amazon. Amazon often forces sellers to give them preferential pricing, sometimes called most favored nation pricing. A seller cannot sell for less anywhere else besides Amazon. This seems to be beneficial to consumers, because it lowers prices for buyers on Amazon. But he notes that since Amazon itself takes a cut of the transaction through various fees and other structures, sellers must incorporate that into their pricing. They must raise prices to account for Amazon's cut. But since they cannot offer lower prices anywhere else, when businesses raise prices on Amazon to pay Amazon's fees, they must raise them *everywhere*. And because Amazon has so much power as a selling platform, many businesses feel compelled to participate on the platform. So Amazon's policy to lower prices for its buyers actually has the net effect of raising prices for everyone, even people who don't shop at Amazon. And the very market forces that you would think would act to benefit either buyers or sellers get shifted to benefit only Amazon: both buyers *and* sellers end up less well off.

    The idea behind "enshittification" is not that companies will do less to profit more, and not that failing to resist these trends will somehow accelerate them. It is that platforms are incentivized to act against all parties for their own benefit. In Amazon's case, this was expressed in late stage capitalist terms. But in broader terms, he and others have applied it to less directly obvious market driven platforms like social media. In the case of TikTok, Cory made the case that platforms evolve through three stages: first they need a large user base and so devote all their energy to making their platforms as useful as possible. Once they have them they need to find a way to make a viable business off of them so they devote all their energy to giving other businesses (who actually have money) ways to target them. And finally, when they become a valuable place for businesses to reach a customer base, they attempt to monetize that relationship to make money for themselves, becoming in effect hostile to both their users and their business customers.

    None of this is applicable to Marvel Contest of Champions, because MCOC is not a platform in this context, and none of these observations apply to it. In fact, you're attempting to make the exact opposite case. You're claiming Kabam spends insufficient time improving their platform to cut corners and make more money. Cory makes the case that platforms are very, very busy bees always trying to improve their platforms with ruthless efficiency. The problem being, they eventually aren't improving those platforms for anyone's benefit but their own.

    Perhaps you should have considered a minor degree in Business Studies.
    You do know this is not an academic discussion right ? It doesn’t matter how the term started now it’s used in regular conversation as way to describe the trend of corporations cutting corners and giving increasingly **** services to squeeze every cent possible .

    But hey if bothers you so much I will phrase it more simply . Kabam ditching an event that has been going on for years and not even doing the most basic thing to acknowledge it because of a petty vendetta against China ( because honestly who buys the stale explanation ) is a sign of unprofessional behaviour . Combined with the increasingly poor rewards , the underwhelming performance of things like the banquet and its red flag after flag . And I feel it’s good to bring it up especially as a way to balance the Kabam hardcore supporters who just go with everything
    Polygon said:

    JessieS said:

    Polygon said:

    In the 19th Century genocide by Turkey , they slaughtered and displaced millions of Armenians , Greeks, Syrians, and Kurds but you never see anything done to commemorate the survivors

    I hope you are not posting this from Turkey or you will be arrested
    I'm not lmao but just goes to show how crazy of a country Turkey is that they kill/arrest any journalists that report these crimes
    To be fair every country tends to whitewash its atrocities and try to play them down
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,372 ★★★★
    JessieS said:

    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    JessieS said:

    Are they obligated to do it? At least we got a LNY event multiple times before; Diwali, a festival which is also celebrated by more than 1 billion people worldwide has never even been addressed by Kabam yet you don't see people complaining about it. Btw they did address the elephant in the room and also post it in fb. You'd have known if you spent a little time searching instead of just rushing into the forums to complain about it.

    Are you just being weirdly defensive about Kabam or do you truly not understand what a bizzare move it is for Kabam to go from widely celebrating Lunar New Year year after year to not even doing something as simple as acknowledge it with an in game message ?
    I am not being defensive for anyone. If you’re trying to insinuate that it’s some kind of a hidden agenda against China then it’s highly unlikely and the way I see it is just a business move. I am just speculating here so take it with a grain of salt. Before when the game had a large active player base in China generating sizeable revenue it made sense to do a LNY event to keep the players happy. But now that the game got banned in China and the revenue declined from that region, they might not find it necessary to keep doing that event. If India was a top revenue generating region then we would probably get a Diwali event every year. The fact that they give a decent Christmas gift suggests that the players who spend most in the game are from American and European countries. Again pure speculation and I have no concrete data to support what I said whatsoever.
    That was my thought as well. Which is why I could understand removing the event . But removing it completely and not even sending a simple symbolic message ( it’s not like they are shy on the messages ) to wish people a Happy Lunar New Year . This just seems like pure pettiness and generally when corporate entities begin acting petty and unprofessional and they face no pushback it’s a sign that the quality is about to drop
    How fortunate for all of us that you’re providing the pushback that will eliminate that critical threat to quality.
    Nah I am just a small cog but I provide a place for players to vent their frustration . Nothing can ever eliminate the inevitable enshittification but we can try to slow it down a bit
    Cory Doctorow recommended two strategies to counter what he called enshittification when he coined the phrase. One: don’t use algorithms to decide what content people get in your platform. Two: don’t lock users into your platform; allow them to walk away. Neither of these are really applicable to MCOC as MCOC is not a platform in this context.

    It’s probably not a good idea to use terms you’re unfamiliar with just because they sound cool, just as it’s probably not a good idea to attempt to represent all us Asians just because you have a degree in “Asian”. Most Asians already know how to Asian and can Asian for themselves.
    Enshittification comes as corporations cut corners and offer less product and poorer quality to increase their profits . The more people comply with it the faster it happens . You are entitled to your opinion that Kabam is is improving its services but I think you will find out that many people disagree
    No, the term "enshittification" has nothing to do with that whatsoever. The term was coined by Cory Doctorow to encapsulate a set of observations not unique to him, but were advocated by him as the net result of allowing large platforms to dominate both side of an otherwise competitive market. Ordinarily you'd expect in a capitalist market that buyers compete against other buyers and sellers compete against other sellers, but market incentives promote the creation of middle men in between, and as those platforms grow to a sufficiently large size those same capitalist forces that would ordinarily act to promote competitive benefits on both sides now act to allow platforms to squeeze both sides in deleterious ways, using competition against itself. It is a critique against so-called late stage capitalism when it isn't properly regulated and simply assumes market forces will always act to benefit at least one side of every transaction.

    The example he uses is Amazon. Amazon often forces sellers to give them preferential pricing, sometimes called most favored nation pricing. A seller cannot sell for less anywhere else besides Amazon. This seems to be beneficial to consumers, because it lowers prices for buyers on Amazon. But he notes that since Amazon itself takes a cut of the transaction through various fees and other structures, sellers must incorporate that into their pricing. They must raise prices to account for Amazon's cut. But since they cannot offer lower prices anywhere else, when businesses raise prices on Amazon to pay Amazon's fees, they must raise them *everywhere*. And because Amazon has so much power as a selling platform, many businesses feel compelled to participate on the platform. So Amazon's policy to lower prices for its buyers actually has the net effect of raising prices for everyone, even people who don't shop at Amazon. And the very market forces that you would think would act to benefit either buyers or sellers get shifted to benefit only Amazon: both buyers *and* sellers end up less well off.

    The idea behind "enshittification" is not that companies will do less to profit more, and not that failing to resist these trends will somehow accelerate them. It is that platforms are incentivized to act against all parties for their own benefit. In Amazon's case, this was expressed in late stage capitalist terms. But in broader terms, he and others have applied it to less directly obvious market driven platforms like social media. In the case of TikTok, Cory made the case that platforms evolve through three stages: first they need a large user base and so devote all their energy to making their platforms as useful as possible. Once they have them they need to find a way to make a viable business off of them so they devote all their energy to giving other businesses (who actually have money) ways to target them. And finally, when they become a valuable place for businesses to reach a customer base, they attempt to monetize that relationship to make money for themselves, becoming in effect hostile to both their users and their business customers.

    None of this is applicable to Marvel Contest of Champions, because MCOC is not a platform in this context, and none of these observations apply to it. In fact, you're attempting to make the exact opposite case. You're claiming Kabam spends insufficient time improving their platform to cut corners and make more money. Cory makes the case that platforms are very, very busy bees always trying to improve their platforms with ruthless efficiency. The problem being, they eventually aren't improving those platforms for anyone's benefit but their own.

    Perhaps you should have considered a minor degree in Business Studies.
    You do know this is not an academic discussion right ? It doesn’t matter how the term started now it’s used in regular conversation as way to describe the trend of corporations cutting corners and giving increasingly **** services to squeeze every cent possible .

    But hey if bothers you so much I will phrase it more simply . Kabam ditching an event that has been going on for years and not even doing the most basic thing to acknowledge it because of a petty vendetta against China ( because honestly who buys the stale explanation ) is a sign of unprofessional behaviour . Combined with the increasingly poor rewards , the underwhelming performance of things like the banquet and its red flag after flag . And I feel it’s good to bring it up especially as a way to balance the Kabam hardcore supporters who just go with everything
    Polygon said:

    JessieS said:

    Polygon said:

    In the 19th Century genocide by Turkey , they slaughtered and displaced millions of Armenians , Greeks, Syrians, and Kurds but you never see anything done to commemorate the survivors

    I hope you are not posting this from Turkey or you will be arrested
    I'm not lmao but just goes to show how crazy of a country Turkey is that they kill/arrest any journalists that report these crimes
    To be fair every country tends to whitewash its atrocities and try to play them down
    Bruh just take the L. Your wishes have already been granted. You made a mistake using a word, accept it's wrong and go.

    Actually, don't. Weekend clown fiestas are always fun to watch. Please continue.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,945 ★★★★★
    I know I've put on some weight, but I'd still prefer to be addressed by my name.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian
    JessieS said:

    You do know this is not an academic discussion right ? It doesn’t matter how the term started now it’s used in regular conversation as way to describe the trend of corporations cutting corners and giving increasingly **** services to squeeze every cent possible .

    No, it isn't, except by people who have no idea what they are talking about but want to sound like they do.

    Which is the real applicability here. I'm sure less than nobody cares about the semantic origin of that term. But they might care about how someone with a clear misunderstanding of an entire area of study will nevertheless double down on that misunderstanding might relate to someone attempting to represent an entire group of people based on an academic degree.

    The first time I read the novel The Davinci Code I enjoyed it thoroughly. And it is a good work of fiction, but part of the alure was its apparent, even if fictionalized, contact with reality. I later learned that this was entirely due to my lack of expertise in the topics being fictionalized. When I branched out to other novels that covered ground for which I did possess expertise, in particular Angels and Demons and Digital Fortress I discovered he was completely full of nonsense, and his research skills were borderline incompetent. I still like The Davinci Code as a work of fiction, but a lot of the magic wore off when I realize most of the stuff in there is probably completely made up of a total misunderstanding by him.

    Credibility counts for a lot, and everyone only has one credibility score. If you ruin it in one area, you lose it everywhere. This should give people pause when they evaluate your judgment when it comes to things like whether Kabam has a "vendetta" against China, because that's the only explanation you can come up with. Maybe that says more about the limitations of your imagination than Kabam's intentions.
  • Phantøm_EchøPhantøm_Echø Member Posts: 156 ★★★
    edited February 1
    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    You do know this is not an academic discussion right ? It doesn’t matter how the term started now it’s used in regular conversation as way to describe the trend of corporations cutting corners and giving increasingly **** services to squeeze every cent possible .

    No, it isn't, except by people who have no idea what they are talking about but want to sound like they do.

    Which is the real applicability here. I'm sure less than nobody cares about the semantic origin of that term. But they might care about how someone with a clear misunderstanding of an entire area of study will nevertheless double down on that misunderstanding might relate to someone attempting to represent an entire group of people based on an academic degree.

    The first time I read the novel The Davinci Code I enjoyed it thoroughly. And it is a good work of fiction, but part of the alure was its apparent, even if fictionalized, contact with reality. I later learned that this was entirely due to my lack of expertise in the topics being fictionalized. When I branched out to other novels that covered ground for which I did possess expertise, in particular Angels and Demons and Digital Fortress I discovered he was completely full of nonsense, and his research skills were borderline incompetent. I still like The Davinci Code as a work of fiction, but a lot of the magic wore off when I realize most of the stuff in there is probably completely made up of a total misunderstanding by him.

    Credibility counts for a lot, and everyone only has one credibility score. If you ruin it in one area, you lose it everywhere. This should give people pause when they evaluate your judgment when it comes to things like whether Kabam has a "vendetta" against China, because that's the only explanation you can come up with. Maybe that says more about the limitations of your imagination than Kabam's intentions.
    To hold people's credibility accountable in one of the most low-stake environments such as the MCOC forums seems ridiculous to me lol, as well as even considering their views on such far-removed outlandish ideas of discussion that barely relates to the game, but that's just me. Competent people should treat it as fodder and move on, comparable to other discussion portals like X from individuals with a lack of credible sourcing
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,075 ★★★★★
    edited February 1
    Isn't it kinda messed up for asian cultures that celebrate the LNY that people want this event just for the in game red envelopes? Lol
    1000s of year culture, nah just gimme my pixel rewards.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    You do know this is not an academic discussion right ? It doesn’t matter how the term started now it’s used in regular conversation as way to describe the trend of corporations cutting corners and giving increasingly **** services to squeeze every cent possible .

    No, it isn't, except by people who have no idea what they are talking about but want to sound like they do.

    Which is the real applicability here. I'm sure less than nobody cares about the semantic origin of that term. But they might care about how someone with a clear misunderstanding of an entire area of study will nevertheless double down on that misunderstanding might relate to someone attempting to represent an entire group of people based on an academic degree.

    The first time I read the novel The Davinci Code I enjoyed it thoroughly. And it is a good work of fiction, but part of the alure was its apparent, even if fictionalized, contact with reality. I later learned that this was entirely due to my lack of expertise in the topics being fictionalized. When I branched out to other novels that covered ground for which I did possess expertise, in particular Angels and Demons and Digital Fortress I discovered he was completely full of nonsense, and his research skills were borderline incompetent. I still like The Davinci Code as a work of fiction, but a lot of the magic wore off when I realize most of the stuff in there is probably completely made up of a total misunderstanding by him.

    Credibility counts for a lot, and everyone only has one credibility score. If you ruin it in one area, you lose it everywhere. This should give people pause when they evaluate your judgment when it comes to things like whether Kabam has a "vendetta" against China, because that's the only explanation you can come up with. Maybe that says more about the limitations of your imagination than Kabam's intentions.
    To hold people's credibility accountable in one of the most low-stake environments such as the MCOC forums seems ridiculous to me lol, as well as even considering their views on such far-removed outlandish ideas of discussion that barely relates to the game, but that's just me. Competent people should treat it as fodder and move on, comparable to other discussion portals like X from individuals with a lack of credible sourcing
    If you don't consider the credibility of the people making statements other than posting memes, why are you even here reading them? Absent credibility, this is just a bunch of squiggles composed of pixels.

    Oh wait, you mentioned X. I don't participate on X, because random people saying random things without any concern about accuracy, integrity, and fidelity while fishing for gladiatorial cheers doesn't interest me. If one day it does, I will stick my head into a barrel and throw a hundred ipods into it playing political podcasts in random languages.

    X is not the baseline for judging communications. At least, it isn't mine. Which is why I don't participate on X. I don't move on from ridiculous conversations between incompetent people on X, I moved on from X. Sometime around 2011.
  • Phantøm_EchøPhantøm_Echø Member Posts: 156 ★★★
    edited February 1
    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    You do know this is not an academic discussion right ? It doesn’t matter how the term started now it’s used in regular conversation as way to describe the trend of corporations cutting corners and giving increasingly **** services to squeeze every cent possible .

    No, it isn't, except by people who have no idea what they are talking about but want to sound like they do.

    Which is the real applicability here. I'm sure less than nobody cares about the semantic origin of that term. But they might care about how someone with a clear misunderstanding of an entire area of study will nevertheless double down on that misunderstanding might relate to someone attempting to represent an entire group of people based on an academic degree.

    The first time I read the novel The Davinci Code I enjoyed it thoroughly. And it is a good work of fiction, but part of the alure was its apparent, even if fictionalized, contact with reality. I later learned that this was entirely due to my lack of expertise in the topics being fictionalized. When I branched out to other novels that covered ground for which I did possess expertise, in particular Angels and Demons and Digital Fortress I discovered he was completely full of nonsense, and his research skills were borderline incompetent. I still like The Davinci Code as a work of fiction, but a lot of the magic wore off when I realize most of the stuff in there is probably completely made up of a total misunderstanding by him.

    Credibility counts for a lot, and everyone only has one credibility score. If you ruin it in one area, you lose it everywhere. This should give people pause when they evaluate your judgment when it comes to things like whether Kabam has a "vendetta" against China, because that's the only explanation you can come up with. Maybe that says more about the limitations of your imagination than Kabam's intentions.
    To hold people's credibility accountable in one of the most low-stake environments such as the MCOC forums seems ridiculous to me lol, as well as even considering their views on such far-removed outlandish ideas of discussion that barely relates to the game, but that's just me. Competent people should treat it as fodder and move on, comparable to other discussion portals like X from individuals with a lack of credible sourcing
    If you don't consider the credibility of the people making statements other than posting memes, why are you even here reading them? Absent credibility, this is just a bunch of squiggles composed of pixels.

    Oh wait, you mentioned X. I don't participate on X, because random people saying random things without any concern about accuracy, integrity, and fidelity while fishing for gladiatorial cheers doesn't interest me. If one day it does, I will stick my head into a barrel and throw a hundred ipods into it playing political podcasts in random languages.

    X is not the baseline for judging communications. At least, it isn't mine. Which is why I don't participate on X. I don't move on from ridiculous conversations between incompetent people on X, I moved on from X. Sometime around 2011.
    I'm here to get credible help on new content, which is usually very apparent with people posting screenshots of teams and compositions that worked for them. Like you said, any sort of discussion that diverges from that diverts to the lack of intellectuality found within X (though there is a very miniscule amount of validity found within some accounts), and why I see it so ridiculous to try to hold these individuals accountable and credible. X is my baseline for grasping outlandish threads like this one, fueling my lack of competent interaction with them.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    Kabam isn't obligated to make events for any festivals. While I do agree that this is sort of a bummer, I'm confident Kabam will reimburse us with the rewards we would've gotten from the event in some way.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,945 ★★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    You do know this is not an academic discussion right ? It doesn’t matter how the term started now it’s used in regular conversation as way to describe the trend of corporations cutting corners and giving increasingly **** services to squeeze every cent possible .

    No, it isn't, except by people who have no idea what they are talking about but want to sound like they do.

    Which is the real applicability here. I'm sure less than nobody cares about the semantic origin of that term. But they might care about how someone with a clear misunderstanding of an entire area of study will nevertheless double down on that misunderstanding might relate to someone attempting to represent an entire group of people based on an academic degree.

    The first time I read the novel The Davinci Code I enjoyed it thoroughly. And it is a good work of fiction, but part of the alure was its apparent, even if fictionalized, contact with reality. I later learned that this was entirely due to my lack of expertise in the topics being fictionalized. When I branched out to other novels that covered ground for which I did possess expertise, in particular Angels and Demons and Digital Fortress I discovered he was completely full of nonsense, and his research skills were borderline incompetent. I still like The Davinci Code as a work of fiction, but a lot of the magic wore off when I realize most of the stuff in there is probably completely made up of a total misunderstanding by him.

    Credibility counts for a lot, and everyone only has one credibility score. If you ruin it in one area, you lose it everywhere. This should give people pause when they evaluate your judgment when it comes to things like whether Kabam has a "vendetta" against China, because that's the only explanation you can come up with. Maybe that says more about the limitations of your imagination than Kabam's intentions.
    To hold people's credibility accountable in one of the most low-stake environments such as the MCOC forums seems ridiculous to me lol, as well as even considering their views on such far-removed outlandish ideas of discussion that barely relates to the game, but that's just me. Competent people should treat it as fodder and move on, comparable to other discussion portals like X from individuals with a lack of credible sourcing
    If you don't consider the credibility of the people making statements other than posting memes, why are you even here reading them? Absent credibility, this is just a bunch of squiggles composed of pixels.

    Oh wait, you mentioned X. I don't participate on X, because random people saying random things without any concern about accuracy, integrity, and fidelity while fishing for gladiatorial cheers doesn't interest me. If one day it does, I will stick my head into a barrel and throw a hundred ipods into it playing political podcasts in random languages.

    X is not the baseline for judging communications. At least, it isn't mine. Which is why I don't participate on X. I don't move on from ridiculous conversations between incompetent people on X, I moved on from X. Sometime around 2011.
    I'm here to get credible help on new content, which is usually very apparent with people posting screenshots of teams and compositions that worked for them. Like you said, any sort of discussion that diverges from that diverts to the lack of intellectuality found within X (though there is a very miniscule amount of validity found within some accounts), and why I see it so ridiculous to try to hold these individuals accountable and credible. X is my baseline for grasping outlandish threads like this one, fueling my lack of competent interaction with them.
    X has become even worse now. It's an unchecked source of propaganda, designed to spread subtle manipulation of the far-right agenda. I got tired of it, so I stopped using it recently. Then when Zuckerberg announced the removal of fact-checking, my algorithm was inundated with various troll bait posts with Anti-Trans, racist, and homophobic comments aplenty. Funny coincidence.
    I think the idea of credible sources on those two platforms is about as likely as MySpace making a comeback.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    JessieS said:

    You do know this is not an academic discussion right ? It doesn’t matter how the term started now it’s used in regular conversation as way to describe the trend of corporations cutting corners and giving increasingly **** services to squeeze every cent possible .

    No, it isn't, except by people who have no idea what they are talking about but want to sound like they do.

    Which is the real applicability here. I'm sure less than nobody cares about the semantic origin of that term. But they might care about how someone with a clear misunderstanding of an entire area of study will nevertheless double down on that misunderstanding might relate to someone attempting to represent an entire group of people based on an academic degree.

    The first time I read the novel The Davinci Code I enjoyed it thoroughly. And it is a good work of fiction, but part of the alure was its apparent, even if fictionalized, contact with reality. I later learned that this was entirely due to my lack of expertise in the topics being fictionalized. When I branched out to other novels that covered ground for which I did possess expertise, in particular Angels and Demons and Digital Fortress I discovered he was completely full of nonsense, and his research skills were borderline incompetent. I still like The Davinci Code as a work of fiction, but a lot of the magic wore off when I realize most of the stuff in there is probably completely made up of a total misunderstanding by him.

    Credibility counts for a lot, and everyone only has one credibility score. If you ruin it in one area, you lose it everywhere. This should give people pause when they evaluate your judgment when it comes to things like whether Kabam has a "vendetta" against China, because that's the only explanation you can come up with. Maybe that says more about the limitations of your imagination than Kabam's intentions.
    To hold people's credibility accountable in one of the most low-stake environments such as the MCOC forums seems ridiculous to me lol, as well as even considering their views on such far-removed outlandish ideas of discussion that barely relates to the game, but that's just me. Competent people should treat it as fodder and move on, comparable to other discussion portals like X from individuals with a lack of credible sourcing
    If you don't consider the credibility of the people making statements other than posting memes, why are you even here reading them? Absent credibility, this is just a bunch of squiggles composed of pixels.

    Oh wait, you mentioned X. I don't participate on X, because random people saying random things without any concern about accuracy, integrity, and fidelity while fishing for gladiatorial cheers doesn't interest me. If one day it does, I will stick my head into a barrel and throw a hundred ipods into it playing political podcasts in random languages.

    X is not the baseline for judging communications. At least, it isn't mine. Which is why I don't participate on X. I don't move on from ridiculous conversations between incompetent people on X, I moved on from X. Sometime around 2011.
    I'm here to get credible help on new content, which is usually very apparent with people posting screenshots of teams and compositions that worked for them. Like you said, any sort of discussion that diverges from that diverts to the lack of intellectuality found within X (though there is a very miniscule amount of validity found within some accounts), and why I see it so ridiculous to try to hold these individuals accountable and credible. X is my baseline for grasping outlandish threads like this one, fueling my lack of competent interaction with them.
    Curiously, if there’s one thing I agree with the poster I’m replying to, it is that when you see a behavior you find objectionable, confronting it is often a better strategy than ignoring it. On long time scales a lot of the behaviors that I found to be objectionable in the past are either far less common or almost non-existent on the forums, and while I can’t prove it I probably have something to do with many of those being driven to extinction, as I was often the only one willing to confront them originally, and these days the same talking points used to shoot them down when they make an appearance are almost word for word how I used to argue against them.

    No one is cleaning up X, but it is possible, applying constant effort over long enough periods of time, to steer the conversations on the forums in positive ways. Of course, for every bad behavior you extinguish two new ones show up, but I still think it is worth it that we don’t have to, say, tolerate crystal conspiracies daily. That there’s no debate about whether cheating is okay. And I can appreciate that “BG match making is unfair” is continuing to decline, and I’m no longer the one making the case every single time. The forums can’t be controlled, but they can be inoculated against specific things. Whether I’m driving solutions or just contributing to them, I think it is worth it either way if I can see results, and on long timescales I can see results.

    I am definitely taking credit for making a mockery of people talking about patents, for example. That’s now a fringe idea only spoken of in dark corners of player discussion, far out of view of the average player. Also, turning the word “boycott” into a joke. I worked especially hard on that one. It may look like I am charging at windmills, but occasionally I bring one of them down.
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