Lack of livestream notice

I missed this live stream because I didn’t know about it. They used to send an ingame message a week before. Why have they stopped doing that? Not all of us have X, it feels like they’re excluding some of their players. I was really disappointed when I found out that there was a livestream today and I missed it. Did this happen to anyone else?
Kabam shouldn’t have us turn on notifications from a second party app for their stuff. We should be getting stuff in advance through the in-game mail like we used to.
Thought I remember seeing that in game, besides for up here on Forums.
(Mail Msg in advance, not the Notification at the time of LiveStream when logged in)
Side note: You say you don't have X, which is fair enough. Don't you follow MCOC on Facebook or Instagram? They announced it there too. What more do you want? A hand delivered letter from Karate Mike or Dorky Dave?
Care to elaborate? I got them all without any issues.
At the end of the day my points still stand per the examples mentioned
In which, that calendar date on the message may have been upwards of 24 hrs (or close) in advance. (because I maybe thought I got mine the day before, which is all relevant to what “day” your Timezone is in (in US)
But thought I had received the in-game MAIL earlier than that.
(*wonder how the dates appear on Mail Msgs ? Does the date appear as of when you actually open game and message is their in inbox ?)
Like, what happens if you done login for couple days.
Does date displayed on Inbox messages get the originating date, or the date it first appears in Inbox which is when you next open the game ?
It’s on me for missing the announcement in the forums, but what about other people that don’t use third party apps? I don’t want a letter from them I just want them to add back the week in advance in game notice.
Its not a lack of communication, they communicated plenty just not by a mean that is preferred to you and we don't even know if it was on purpose.