Collar Tech Mastery

I remember a couple of people asking about this mastery recently but I can't find the thread now, and the other stuff I found online about it is pretty misleading. Anyway, I had maxed out collar tech a while ago, then stopped using it, but I was playing around with my masteries today and was able to test it out and show that it does work.
So this is the same fight with identical circumstances. Same Sentinel vs. same Juggs; both bars are after same parry stun MLLLM combo. First without collar tech, second with 5/5 collar tech.
And for what it's worth, I'm still not going to use it, I don't think it's worth it for me.

So this is the same fight with identical circumstances. Same Sentinel vs. same Juggs; both bars are after same parry stun MLLLM combo. First without collar tech, second with 5/5 collar tech.
And for what it's worth, I'm still not going to use it, I don't think it's worth it for me.

Or was that something like “it doesn’t work any better if you go to level 2/3 in that” ?
(can’t remember what the prior conversations about this had been, but think it had to do with 2 or 3 versus just needing 1 point ?)
Also, not sure if this is the Mastery that comes to mind with people always saying it does not work, but that Kabam had basically said “it is what it is, it isn't gonna be changed”. Maybe that was a different Class specific mastery node (?), but sounds like it was maybe this one.
Pure Skill increases your critical penetration, but back when Kabam said that, there were almost no scenarios in the game where it was impactful to have Pure Skill at r4/5.
I think there are actually now a couple of opponents for whom Pure Skill R5 should provide visible results. Although I haven't tested them, personally.
Serpent and Arnim Zola both substantially reduce your Critical penetration against them - my understanding is that Pure Skill increases your critical penetration, so it should help mitigate these abilities of theirs; meaning it actually has a (small) role in the game, now.
- r1 opponents have 100% CPR
- r2 opponents have 105% CPR
- r3 opponents have 110% CPR
- r4 opponents have 115% CPR
- r5 opponents have 120% CPR
7* champions don't do this: All seven star champions have a base Power Rate of 120%, from the word 'go'. It's part of what makes them overall stronger than 6* champs, along with their higher Champion Rating.So let's say you have maxed Collar Tech, which reduces CPR by 18%. With this mastery...
- r1 opponents have 100% CPR, so Collar Tech reduces it to 82%
- r2 opponents have 105% CPR, so Collar Tech reduces it to 87%
- r3 opponents have 110% CPR, so Collar Tech reduces it to 92%
- r4 opponents have 115% CPR, so Collar Tech reduces it to 97%
- r5 opponents and 7* opponents have 120% CPR, so Collar Tech reduces it to 102%
That might not sound like a huge difference; and true: it isn't. However, as noted above, Collar Tech is additive with other forms of Power Limitation, like Suppression debuffs, Petrify Mastery, or the way that Yondu and Punisher-2099 reduce CPR.During Overdrive, Punisher-2099 reduces the opponent's CPR by 90%.
- Since 7* opponents have 120% CPR, Punisher-2099 reduces it to 30%
- With an additional 18% from maxed Collar Tech, Punisher-2099 can reduce a 7* opponent's CPR from 30% to just 12%. But he can't shut it off completely.