7* Champions you would take to rank 4 that people aren’t talking enough about right now?

I feel like the same couple of champions are being brought up in all these potential rank 4 discussions. Who do you think would be a “meta viable” rank up that’s slipping under the radar?
For science I think Spot would insane at rank 4. He’s not great at punching up because of the block damage he takes but that would be heavily mitigated if he’s a rank higher than most champions you’ll face in BGS. Hes also still a sneaky good defender
I think Ultron is also a sleeper pick. A lot of people will have him after the Valentine’s Day event. He legit has the highest damage potential in the tech class. Stun lock potential, multiple armour buffs, lots of DOT and physical hit damage, great synergies for various questing teams and insane BGs burst attacker
For science I think Spot would insane at rank 4. He’s not great at punching up because of the block damage he takes but that would be heavily mitigated if he’s a rank higher than most champions you’ll face in BGS. Hes also still a sneaky good defender
I think Ultron is also a sleeper pick. A lot of people will have him after the Valentine’s Day event. He legit has the highest damage potential in the tech class. Stun lock potential, multiple armour buffs, lots of DOT and physical hit damage, great synergies for various questing teams and insane BGs burst attacker
I think almost every other option is gonna be common among alot of players like onslaught, serpent etc
But yeah, she's great. At 7R4 she'd be pretty awesome. I can imagine not needing to ever rebuild up to Binary.
she only lacks damage in short fights but the extra rank might be what she needs to shine ( finish fights with sp1 sp2 )
So unique
Thanos is so damn fun, but Odin.....
Skill - Patriot!!!
Mutant - As usual Domino 😳
Tech - Prowler or Ironheart stole my heart
Cosmic - Ehhhhhh Idk hyperion?
Mystic - Goat Purgatory