Wow Kebem is also giving everyone free 7* Nightcrawler, thanks a lot Kebem 😀
Right after a free titan, 7* awakening gem and 888 units....kidding aside not really due to the fact of the units spent to get there, around 10K - 11K I believe is the unit cost to get to the end of the chain offers.
Spinning out gave me a 6* dpx which I'm happy Abt considering that the banquet pools take apx 1 ye to come into basic pool so I'm happily ranking him up
So, evidently the X-Magica Chain Store is a FIXED 3 Days, and does NOT reset the Purchase Timer for each subsequent one in the chain (like they would when they do these escalating ones via Pop-Up Offers instead).
I been trying to dupe my 7* void for longest time, pulled him when I first inursion crystal when it came out lol
I ranked up my 6* void. 7* void will sit on my deck for sometime even if I dupe him soon I think the 6* version is enough for the utility now. I'll rank up the 7* once his duped and sigs are common.
Fair Warning.
Omfg @captain_rogers it happen
Someone in my alliance duped void and now as like man what are the chances..if I get this dupe void he’s going r2 right now
Feeling like @simula67 !!