This quest cost me less than Necropolis for way more rewards. And I’m F2P with only around 2.5k units on my account before exploration. I like it.
I kinda hate a lot of the path fights, but I like Ares. He becomes learnable and fun after the first couple attempts. I don’t know what game breaking bugs are causing you to fail all the prompts, but you probably shouldn’t do the quest if that’s such a common issue for you.
I didn’t face many such bugs during the Ares fight so I had a good time. By that count I think you should be complaining about the bugs and not Ares because he’s a fine boss.
Stop saying “I”m F2P” Most annoying thing ever.
You killed the boss with bugs. That’s awesome and a good job.
@MrSakuragi Yeah I get you. The paths make Epoch so unenjoyable. A path off bosses 6 bosses with trash nodes… leading to a boss that will drain your revives isn’t fun unless you spend hours grinding or paying for units and revives. There’s always at least 1 fight that your champs cannot take without having to revive dump. Which leads to you having to use revives no matter how well you play. The lag & freezing which completely turns off your imput every time make it MUCH worse. Content used to be more fun instead of a complete chore to do. The game used to be so much better.
I like Aries better than the lanes themselves. You can do it with most any champ and it's predominantly skill based. I got destroyed my first play-through. Getting used to the timing and having to figure out that double-tapping for a light attack was the best way for it to be recognized on my device ate through a lot of revives, but I've gotten way better on my subsequent runs. Overall it's been more enjoyable then Necro was the first time and a lot cheaper. I just wish my pulls from the paths I've done would have been better. Nothing worse then completing a path only to pull a 7 star spiderman.
This quest cost me less than Necropolis for way more rewards. And I’m F2P with only around 2.5k units on my account before exploration. I like it.
I kinda hate a lot of the path fights, but I like Ares. He becomes learnable and fun after the first couple attempts. I don’t know what game breaking bugs are causing you to fail all the prompts, but you probably shouldn’t do the quest if that’s such a common issue for you.
I didn’t face many such bugs during the Ares fight so I had a good time. By that count I think you should be complaining about the bugs and not Ares because he’s a fine boss.
Stop saying “I”m F2P” Most annoying thing ever.
You killed the boss with bugs. That’s awesome and a good job.
When the original post says the content is targeting people with “endless units and revives” (and we all know this is talking about people who spend money on those things), that is one of the few times that mentioning being free to play is relevant. Generally, I agree that people bringing up their game spending (whether it’s about how much or how little) is obnoxious, but on this one OP opened the door for people to rebut the claim by saying that they accomplished the content without the assistance he claims they need.
It's a flawed design. Kabam logic is always flawed at the wrong time. Now, if the game worked properly with inputs, it actually is a fun fight imo. But when heavy fails, dropped inputs, dead screen issues, failed intercepts, failed commands, screen freezing, and so much more!!! No, it's a revive dumb at some stages. Thanks in advance for the thumbs down, stupid/smart ppl )
****, I totally thought that person over there would care. Sorry man.
But Do You Know??????? That I'm big time Free to play. Aka F2P, aka non spender aka peasant. I mean absolutely ultra super duper uber Free To Play. I mean for real for real for real Free to Play.
I explored it once. And I'm trying to do it in my alt But It might come as a surprise........ Do You know my alt account is also , Free To Play, aka F2P aka non spender. For real for really really.
And guess what!........! I don't even do arenas. Have missed multiple logins and SDE milestones. In the end I'd like to conclude it all by saying that. **Drumroll** 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 I'm Free to Play. I Bet you didn't know that. The end.
-simple Free To Play player among other Free to Play Players in the Free to Play Game.
@BuggyDClown I’m gonna pretend you’re not dense and can tell the difference between sarcasm and seriousness when I make an entire post about being the best MCOC ever player 🤦🏽♂️ In my deathless thanos posts, you don’t see me saying how easy the quest is and how much I enjoyed it. That was also revive dump BS. Make a solid point for once brother.
Yeah that's what I said. It was easy and you bragged about it how you have r3 max sig D-Thanos. Now you got actual Endgame content to do and you all doing is crying about it
@Tairique_turay0 grind for revives bro. You don't have to spend units. I didnt use any units for the entire run. Just take your time. The quest isn't going anywhere. We will see Ares again in another quest according to kabam.
Why unnecessary yap? Rewards are 7r4, Titan Nexus, 7* class crystals, 7* sigs, two 7* Awaken gems, lots of T6CC, unbelievable gold and much more,
But main attraction I saw, I had to double check it, there is 7* Nexus with 5 choices, that's right, 5.
KABAM back in form with rewards, All kinds of revives, 24h crystals, 4h crystals and units waste is worth it.
Because they keep making this stuff and nothing else. No content to enjoy. Not everyone can play like a robot or want to deal with having to do 20 hours of mindless potion grinding to do a lane. If you want to play content just to be super hard because the challenge is "fun" go play act 6 with 4* champs. Other players that have invested alot in the game as well dont want to quit but there just isnt fun content to do. EQ is still fricken thronebreaker ..thats crazy. Story mode is a perfect difficulty and good rewards. We just wish EQ and SQ where on par and they did stuff like Variants still or similar but of course more difficult. Its just not fun to be stuck in a quest for 8 hours and just smash though reviving. I nice to be able to enjoy the power of the champs you ranked to the highest level and smash content.
Exactly. 🎯 Perfectly said. This revive dump BS isnt even made for the entirety of Endgame players… it’s made for Endgame players that spend tons on the game, or grind arena for hours every day because they have nothing better to do. Nothing fun about running out of revives half way through a path because you aren’t a spender and don’t grind the depressingly tedious arena every day. What a fun way to make content 👍🏽 the game has strayed so far from the once extremely enjoyable and fun game it once was.
Dudes still on this after 2 weeks of the post being dead. You can do this entirely revive-less and its called endgame content for a reason, its not meant to be fun its meant to be difficult. And the rewards match the difficulty.
@Monubean Everything you said is literally an objective fact… and yet forums is so brain dead that you knew people would downvote because you aren’t glazing Kabam 24/7 like they are 😴 well said bro 🎯
@Monubean Everything you said is literally an objective fact… and yet forums is so brain dead that you knew people would downvote because you aren’t glazing Kabam 24/7 like they are 😴 well said bro 🎯
100% believe that some "entity" will pick the most vulnerable, and willfully ignorant, with no sense of morals and integrity, to be paid opposition. We have seen this tactic all throughout human history. This "entity" is just a spec in a long line of history, that ultimately meets the same demise, yet they never learn and persist lol. @Tairique_turay0
Agreed. Initially I was a little concerned that he was going to be some unfair resource black hole, but he's not like that at all. He's super fun and rewarding to play. Of course, people who need to use revives just to complete an Apothecary run will hate him, but he wasn't designed for the cretins, he was designed for the players who actually enjoy this game and love a challenge...
I think he’s fun too. Objectively speaking, the completion rewards are the best thing we have ever seen for seven fights. Even if Ares is one of the seven.
Just remember you guys your experience is possible very different to others. Some people have extreme lag and I’ve heard that some even experience black screens. Ares isn’t the easiest boss but that combined with the game’s inherent flaws of lag could be a revive fest for you. Fortunately I only experience lag in bgs but not everybody has the same experience. Thankfully in my case ares is just a skill issue. His movements are way too slow for me and I’m too fast. major skill issue on my part
I knew exactly how forums would react to this thread. I’m speaking for the 99% of players who don’t go on forums and aren’t sweats or whales. This content along with the gameplay breaking bugs and AI issues make it a nightmare for the average F2P / low spending player, endgame and not. I only care that Kabam at least sees this.
I’m going to try my best to be thoughtful and not upset you here cause I do want to you hear what I’m saying. I’ve done two runs of this quest so far. The first one was the most frustrating experience I’ve ever had with this game. Ares took a ridiculous amount of revives. I didn’t dex a single special attack fully. But then I watched some videos and went in again, and actually enjoyed it a lot the second time. Watching his eyes flashing to indicate which special attack he’s throwing was my key. I’m definitely not part of the top 1% of this game and I thought this fight was completely unfair, but now I don’t. This was also the experience of multiple of my alliance mates. Everyone hates the quest first try (except MSD level players). It gets far easier (and dare I say fun) when you go through it again and start to figure out how to beat Ares. At this point, I’m looking forward to my next 4 runs. Take some time away from the quest. Then try again once you’re mentally ready. Worst comes to worst, you skip exploring it and ignore Ares forever. But if I were you I’d try again and see it as a challenge to learn and improve on, not an impossibility.
@MrSakuragi Yeah I get you. The paths make Epoch so unenjoyable. A path off bosses 6 bosses with trash nodes… leading to a boss that will drain your revives isn’t fun unless you spend hours grinding or paying for units and revives. There’s always at least 1 fight that your champs cannot take without having to revive dump. Which leads to you having to use revives no matter how well you play. The lag & freezing which completely turns off your imput every time make it MUCH worse. Content used to be more fun instead of a complete chore to do. The game used to be so much better.
I used like 3 revives on the path, If you can't do the path then you aren't in the position to be complaining about the difficulty of Ares which is incredibly fair
Another thing nobody is noting down is that you simply were not ready. I was in no rush to complete epoch and only just got my initial clear 2 days ago.
I waited till I was ready, watched lots of videos of people's mistakes, learnt how to quickly identify his special attacks (using eye method), memorized the special attack pattern and inputs till I COULDN'T possibly miss it, I even used to practice on YouTube when youtubers were doing it and pretending it was me and parrying and dexing when It was time to during the specials. POINT IS, I WAS READY AND CONFIDENT FOR ARES. I personally have never been one to rush content as I like to prepare first
First run, I only used one team revive Second run, I was able to get ares to final phase in one run and only ended up using ONE SINGLE revive to finish him off.
You posted this thread COMPLAINING on February 14 which is 2 days after the quest came out. You simply WERE NOT READY enough. There was no reason to jump into new content immediately when you could've given yourself time to learn from the people who made mistakes and know what not to do.
You simply were in a rush to do it and it was difficult for you. That is not on the devs. I agree that the path combinations were the hardest part and it was a revive dump especially with kabam slapping on heal block nodes on every defender that places debuffs.
Also ARES AI was one of the most co-operative AI I've ever experienced, he was never stingy with specials NOT ONCE (in my experience)
Why unnecessary yap? Rewards are 7r4, Titan Nexus, 7* class crystals, 7* sigs, two 7* Awaken gems, lots of T6CC, unbelievable gold and much more,
But main attraction I saw, I had to double check it, there is 7* Nexus with 5 choices, that's right, 5.
KABAM back in form with rewards, All kinds of revives, 24h crystals, 4h crystals and units waste is worth it.
Because they keep making this stuff and nothing else. No content to enjoy. Not everyone can play like a robot or want to deal with having to do 20 hours of mindless potion grinding to do a lane. If you want to play content just to be super hard because the challenge is "fun" go play act 6 with 4* champs. Other players that have invested alot in the game as well dont want to quit but there just isnt fun content to do. EQ is still fricken thronebreaker ..thats crazy. Story mode is a perfect difficulty and good rewards. We just wish EQ and SQ where on par and they did stuff like Variants still or similar but of course more difficult. Its just not fun to be stuck in a quest for 8 hours and just smash though reviving. I nice to be able to enjoy the power of the champs you ranked to the highest level and smash content.
Exactly. 🎯 Perfectly said. This revive dump BS isnt even made for the entirety of Endgame players… it’s made for Endgame players that spend tons on the game, or grind arena for hours every day because they have nothing better to do. Nothing fun about running out of revives half way through a path because you aren’t a spender and don’t grind the depressingly tedious arena every day. What a fun way to make content 👍🏽 the game has strayed so far from the once extremely enjoyable and fun game it once was.
Dudes still on this after 2 weeks of the post being dead. You can do this entirely revive-less and its called endgame content for a reason, its not meant to be fun its meant to be difficult. And the rewards match the difficulty.
I genuinely take a hard pass on stuff like this i may do a run in the future but honestly this content doesn’t make or break anyone who isn’t competitive in the highest parts. I recently did the crucible. It was long and boring other than a 2-3 gems the crystal were lack luster for effort spent. I weigh effort vs time i genuinely like my time so i let it sit. Honestly this game is trending towards EA and angry birds. This quest i feel is low effort and bad design when revive spam built into the boss. I just play waiting for the sweet release of this games death.👻
I genuinely take a hard pass on stuff like this i may do a run in the future but honestly this content doesn’t make or break anyone who isn’t competitive in the highest parts. I recently did the crucible. It was long and boring other than a 2-3 gems the crystal were lack luster for effort spent. I weigh effort vs time i genuinely like my time so i let it sit. Honestly this game is trending towards EA and angry birds. This quest i feel is low effort and bad design when revive spam built into the boss. I just play waiting for the sweet release of this games death.👻
But EoP is so much faster than the Crucible and requires so much less planning, not to mention the rewards are way better. If you did the Crucible but are skipping this, you're doing things backwards imo...
I just hate the global node on the Cassie lane. Way too much timer watching. You think you have everything lined up, then bam! Power drained, or special miss.
Also, how you play into the nodes with heimdall. But it's the 3rd time we're seeing this fight and he still gets locked up.
@SoSA__Remake Dumbest reply i’ve read in a while… respectfully. So stupid that it doesn’t deserve a serious reply.
You don’t even have to do it yet you are complaining about a piece of content that is by far easier than necropolis and faster for the effort. I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t do necro or abyss.
@SoSA__Remake Dumbest reply i’ve read in a while… respectfully. So stupid that it doesn’t deserve a serious reply.
You don’t even have to do it yet you are complaining about a piece of content that is by far easier than necropolis and faster for the effort. I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t do necro or abyss.
He did Necro but somehow finds EOP more revive dump LMAO.
EOP is consuming less time and revives than Necro exploration did with Aegon team
Most annoying thing ever.
You killed the boss with bugs. That’s awesome and a good job.
Did you know I’m free to play?
****, I totally thought that person over there would care. Sorry man.
I'm big time Free to play.
Aka F2P, aka non spender aka peasant.
I mean absolutely ultra super duper uber Free To Play. I mean for real for real for real Free to Play.
I explored it once. And I'm trying to do it in my alt
It might come as a surprise........
Do You know my alt account is also , Free To Play, aka F2P aka non spender.
For real for really really.
And guess what!........!
I don't even do arenas. Have missed multiple logins and SDE milestones.
In the end I'd like to conclude it all by saying that.
I'm Free to Play.
I Bet you didn't know that.
The end.
-simple Free To Play player among other Free to Play Players in the Free to Play Game.
Now you got actual Endgame content to do and you all doing is crying about it
Seems skill issues to me
I'm literally only doing epoch just to fight him at this point.
Is he fun ? Yes
Of course, people who need to use revives just to complete an Apothecary run will hate him, but he wasn't designed for the cretins, he was designed for the players who actually enjoy this game and love a challenge...
This was also the experience of multiple of my alliance mates. Everyone hates the quest first try (except MSD level players). It gets far easier (and dare I say fun) when you go through it again and start to figure out how to beat Ares. At this point, I’m looking forward to my next 4 runs.
Take some time away from the quest. Then try again once you’re mentally ready. Worst comes to worst, you skip exploring it and ignore Ares forever. But if I were you I’d try again and see it as a challenge to learn and improve on, not an impossibility.
I was in no rush to complete epoch and only just got my initial clear 2 days ago.
I waited till I was ready, watched lots of videos of people's mistakes, learnt how to quickly identify his special attacks (using eye method), memorized the special attack pattern and inputs till I COULDN'T possibly miss it, I even used to practice on YouTube when youtubers were doing it and pretending it was me and parrying and dexing when It was time to during the specials. POINT IS, I WAS READY AND CONFIDENT FOR ARES.
I personally have never been one to rush content as I like to prepare first
First run, I only used one team revive
Second run, I was able to get ares to final phase in one run and only ended up using ONE SINGLE revive to finish him off.
You posted this thread COMPLAINING on February 14 which is 2 days after the quest came out. You simply WERE NOT READY enough. There was no reason to jump into new content immediately when you could've given yourself time to learn from the people who made mistakes and know what not to do.
You simply were in a rush to do it and it was difficult for you. That is not on the devs. I agree that the path combinations were the hardest part and it was a revive dump especially with kabam slapping on heal block nodes on every defender that places debuffs.
Also ARES AI was one of the most co-operative AI I've ever experienced, he was never stingy with specials NOT ONCE (in my experience)
Also, how you play into the nodes with heimdall. But it's the 3rd time we're seeing this fight and he still gets locked up.
EOP is consuming less time and revives than Necro exploration did with Aegon team