

  • EakomoEakomo Member Posts: 211
    the amount of fun or enjoyment you can get from this fight is heavily dependent on how the game plays for you and not how prepared you come into the fight with.

    my first run saw many freezes and lag with ares that just made it impossible to consistently lean how to deal with the fight for me from what i learnt
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    @SoSA__Remake I 100% necro in the first few days. I have done all the CC’s for it too. Necropolis is harder because of how long the paths and fights are. Try and do Epoch with the freezing and lag issue that many players have been having since the Beta Ray Bill and Enchantress update. It literally makes the Ares main fight mechanic 10x harder, because you can’t dex, parry or light whilst it’s happening, and it completely throws off the timing. The paths are trash too, as they’re worse than the Ares fight itself due to lack of counters… ends up being a rev dump. Kabam continuously release unfun content now. Apparently once you’re an endgame player… all the content Kabam makes has to be hours of chore fights that require tons of resources and time. Why does being an Endgame play mean that everything made for us has to be Kabam revive farming the players and making the player have to spend hours on each trash path. Games are supposed to be fun, but fun isn’t the main focus anymore. Kabam also forget that some endgame players have lives outside of MCOC, and don’t always have time for this ish.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,714 ★★★★★

    @SoSA__Remake I 100% necro in the first few days. I have done all the CC’s for it too. Necropolis is harder because of how long the paths and fights are. Try and do Epoch with the freezing and lag issue that many players have been having since the Beta Ray Bill and Enchantress update. It literally makes the Ares main fight mechanic 10x harder, because you can’t dex, parry or light whilst it’s happening, and it completely throws off the timing. The paths are trash too, as they’re worse than the Ares fight itself due to lack of counters… ends up being a rev dump. Kabam continuously release unfun content now. Apparently once you’re an endgame player… all the content Kabam makes has to be hours of chore fights that require tons of resources and time. Why does being an Endgame play mean that everything made for us has to be Kabam revive farming the players and making the player have to spend hours on each trash path. Games are supposed to be fun, but fun isn’t the main focus anymore. Kabam also forget that some endgame players have lives outside of MCOC, and don’t always have time for this ish.

    What device are you playing on? You’re talking about what sounds like hardware problems and if you want Kabam to fix it, you gotta give more info.

    Which path fights are revive dumps due to lack of counters? I definitely struggled on a couple of them, but that was because I insisted on trying something new that I was hoping would work rather than following the advice of others who had done the counter already. If you said which fights you were irritated with, I’m sure the community could come up with a team that could do them now.

    As to the idea that Kabam forgets that some players have lives… what? This is a mobile game. You play it for fun when you don’t have other things going on. If you do have other things going on, don’t worry about the game. It’s permanent content and not going anywhere, so just do it on your own schedule.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,175 ★★★★★
    What would be extremely fun, especially for this fight, is if intercept would work properly.
  • LittleLazyboy33LittleLazyboy33 Member Posts: 10
    I thought the content was very fun. For context I am a ery lvow spending, medium skill player, small-ish roster player. Going into the content I had 7 rank 3 7 stars. I saved up 60 revives and 4k units over the course of a couple months and ended up using them all. But even through my mega skill issue I HAD A BLAST!! Honestly for me the hardest part were the path fights, I didnt have perfect counters for every fight so some of them cost me as much as 10 revives. But for me Ares was so much fun! My first run was probably 25 revives on ares, but even after that I was SO excited to get back in and try it again. Each ares fight ended up costing less and less to the point where I could get him down in 5 revives. I agree that some aspects of the fight were made even harder due to server issues and lag, but still I found it to be a lot of fun and super rewarding after the time I put in to save revives.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 711 ★★★
    I actually really like the Ares fight. The only tweak I would make is that both his attack variants start with the same input, that way you could just have a moment to let your eyes adjust (it's harder to stare at the screen with that type of intensity as you age). What I did hate...tremendously (I fully explored it) were most of the paths. Just truly despised some of those fights.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,910 ★★★★★
    Trust me it only gets better on each run.

    On my first initial run, I used 35 revivee on getting ares to 1% abd 6 team revives for the final phase. Couldn't dex a single special.

    On the second run, I looked at nagase video and use the pause technique, was able tondex 35% of the specials correctly by the end of the phase.

    On 3rd run I was able to ded speciald most of the time, started distinguishing sp1 and sp2 without pause. By the end of this phase, I was able to dex 75% of the specials.

    On the 4th run I got a solo on phase 1, was able to consistently dex specials. Here I found out I suck at punishing mechanism on phase 3 and beyond and started practicing it which was wayy easier than I thought. Now I can confidently dex and punish specials without pausing on first 3 phases. I spent 13 l1 revives on phase 1-4 and 2 team and 2 l1 on phase 5, essentially three times the less revives than my initial run.

    What I suck now is identifying specials on phase 4 and 5, which I guess I will get a hold on in my next run. I complained more than you after my initial run but trust me this is one of the fun and best designed bosses ever by kabam. And even if you suck, you can easily get him done in 30 revivee each run.

  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,910 ★★★★★

    See he is at 1% and my main attacker, scream only died 13 times (7 of them are phase 4 alone). I'm aiming to keep it below 10 on the next runs.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    @captain_rogers Yeah bro I explored it. It’s the same old revive dump content, which is all endgame is now. The paths are worse than the boss, and on all 6 of my runs, the lag and freezing took most of my revives. Very unenjoyable content, especially when you lose your limited revives to bugs that should be fixed by now… and ridiculous fights.
  • AndiKnightAndiKnight Member Posts: 35

    @captain_rogers Yeah bro I explored it. It’s the same old revive dump content, which is all endgame is now. The paths are worse than the boss, and on all 6 of my runs, the lag and freezing took most of my revives. Very unenjoyable content, especially when you lose your limited revives to bugs that should be fixed by now… and ridiculous fights.

    The fact that I believe every path can be done itemless disprooves your point. I agree on the lags and bugs, but this quest is far from a revive dump.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    @Furrymoosen That’s just ridiculous 🤣🤣💀 just because it’s possible for the best player like MSD to do a run itemless… doesn’t mean it’s not a revive dump for the average mcoc player… plus, Kabam literally design it to be a revive dump… like they do for all endgame content. You’re an example of this. 110 revives?!?! sheesh. Forumers say some silly things fr 💀 That like someone saying “If LeBron James can beat Michael Jordan in a 1v1, then it’s not considered an absurdly unfair challenge in general.”
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    @AndiKnight You have to be trolling with that logic… or lack there of. This reply is for you too^
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,514 ★★★★★

    @Furrymoosen That’s just ridiculous 🤣🤣💀 just because it’s possible for the best player like MSD to do a run itemless… doesn’t mean it’s not a revive dump for the average mcoc player… plus, Kabam literally design it to be a revive dump… like they do for all endgame content. You’re an example of this. 110 revives?!?! sheesh. Forumers say some silly things fr 💀 That like someone saying “If LeBron James can beat Michael Jordan in a 1v1, then it’s not considered an absurdly unfair challenge in general.”

    110 revives (all farmed by the way) is not absurd for 6 paths of challenging content. Some players used that on one path. I was able to do one path in just 7 revives. One of my worst paths was one where 5 of 6 fights were ones that I wasn't actively playing the game when they came out, so I struggled a bit more.
    As I explained (and you ignored because it defeats your argument), this content is not a revive dump because it CAN be done without an absurd amount of revives, and if you play well enough no revives. I can't play well enough to use 0 on this content, but I am perfectly comfortable with the cost I paid to get the rewards I earned.
    If you wanna talk revive dump, then we're talking more along the lines of the 4* LoL challenges. I did the Starlord challenge. Played about as well as I could and used as many revives for that one path as I did for the whole of Epoch. Playing better could've saved me a few revives, but I was still looking at a minimum of 80-90 to clear the content regardless of how much skill I brought to the content. That's a revive dump.
  • AndiKnightAndiKnight Member Posts: 35

    @Furrymoosen That’s just ridiculous 🤣🤣💀 just because it’s possible for the best player like MSD to do a run itemless… doesn’t mean it’s not a revive dump for the average mcoc player… plus, Kabam literally design it to be a revive dump… like they do for all endgame content. You’re an example of this. 110 revives?!?! sheesh. Forumers say some silly things fr 💀 That like someone saying “If LeBron James can beat Michael Jordan in a 1v1, then it’s not considered an absurdly unfair challenge in general.”

    "The average MCOC player" isn't supposed to do this content at all. Also, 110 revives for 6 paths averages less than 20 revives per path, for endgame content like that? That's no revive dump.

    I hate pulling this card, but it sounds a lot like a skill issue. Especially on Ares I see a clear learning curve, and this has been true for everyone who attempted exploring Epoch. Can I solo Ares right now? Hell no. Would I be able to do it with more practice? 100%. And this is true for the paths as well.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,474 Guardian

    @Furrymoosen That’s just ridiculous 🤣🤣💀 just because it’s possible for the best player like MSD to do a run itemless… doesn’t mean it’s not a revive dump for the average mcoc player… plus, Kabam literally design it to be a revive dump… like they do for all endgame content. You’re an example of this. 110 revives?!?! sheesh. Forumers say some silly things fr 💀 That like someone saying “If LeBron James can beat Michael Jordan in a 1v1, then it’s not considered an absurdly unfair challenge in general.”

    "The average MCOC player" isn't supposed to do this content at all. Also, 110 revives for 6 paths averages less than 20 revives per path, for endgame content like that? That's no revive dump.

    I hate pulling this card, but it sounds a lot like a skill issue. Especially on Ares I see a clear learning curve, and this has been true for everyone who attempted exploring Epoch. Can I solo Ares right now? Hell no. Would I be able to do it with more practice? 100%. And this is true for the paths as well.
    It is less a skill issue and more of an expectation issue. The game is supposed to be fun for me. The content is supposed to be entertaining for me. The challenge is not supposed to be too high for me. It is not supposed to cost me too much resources.

    The vast majority of this game is targeted at average players. Below average players, even. When most players can progress, that means more than just 50% of them are doing so. And since most players don't spend, they aren't progressing by just spending through the game either. That's logical: a game must primarily target most of its players most of the time, or it eventually won't have most of its players.

    But just as there has to be easy stuff to do for the weakest and least skilled among us, there must also be things designed to challenge the above average player, or the strong end gamers, or even the strongest among us. As a percentage of all the content in the game, this is a relatively small percentage of all content. It just sometimes seems disproportionately high because the rewards themselves are very high in most of that content, because of course it is supposed to be.

    No one has to do end game content to progress in this game. Look at the rewards in Realm of Legends, or the Labyrinth, or even the Abyss. How relevant are they to progress now? How about the Grandmaster's Gauntlet? Outside of Carinas, look at how diminished the importance of Necropolis is already. End game content is intended to be very hard, to challenge the players at the very top, but since end game content stands still while the game marches on, eventually challenge content surpasses the rewards in end game content, then top progressional content, and then eventually average content. As with everything in this game, you spend to be first, or you beat the toughest stuff in the game to be first, or you wait until the difficulty curve drops. If you are an average player, expect to progress at the average rate. And that's not having a bunch of R4s now. Average players should not expect to get these rewards now without extremely high cost. They will eventually get them later at nominal cost.

    I spent over 70 revives on just one run of Epoch. That is not because Epoch is too difficult. It contains the most valuable progression related rewards in the game at the moment. It is because Epoch is targeted at the strongest players in the game, and I'm not one of them. With resource management and what skill I can scrape up, I can still do it. The fact that I can do it tells me it cannot possibly be too difficult for end game content. Not because I'm special, but because I'm not special. The fact that I burned a ton of resources doesn't mean it was designed to suck up all my resources, because the content designer was not thinking about me when they designed the content. As they almost certainly shouldn't have been. If they designed Epoch for me, the strongest players in the game would have been doing it with their eyes closed. And that's ridiculous. It should be challenging for them, which means its going to be rough for me. But that's fine.
  • LittleLazyboy33LittleLazyboy33 Member Posts: 10
    @DNA3000 Super well said.
  • Buzerk1969Buzerk1969 Member Posts: 75
    edited March 4
    @DNA3000 so you kind of agree with the original post, it's not that fun, it is a revive fest and you grind through it for the rewards. Also, very few top content creator (that didn't have access to Ares beforehand) could do the fight. Even less can "one shot" Ares. It's a badly design fight made to trip players.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,474 Guardian

    @DNA3000 so you kind of agree with the original post, it's not that fun, it is a revive fest and you grind through it for the rewards. Also, very few top content creator (that didn't have access to Ares beforehand) could do the fight. Even less can "one shot" Ares. It's a badly design fight made to trip players.

    It is a bit of a revive fest for me, because I'm not good enough to do it without that. But you can't say content is or is not a revive fest in and of itself, because that depends on the player. There are lots of players much better than me that can also do it using far fewer revives than me, and I am comfortable saying I am not the target for completing top tier end game content right at release.

    However, there are plenty of things that have also been called revive fests that I haven't had a lot of trouble with. Some Season of Suffering fights I've struggled with, others I breeze past. When Infinity Thanos first came out a lot of people called that a poorly designed revive fest as well, but even though it took my a lot of tries to practice him I eventually soloed him. Heck, I'm actually starting to get decent fighting Enchantress, which was also called a poorly designed cash grab defender.

    The fight is made to challenge players. It is going to trip up many players, because if it didn't it wouldn't be a challenge. But that doesn't make it a poorly designed fight. I actually think it is a well designed fight. It has a legitimate skill path to beating it, as evidenced by the skilled players that can beat it, and they are not beating it by being incredibly lucky or using super human skill either. They are just learning the specials and training their muscle memory to do the fight.

    But if you are not one of those players, you can still do the fight as there are other means of beating it that are harder, cost more revives, or require different skills. Players have come up with no less than five distinct strategies for beating Ares, from the straight up "just be good at it" to pausing the game to watching his eyes for cues to simply learning one of the special sequences and getting it right at least 50% of the time to just playing into intercepts and repeating until done. Unlike some other fights that can straight up roadblock a player (6.2 Champion, some of the EoP fights) Ares always eventually goes down, and the number of revives you need depends on your skill level.

    What more could you want from challenge content?

    They could make Ares not a grind fest. They could simply ban revives in the fight, rather than actually buff the player when they used revives. That would then guarantee it wasn't a revive fest. But I don't think the vast majority of players would think that was an improvement it the fight design. The fact that players can use a lot of revives is not a flaw in the fight design, it is a mercy for the players who would otherwise get roadblocked by the fight, perhaps permanently.

    And you can't say the devs would never dare do that, because they've done it before on multiple occasions. They *chose* not to do that for this fight, even though it is supposed to be one of the most challenging fights currently in the game. They chose to allow players who can't do it itemless to use items. They chose to allow players who can't do it in five to use ten. They didn't have to allow players who can't do it in ten to use twenty. That is a plus to the players who are not the absolute highest skill in the game, and I think it is entirely unfair to criticize that feature as a flaw.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,459 ★★★★
    edited March 4
    Daddrieda said:

    Be quiet.

    Imagine Daddrida telling you to be quiet. He's like the nicest person
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,910 ★★★★★

    @captain_rogers Yeah bro I explored it. It’s the same old revive dump content, which is all endgame is now. The paths are worse than the boss, and on all 6 of my runs, the lag and freezing took most of my revives. Very unenjoyable content, especially when you lose your limited revives to bugs that should be fixed by now… and ridiculous fights.

    There are 100s of players, even 1000s of players of varying rosters and skill levels, explored this content without spending "a hell lot of revives". I did 4 paths and I spent only like 30% of revives I spent on doing 4 paths in initial run. If you explored the content and it was a revive dump then that's okay. Where else you're gonna spend revives either way. And the only bug affected ares is the last phase bug which was fixed a week ago. The paths are definitely annoying, but it is supposed to be tough right? The content is giving the best rewards, it's supposed to be tough. What else you expect?
  • 9Suhail9Suhail Member Posts: 35
    It's a revive fest - what I don't understand is that some people got compensation for ARES bug but i never did.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,386 ★★★★★
    My highest revive fest content.

    -Necro exploration:
    ~250 revives with every single fight with aegon, except 1.
    + 50 revives left on last run, that I threw on gm for the realm event, that alone took 20+ minutes.

    -Abyss Challanges carina. 113 revives, on a damn single path. I hate abyss.
    I don't even know how many revives it took to explore abyss. Pretty sure it crossed 300.

    Starlord carina 75 revives on a single path.
    The others were cheaper, 35 revives on canadiana and 8 teams and 11 singles on inhuman. 30 revives on cyclops collector.

    50+ revives on grandmaster gauntlet run on an alt account without quake. Quake run on main was like give or take 20 revives.

    About 100+ revives on all 6 EOP Carinas.

    ~80 revives on CCP carinas last year.

    Don't remember how many revives Act 6.2 took. It was a lot.

    All of those gave top tier rewards for thier time.
    Brave yourself, Aeres 2.0 is coming with reverse controls and random pattern on specials. Bringing reverse immune will degen 10% health per second to 0.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,386 ★★★★★
    People crying over ares revive dump is getting way out of the hand.
    All this quest has given is a chance, to f2p (and whales included) to get highest rewards for basically free.
    Plan it out grind it out. It's your choice how you want to do it.
    People want the highest rewards for free when guys spend $20,000$ to get 1 r4 2 months ago.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,910 ★★★★★
    edited March 4

    People crying over ares revive dump is getting way out of the hand.
    All this quest has given is a chance, to f2p (and whales included) to get highest rewards for basically free.
    Plan it out grind it out. It's your choice how you want to do it.
    People want the highest rewards for free when guys spend $20,000$ to get 1 r4 2 months ago.

    Great point. On December you have to spend your entire fortune to get a r4, now even a average player can get it for a odin Or two (Even if they have the skill level of an ape).
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,910 ★★★★★

    @captain_rogers Yeah bro I explored it. It’s the same old revive dump content, which is all endgame is now. The paths are worse than the boss, and on all 6 of my runs, the lag and freezing took most of my revives. Very unenjoyable content, especially when you lose your limited revives to bugs that should be fixed by now… and ridiculous fights.

    There are 100s of players, even 1000s of players of varying rosters and skill levels, explored this content without spending "a hell lot of revives". I did 4 paths and I spent only like 30% of revives I spent on doing 4 paths in initial run. If you explored the content and it was a revive dump then that's okay. Where else you're gonna spend revives either way. And the only bug affected ares is the last phase bug which was fixed a week ago. The paths are definitely annoying, but it is supposed to be tough right? The content is giving the best rewards, it's supposed to be tough. What else you expect?
    Edit : I spent 30% of revives on this ares quest compared to what I spent on exploring necro on my initial run.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,549 ★★★★★
    Damn those skill issues are crazy

    Seems OP will finally dethrone Beroman in crying and whining . Well in that case way to go girl/boy
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