This reminds me a lot of when Galan released and he was Nullify/Stagger/Fate Seal immune. Champions that upset the class balance aren’t necessarily a new concept. I’m not saying it’s a good idea, but we have seen this before.
Galans best counters are all mystics, how does that break the class wheel
I never said that Galan’s best counters aren’t mystics. I said that Galan, a Cosmic champion, is immune to three abilities the Mystic class is specifically known for. That’s not typically how class relationships go.
It's really not that strange. It's no stranger than sentry being incinerate immune, or Luke and sandman being bleed immune. Stagger nullify and fateseal are for all intents and purposes the same ability, so he's only immune to buff nullification, not neutralise, buff removal, atrophy, destruction etc
This reminds me a lot of when Galan released and he was Nullify/Stagger/Fate Seal immune. Champions that upset the class balance aren’t necessarily a new concept. I’m not saying it’s a good idea, but we have seen this before.
Galans best counters are all mystics, how does that break the class wheel
I never said that Galan’s best counters aren’t mystics. I said that Galan, a Cosmic champion, is immune to three abilities the Mystic class is specifically known for. That’s not typically how class relationships go.
I just want to clarify that I have absolutely zero problems with Galan being Nullify/Stagger/Fate Seal immune. If anything I think it doesn’t matter, he gains Planetary Mass when he gains buffs, not when he has them, so removing Buffs off of him wouldn’t stop his Harvest, which is the main thing to be concerned about. Making him immune to traditional Buff removal effects helps place focus on the mechanic that will actually work against him, that being preventing him from gaining the Buffs in the first place with Neutralize.
Sentinel is meant to be a new powerful defender. Not giving him an immunity to Armor Break would severely impact his ability to fulfill that role. I’m sure we’ll see many new counters to Sentinel in the future, just like we have with Photon, Bullseye, Serpent, etc. in the past.
I wasn’t using the Galan example as a way to say that making Sentinel immune to Armor Break is a bad idea, I was just trying to say that this entire concept of “champion with class disadvantage counters ability of champion with class advantage” isn’t entirely new. It worked out in the past, and it will work out again. Until then, though, he will remain a very frustrating champion to deal with.
My point is that being immune to Nullify doesn't counter the class and it's a bit of an inaccurate way of wording it
This has been discussed before, and the simplified version is that class advantage is not meant to be universal, because if it was always true that all Cosmics are supposed to be always good against all Techs, and all Techs are always supposed to be good against all Mutants in all respects, that leaves nowhere for RPG mechanics to go. Class relationships and class advantage are supposed to be general rules and guidelines, but not ones with no exceptions or counters. Sometimes you're going to get a Mutant champ that just happens to have the sort of tools that many Techs will find annoying; sometimes you're going to have a Mystic that ignores one of the more powerful or common capabilities of a bunch of Science champs. That orthogonality is what makes the RPG mechanics more rich and interesting. But if all cosmics had to be strong against all techs and weak against all mystics, it would be basically pointless to even have RPG mechanics. You could ignore the RPG mechanics and just look at the class to know who to bring to every fight.
Class is not the most important thing. It is one thing among many in the current incarnation of the game. The objection "X is class Y, so it should always be strong against everyone in class Z" simply isn't a rule that is always followed, because there is no such rule. And it is important to note for any purists who think there should be, the entire notion of "class identity" where abilities should follow class and obey class relationships is itself not an original design idea. It was something that came long significantly after launch. The idea that class should mean more than class advantage is a post-launch evolution, just as RPG emphasis is a further downstream evolution of the game. Neither is anything but an idea made up at the time from out of whole cloth.
the class advantages and relationship can exist even with rpg elements, also you are making a assumption that even with the advantage whatever rpg element will not work because it exists which is just nonsense.
also if we want to ignore class relationships in general at least champions should have relationships with other champs that makes sense either with rpg or class relation. for example there is no reason why a sentinel character(omega, sentinel, nimrod) should struggle against any mutant champion considering they are supposed to counter them or venom struggling with spiderverse characters evade.
now why should sentinel who is meant to be a counter to mutant humans struggle against cosmic beings that were not in the consideration of the design or the entire class like serpent just cause
This has been discussed before, and the simplified version is that class advantage is not meant to be universal, because if it was always true that all Cosmics are supposed to be always good against all Techs, and all Techs are always supposed to be good against all Mutants in all respects, that leaves nowhere for RPG mechanics to go. Class relationships and class advantage are supposed to be general rules and guidelines, but not ones with no exceptions or counters. Sometimes you're going to get a Mutant champ that just happens to have the sort of tools that many Techs will find annoying; sometimes you're going to have a Mystic that ignores one of the more powerful or common capabilities of a bunch of Science champs. That orthogonality is what makes the RPG mechanics more rich and interesting. But if all cosmics had to be strong against all techs and weak against all mystics, it would be basically pointless to even have RPG mechanics. You could ignore the RPG mechanics and just look at the class to know who to bring to every fight.
Class is not the most important thing. It is one thing among many in the current incarnation of the game. The objection "X is class Y, so it should always be strong against everyone in class Z" simply isn't a rule that is always followed, because there is no such rule. And it is important to note for any purists who think there should be, the entire notion of "class identity" where abilities should follow class and obey class relationships is itself not an original design idea. It was something that came long significantly after launch. The idea that class should mean more than class advantage is a post-launch evolution, just as RPG emphasis is a further downstream evolution of the game. Neither is anything but an idea made up at the time from out of whole cloth.
the class advantages and relationship can exist even with rpg elements, also you are making a assumption that even with the advantage whatever rpg element will not work because it exists which is just nonsense.
also if we want to ignore class relationships in general at least champions should have relationships with other champs that makes sense either with rpg or class relation. for example there is no reason why a sentinel character(omega, sentinel, nimrod) should struggle against any mutant champion considering they are supposed to counter them or venom struggling with spiderverse characters evade.
now why should sentinel who is meant to be a counter to mutant humans struggle against cosmic beings that were not in the consideration of the design or the entire class like serpent just cause
I know people have a fascination with lore, and the game certainly supports that by mostly following that. But, so what if they don't follow lore or relationships?
Its frankly boring if power scaling and limiting who should be able to counter who are a thing. Does it matter that Bullseye is better than Daredevil, or can randomly take out Thor? Nope, it is video game logic.
Just like how boring it was when Human Torch (randomly) counters all Mystics by default (which forced the creation of cool Mystics that can't be countered by Human Torch), it would be extremely boring if all Mutants have to be countered by Sentinel/Nimrod/Omega Sentinel.
Make it so only cosmic champs can armor break sentinel
Actually I may have changed my mind. A lot of new players on global are really struggling with the TWO sentinel in chapter 6 act one. It’s not fair on them in the slightest, and quite a few of them are not able to use cgr on him and I’ve noticed that a LOT of new players have him for some reason. At the very least Kabam should switch sentinel for an easier defender, it’s very off putting for new players already dealing with such a tough defender, and everybody know as how problematic that sentinel was on biohazard
Actually I may have changed my mind. A lot of new players on global are really struggling with the TWO sentinel in chapter 6 act one. It’s not fair on them in the slightest, and quite a few of them are not able to use cgr on him and I’ve noticed that a LOT of new players have him for some reason. At the very least Kabam should switch sentinel for an easier defender, it’s very off putting for new players already dealing with such a tough defender, and everybody know as how problematic that sentinel was on biohazard
Quest wise, there's really no difference. It just takes slightly longer. And considering that people were fighting him with much lower ranked champs originaally, it's more than fair
Make it so only cosmic champs can armor break sentinel
@AverageDesi slightly longer is a bit of an understatement. He’s way tanker now and that power gain is horrible for lower players. They should just change the sentinels there honestly it must be hell for beginners
This has been discussed before, and the simplified version is that class advantage is not meant to be universal, because if it was always true that all Cosmics are supposed to be always good against all Techs, and all Techs are always supposed to be good against all Mutants in all respects, that leaves nowhere for RPG mechanics to go. Class relationships and class advantage are supposed to be general rules and guidelines, but not ones with no exceptions or counters. Sometimes you're going to get a Mutant champ that just happens to have the sort of tools that many Techs will find annoying; sometimes you're going to have a Mystic that ignores one of the more powerful or common capabilities of a bunch of Science champs. That orthogonality is what makes the RPG mechanics more rich and interesting. But if all cosmics had to be strong against all techs and weak against all mystics, it would be basically pointless to even have RPG mechanics. You could ignore the RPG mechanics and just look at the class to know who to bring to every fight.
Class is not the most important thing. It is one thing among many in the current incarnation of the game. The objection "X is class Y, so it should always be strong against everyone in class Z" simply isn't a rule that is always followed, because there is no such rule. And it is important to note for any purists who think there should be, the entire notion of "class identity" where abilities should follow class and obey class relationships is itself not an original design idea. It was something that came long significantly after launch. The idea that class should mean more than class advantage is a post-launch evolution, just as RPG emphasis is a further downstream evolution of the game. Neither is anything but an idea made up at the time from out of whole cloth.
the class advantages and relationship can exist even with rpg elements, also you are making a assumption that even with the advantage whatever rpg element will not work because it exists which is just nonsense.
also if we want to ignore class relationships in general at least champions should have relationships with other champs that makes sense either with rpg or class relation. for example there is no reason why a sentinel character(omega, sentinel, nimrod) should struggle against any mutant champion considering they are supposed to counter them or venom struggling with spiderverse characters evade.
now why should sentinel who is meant to be a counter to mutant humans struggle against cosmic beings that were not in the consideration of the design or the entire class like serpent just cause
I know people have a fascination with lore, and the game certainly supports that by mostly following that. But, so what if they don't follow lore or relationships?
Its frankly boring if power scaling and limiting who should be able to counter who are a thing. Does it matter that Bullseye is better than Daredevil, or can randomly take out Thor? Nope, it is video game logic.
Just like how boring it was when Human Torch (randomly) counters all Mystics by default (which forced the creation of cool Mystics that can't be countered by Human Torch), it would be extremely boring if all Mutants have to be countered by Sentinel/Nimrod/Omega Sentinel.
yes the game doesn't follow lore generally, but then if you want to do something lore related that is cool like havok and cylops yeah it is fun to add. but then there is no reason to why sentinel suddenly counters cosmics or why gorr the god butcher is a wet noodle against the gods he's supposed to be butchering
This has been discussed before, and the simplified version is that class advantage is not meant to be universal, because if it was always true that all Cosmics are supposed to be always good against all Techs, and all Techs are always supposed to be good against all Mutants in all respects, that leaves nowhere for RPG mechanics to go. Class relationships and class advantage are supposed to be general rules and guidelines, but not ones with no exceptions or counters. Sometimes you're going to get a Mutant champ that just happens to have the sort of tools that many Techs will find annoying; sometimes you're going to have a Mystic that ignores one of the more powerful or common capabilities of a bunch of Science champs. That orthogonality is what makes the RPG mechanics more rich and interesting. But if all cosmics had to be strong against all techs and weak against all mystics, it would be basically pointless to even have RPG mechanics. You could ignore the RPG mechanics and just look at the class to know who to bring to every fight.
Class is not the most important thing. It is one thing among many in the current incarnation of the game. The objection "X is class Y, so it should always be strong against everyone in class Z" simply isn't a rule that is always followed, because there is no such rule. And it is important to note for any purists who think there should be, the entire notion of "class identity" where abilities should follow class and obey class relationships is itself not an original design idea. It was something that came long significantly after launch. The idea that class should mean more than class advantage is a post-launch evolution, just as RPG emphasis is a further downstream evolution of the game. Neither is anything but an idea made up at the time from out of whole cloth.
the class advantages and relationship can exist even with rpg elements, also you are making a assumption that even with the advantage whatever rpg element will not work because it exists which is just nonsense.
also if we want to ignore class relationships in general at least champions should have relationships with other champs that makes sense either with rpg or class relation. for example there is no reason why a sentinel character(omega, sentinel, nimrod) should struggle against any mutant champion considering they are supposed to counter them or venom struggling with spiderverse characters evade.
now why should sentinel who is meant to be a counter to mutant humans struggle against cosmic beings that were not in the consideration of the design or the entire class like serpent just cause
Sentinels are only good against mutants because of numbers
This has been discussed before, and the simplified version is that class advantage is not meant to be universal, because if it was always true that all Cosmics are supposed to be always good against all Techs, and all Techs are always supposed to be good against all Mutants in all respects, that leaves nowhere for RPG mechanics to go. Class relationships and class advantage are supposed to be general rules and guidelines, but not ones with no exceptions or counters. Sometimes you're going to get a Mutant champ that just happens to have the sort of tools that many Techs will find annoying; sometimes you're going to have a Mystic that ignores one of the more powerful or common capabilities of a bunch of Science champs. That orthogonality is what makes the RPG mechanics more rich and interesting. But if all cosmics had to be strong against all techs and weak against all mystics, it would be basically pointless to even have RPG mechanics. You could ignore the RPG mechanics and just look at the class to know who to bring to every fight.
Class is not the most important thing. It is one thing among many in the current incarnation of the game. The objection "X is class Y, so it should always be strong against everyone in class Z" simply isn't a rule that is always followed, because there is no such rule. And it is important to note for any purists who think there should be, the entire notion of "class identity" where abilities should follow class and obey class relationships is itself not an original design idea. It was something that came long significantly after launch. The idea that class should mean more than class advantage is a post-launch evolution, just as RPG emphasis is a further downstream evolution of the game. Neither is anything but an idea made up at the time from out of whole cloth.
the class advantages and relationship can exist even with rpg elements, also you are making a assumption that even with the advantage whatever rpg element will not work because it exists which is just nonsense.
also if we want to ignore class relationships in general at least champions should have relationships with other champs that makes sense either with rpg or class relation. for example there is no reason why a sentinel character(omega, sentinel, nimrod) should struggle against any mutant champion considering they are supposed to counter them or venom struggling with spiderverse characters evade.
now why should sentinel who is meant to be a counter to mutant humans struggle against cosmic beings that were not in the consideration of the design or the entire class like serpent just cause
I know people have a fascination with lore, and the game certainly supports that by mostly following that. But, so what if they don't follow lore or relationships?
Its frankly boring if power scaling and limiting who should be able to counter who are a thing. Does it matter that Bullseye is better than Daredevil, or can randomly take out Thor? Nope, it is video game logic.
Just like how boring it was when Human Torch (randomly) counters all Mystics by default (which forced the creation of cool Mystics that can't be countered by Human Torch), it would be extremely boring if all Mutants have to be countered by Sentinel/Nimrod/Omega Sentinel.
yes the game doesn't follow lore generally, but then if you want to do something lore related that is cool like havok and cylops yeah it is fun to add. but then there is no reason to why sentinel suddenly counters cosmics or why gorr the god butcher is a wet noodle against the gods he's supposed to be butchering
Actually I may have changed my mind. A lot of new players on global are really struggling with the TWO sentinel in chapter 6 act one. It’s not fair on them in the slightest, and quite a few of them are not able to use cgr on him and I’ve noticed that a LOT of new players have him for some reason. At the very least Kabam should switch sentinel for an easier defender, it’s very off putting for new players already dealing with such a tough defender, and everybody know as how problematic that sentinel was on biohazard
I wouldn't be surprised if new players end up quitting the game due to the new buffed up sentinel he's way worse than the collector now. I made a mini account and reached valiant within 23 days and that buffed sentinel is probably one of the hardest fights ever.
This has been discussed before, and the simplified version is that class advantage is not meant to be universal, because if it was always true that all Cosmics are supposed to be always good against all Techs, and all Techs are always supposed to be good against all Mutants in all respects, that leaves nowhere for RPG mechanics to go. Class relationships and class advantage are supposed to be general rules and guidelines, but not ones with no exceptions or counters. Sometimes you're going to get a Mutant champ that just happens to have the sort of tools that many Techs will find annoying; sometimes you're going to have a Mystic that ignores one of the more powerful or common capabilities of a bunch of Science champs. That orthogonality is what makes the RPG mechanics more rich and interesting. But if all cosmics had to be strong against all techs and weak against all mystics, it would be basically pointless to even have RPG mechanics. You could ignore the RPG mechanics and just look at the class to know who to bring to every fight.
Class is not the most important thing. It is one thing among many in the current incarnation of the game. The objection "X is class Y, so it should always be strong against everyone in class Z" simply isn't a rule that is always followed, because there is no such rule. And it is important to note for any purists who think there should be, the entire notion of "class identity" where abilities should follow class and obey class relationships is itself not an original design idea. It was something that came long significantly after launch. The idea that class should mean more than class advantage is a post-launch evolution, just as RPG emphasis is a further downstream evolution of the game. Neither is anything but an idea made up at the time from out of whole cloth.
the class advantages and relationship can exist even with rpg elements, also you are making a assumption that even with the advantage whatever rpg element will not work because it exists which is just nonsense.
also if we want to ignore class relationships in general at least champions should have relationships with other champs that makes sense either with rpg or class relation. for example there is no reason why a sentinel character(omega, sentinel, nimrod) should struggle against any mutant champion considering they are supposed to counter them or venom struggling with spiderverse characters evade.
now why should sentinel who is meant to be a counter to mutant humans struggle against cosmic beings that were not in the consideration of the design or the entire class like serpent just cause
I know people have a fascination with lore, and the game certainly supports that by mostly following that. But, so what if they don't follow lore or relationships?
Its frankly boring if power scaling and limiting who should be able to counter who are a thing. Does it matter that Bullseye is better than Daredevil, or can randomly take out Thor? Nope, it is video game logic.
Just like how boring it was when Human Torch (randomly) counters all Mystics by default (which forced the creation of cool Mystics that can't be countered by Human Torch), it would be extremely boring if all Mutants have to be countered by Sentinel/Nimrod/Omega Sentinel.
yes the game doesn't follow lore generally, but then if you want to do something lore related that is cool like havok and cylops yeah it is fun to add. but then there is no reason to why sentinel suddenly counters cosmics or why gorr the god butcher is a wet noodle against the gods he's supposed to be butchering
This has been discussed before, and the simplified version is that class advantage is not meant to be universal, because if it was always true that all Cosmics are supposed to be always good against all Techs, and all Techs are always supposed to be good against all Mutants in all respects, that leaves nowhere for RPG mechanics to go. Class relationships and class advantage are supposed to be general rules and guidelines, but not ones with no exceptions or counters. Sometimes you're going to get a Mutant champ that just happens to have the sort of tools that many Techs will find annoying; sometimes you're going to have a Mystic that ignores one of the more powerful or common capabilities of a bunch of Science champs. That orthogonality is what makes the RPG mechanics more rich and interesting. But if all cosmics had to be strong against all techs and weak against all mystics, it would be basically pointless to even have RPG mechanics. You could ignore the RPG mechanics and just look at the class to know who to bring to every fight.
Class is not the most important thing. It is one thing among many in the current incarnation of the game. The objection "X is class Y, so it should always be strong against everyone in class Z" simply isn't a rule that is always followed, because there is no such rule. And it is important to note for any purists who think there should be, the entire notion of "class identity" where abilities should follow class and obey class relationships is itself not an original design idea. It was something that came long significantly after launch. The idea that class should mean more than class advantage is a post-launch evolution, just as RPG emphasis is a further downstream evolution of the game. Neither is anything but an idea made up at the time from out of whole cloth.
the class advantages and relationship can exist even with rpg elements, also you are making a assumption that even with the advantage whatever rpg element will not work because it exists which is just nonsense.
also if we want to ignore class relationships in general at least champions should have relationships with other champs that makes sense either with rpg or class relation. for example there is no reason why a sentinel character(omega, sentinel, nimrod) should struggle against any mutant champion considering they are supposed to counter them or venom struggling with spiderverse characters evade.
now why should sentinel who is meant to be a counter to mutant humans struggle against cosmic beings that were not in the consideration of the design or the entire class like serpent just cause
I know people have a fascination with lore, and the game certainly supports that by mostly following that. But, so what if they don't follow lore or relationships?
Its frankly boring if power scaling and limiting who should be able to counter who are a thing. Does it matter that Bullseye is better than Daredevil, or can randomly take out Thor? Nope, it is video game logic.
Just like how boring it was when Human Torch (randomly) counters all Mystics by default (which forced the creation of cool Mystics that can't be countered by Human Torch), it would be extremely boring if all Mutants have to be countered by Sentinel/Nimrod/Omega Sentinel.
yes the game doesn't follow lore generally, but then if you want to do something lore related that is cool like havok and cylops yeah it is fun to add. but then there is no reason to why sentinel suddenly counters cosmics or why gorr the god butcher is a wet noodle against the gods he's supposed to be butchering
This has been discussed before, and the simplified version is that class advantage is not meant to be universal, because if it was always true that all Cosmics are supposed to be always good against all Techs, and all Techs are always supposed to be good against all Mutants in all respects, that leaves nowhere for RPG mechanics to go. Class relationships and class advantage are supposed to be general rules and guidelines, but not ones with no exceptions or counters. Sometimes you're going to get a Mutant champ that just happens to have the sort of tools that many Techs will find annoying; sometimes you're going to have a Mystic that ignores one of the more powerful or common capabilities of a bunch of Science champs. That orthogonality is what makes the RPG mechanics more rich and interesting. But if all cosmics had to be strong against all techs and weak against all mystics, it would be basically pointless to even have RPG mechanics. You could ignore the RPG mechanics and just look at the class to know who to bring to every fight.
Class is not the most important thing. It is one thing among many in the current incarnation of the game. The objection "X is class Y, so it should always be strong against everyone in class Z" simply isn't a rule that is always followed, because there is no such rule. And it is important to note for any purists who think there should be, the entire notion of "class identity" where abilities should follow class and obey class relationships is itself not an original design idea. It was something that came long significantly after launch. The idea that class should mean more than class advantage is a post-launch evolution, just as RPG emphasis is a further downstream evolution of the game. Neither is anything but an idea made up at the time from out of whole cloth.
the class advantages and relationship can exist even with rpg elements, also you are making a assumption that even with the advantage whatever rpg element will not work because it exists which is just nonsense.
also if we want to ignore class relationships in general at least champions should have relationships with other champs that makes sense either with rpg or class relation. for example there is no reason why a sentinel character(omega, sentinel, nimrod) should struggle against any mutant champion considering they are supposed to counter them or venom struggling with spiderverse characters evade.
now why should sentinel who is meant to be a counter to mutant humans struggle against cosmic beings that were not in the consideration of the design or the entire class like serpent just cause
I know people have a fascination with lore, and the game certainly supports that by mostly following that. But, so what if they don't follow lore or relationships?
Its frankly boring if power scaling and limiting who should be able to counter who are a thing. Does it matter that Bullseye is better than Daredevil, or can randomly take out Thor? Nope, it is video game logic.
Just like how boring it was when Human Torch (randomly) counters all Mystics by default (which forced the creation of cool Mystics that can't be countered by Human Torch), it would be extremely boring if all Mutants have to be countered by Sentinel/Nimrod/Omega Sentinel.
yes the game doesn't follow lore generally, but then if you want to do something lore related that is cool like havok and cylops yeah it is fun to add. but then there is no reason to why sentinel suddenly counters cosmics or why gorr the god butcher is a wet noodle against the gods he's supposed to be butchering
Sentinel doesn't counter cosmics.
He stops Scream and Vision Aarkus, two cosmics
They are not effective against Sentinel is all.
Yes that’s why he stops them, they aren’t good counters
This has been discussed before, and the simplified version is that class advantage is not meant to be universal, because if it was always true that all Cosmics are supposed to be always good against all Techs, and all Techs are always supposed to be good against all Mutants in all respects, that leaves nowhere for RPG mechanics to go. Class relationships and class advantage are supposed to be general rules and guidelines, but not ones with no exceptions or counters. Sometimes you're going to get a Mutant champ that just happens to have the sort of tools that many Techs will find annoying; sometimes you're going to have a Mystic that ignores one of the more powerful or common capabilities of a bunch of Science champs. That orthogonality is what makes the RPG mechanics more rich and interesting. But if all cosmics had to be strong against all techs and weak against all mystics, it would be basically pointless to even have RPG mechanics. You could ignore the RPG mechanics and just look at the class to know who to bring to every fight.
Class is not the most important thing. It is one thing among many in the current incarnation of the game. The objection "X is class Y, so it should always be strong against everyone in class Z" simply isn't a rule that is always followed, because there is no such rule. And it is important to note for any purists who think there should be, the entire notion of "class identity" where abilities should follow class and obey class relationships is itself not an original design idea. It was something that came long significantly after launch. The idea that class should mean more than class advantage is a post-launch evolution, just as RPG emphasis is a further downstream evolution of the game. Neither is anything but an idea made up at the time from out of whole cloth.
the class advantages and relationship can exist even with rpg elements, also you are making a assumption that even with the advantage whatever rpg element will not work because it exists which is just nonsense.
also if we want to ignore class relationships in general at least champions should have relationships with other champs that makes sense either with rpg or class relation. for example there is no reason why a sentinel character(omega, sentinel, nimrod) should struggle against any mutant champion considering they are supposed to counter them or venom struggling with spiderverse characters evade.
now why should sentinel who is meant to be a counter to mutant humans struggle against cosmic beings that were not in the consideration of the design or the entire class like serpent just cause
I know people have a fascination with lore, and the game certainly supports that by mostly following that. But, so what if they don't follow lore or relationships?
Its frankly boring if power scaling and limiting who should be able to counter who are a thing. Does it matter that Bullseye is better than Daredevil, or can randomly take out Thor? Nope, it is video game logic.
Just like how boring it was when Human Torch (randomly) counters all Mystics by default (which forced the creation of cool Mystics that can't be countered by Human Torch), it would be extremely boring if all Mutants have to be countered by Sentinel/Nimrod/Omega Sentinel.
yes the game doesn't follow lore generally, but then if you want to do something lore related that is cool like havok and cylops yeah it is fun to add. but then there is no reason to why sentinel suddenly counters cosmics or why gorr the god butcher is a wet noodle against the gods he's supposed to be butchering
Sentinel doesn't counter cosmics.
He stops Scream and Vision Aarkus, two cosmics
They are not effective against Sentinel is all.
Yes that’s why he stops them, they aren’t good counters
They aren't good counters for sentinel. That doesn't mean Sentinel counters them either .
Bishop isn't a good counter for Nimrod. But Nimrod doesn't counter Bishop either.
Decent defender against other classes yes but against cosmics is a horrible idea
The only reason he is a decent defender is because he stops cosmics such as cgr and Medusa.
Medusa still takes him because he isn’t immune to armor shatter, but I don’t see the logic here. He can be a good defender while being countered by the class that’s SUPPOSED to counter him. Bullseye’s a good defender but he isn’t immune to anything a typical mutant can do.
also if we want to ignore class relationships in general at least champions should have relationships with other champs that makes sense either with rpg or class relation.
for example there is no reason why a sentinel character(omega, sentinel, nimrod) should struggle against any mutant champion considering they are supposed to counter them or venom struggling with spiderverse characters evade.
now why should sentinel who is meant to be a counter to mutant humans struggle against cosmic beings that were not in the consideration of the design or the entire class like serpent just cause
Its frankly boring if power scaling and limiting who should be able to counter who are a thing. Does it matter that Bullseye is better than Daredevil, or can randomly take out Thor? Nope, it is video game logic.
Just like how boring it was when Human Torch (randomly) counters all Mystics by default (which forced the creation of cool Mystics that can't be countered by Human Torch), it would be extremely boring if all Mutants have to be countered by Sentinel/Nimrod/Omega Sentinel.
Bishop isn't a good counter for Nimrod. But Nimrod doesn't counter Bishop either.