Most of those guys are massive whales who buy everything in the game the second it drops. When you do that, you are speedrunning to boredom. A big part of this game is slowly collecting and upgrading your roster. You have to make critical decisions because it may be a while before you can make the same choice again. But when you just whale out and get everything instantly, you’re going to be bored. That’s the double edged sword of being a whale unfortunately. Sure, updating the rewards will be nice, but they are just going to suck them all up and be bored again in a few months.
What does need to be fixed and effects everyone is how broken the game is. Literally every update breaks something. I could live with that if the fixes were quick, but they are not. Things stay broken for so long and it takes so much time for the bugs to even be acknowledged. New bugs are introduced before older bugs are fixed and the communication around this is awful. That in itself feels so defeating as a player. And when things finally are fixed, we either get little or no compensation at all. Meanwhile these bugs are costing us units, revives and potions.
For me, fixing the mountain of bugs should be the priority of Kabam. Rewards buff is secondary. If the actually game keeps getting more and more broken, I don’t care about having to slog through it with a team of shiny new 7* rank 4s.
People have been claiming the game is dying for about a decade now.
It might be doing fine overall but try recruiting for top 50 alliances… it’s a damn desert
It never made sense for people to be this invested in a mobile game though. I'm not talking about casual whales who spend thousands because they can, I'm talking about people who made this game and their alliance their entire life. Maybe the lack of sufficient in-game rewards for such players is Kabam just showing them mercy, as in, telling them, put on some pants and go outside and socialize...
Lol because that’s what game designers dependent on maximizing our attention are going for…
Most of those guys are massive whales who buy everything in the game the second it drops. When you do that, you are speedrunning to boredom. A big part of this game is slowly collecting and upgrading your roster. You have to make critical decisions because it may be a while before you can make the same choice again. But when you just whale out and get everything instantly, you’re going to be bored. That’s the double edged sword of being a whale unfortunately. Sure, updating the rewards will be nice, but they are just going to suck them all up and be bored again in a few months.
What does need to be fixed and effects everyone is how broken the game is. Literally every update breaks something. I could live with that if the fixes were quick, but they are not. Things stay broken for so long and it takes so much time for the bugs to even be acknowledged. New bugs are introduced before older bugs are fixed and the communication around this is awful. That in itself feels so defeating as a player. And when things finally are fixed, we either get little or no compensation at all. Meanwhile these bugs are costing us units, revives and potions.
For me, fixing the mountain of bugs should be the priority of Kabam. Rewards buff is secondary. If the actually game keeps getting more and more broken, I don’t care about having to slog through it with a team of shiny new 7* rank 4s.
I couldn't bring myself to spend in a game like this I find it hard having sympathy for those that do. But also Its too easy to get rank up materials without spending now. 4/5 years ago ranking up a champ was a huge decision and materials didn't come around easy you'd have to wait months to rank up your top champs. It was better that way
the problem with BGs is that the control issues, cheaters etc are more noticeable because it's a competitive mode and those issues are magnified when it counts for the game to work properly.
I would suggest yinz get of the forums and take a few classes at your local community college. The amount of ignorance, misinformation and overall stupidity is worrisome.
in terms of milking champions, don't you think they have to?
there's a certain amount of runway they have with a rarity (both the number of champs available and how high we can rank them) and if they released all rarity locked champions too fast, what else do we look forward to? wouldn't 2 new champs a month get boring?
you have a point but that's honestly not the issue, them locking certain champs and milking them is fine, but what about the rewards for f2p? All they do is roll out event sales which are absolutely dogsh*t, don't care about how much the playerbase was at loss due to their bugs, did not even acknowledge them, forget compensations.
80% of the game is outdated but UI changes are important..right? With just one fix, ACTUALLY DECENT EQ and Paragon/New Valiant gaunlet quest rewards, most problems will be gone, they can then slowly buff other areas and work on it but yeah they don't want the game to work in a long term, whatever honestly.
i don't disagree on the number of sales. it used to be 2 a year? now it's like $800-$1000 every 2 months lol
in 2024:
february - valentines event april - spring cleaning may - omega days july - july 4 september - saga sales (nefaria etc.) november - cyber monday december - banquet
a bunch of stuff with at least 2 sagas in between is a lot, and i get that, but let's be fair to kabam for a second. these events make them a ton of money, it funds the game, the spenders buy everything up, and the'yre maximizing money from unreleased champions. for the longevity of the game, isn't that a good thing? why would they should they just add them to the basic pool for free?
one other thing. game economy and a healthy f2p/spending gap is what keeps the game alive. don't you think they will do everything they can to preserve that gap over making short term profits?
2 months ago a few r4s cost $180k, now it's do a couple of carina's, maybe spend 15k-20k units and do the ares challenge and you'll have 2. no matter how many whaley they make the game, the gap always shrinks back, so f2p will always survive.
i'm not too familiar with other micro-transactional games but mcoc feels very fair. no ads and dedicated f2p always get what the massive whales do, just a year later.
Are you telling me there's nothing going on in March???? woww LOL. The state of the game is so bad right now, there's nothing going on, seems like the game is dying. I think Kabam should have a sale event every month to spice things up or something man, game is boring right now.
in terms of milking champions, don't you think they have to?
there's a certain amount of runway they have with a rarity (both the number of champs available and how high we can rank them) and if they released all rarity locked champions too fast, what else do we look forward to? wouldn't 2 new champs a month get boring?
you have a point but that's honestly not the issue, them locking certain champs and milking them is fine, but what about the rewards for f2p? All they do is roll out event sales which are absolutely dogsh*t, don't care about how much the playerbase was at loss due to their bugs, did not even acknowledge them, forget compensations.
80% of the game is outdated but UI changes are important..right? With just one fix, ACTUALLY DECENT EQ and Paragon/New Valiant gaunlet quest rewards, most problems will be gone, they can then slowly buff other areas and work on it but yeah they don't want the game to work in a long term, whatever honestly.
i don't disagree on the number of sales. it used to be 2 a year? now it's like $800-$1000 every 2 months lol
in 2024:
february - valentines event april - spring cleaning may - omega days july - july 4 september - saga sales (nefaria etc.) november - cyber monday december - banquet
a bunch of stuff with at least 2 sagas in between is a lot, and i get that, but let's be fair to kabam for a second. these events make them a ton of money, it funds the game, the spenders buy everything up, and the'yre maximizing money from unreleased champions. for the longevity of the game, isn't that a good thing? why would they should they just add them to the basic pool for free?
one other thing. game economy and a healthy f2p/spending gap is what keeps the game alive. don't you think they will do everything they can to preserve that gap over making short term profits?
2 months ago a few r4s cost $180k, now it's do a couple of carina's, maybe spend 15k-20k units and do the ares challenge and you'll have 2. no matter how many whaley they make the game, the gap always shrinks back, so f2p will always survive.
i'm not too familiar with other micro-transactional games but mcoc feels very fair. no ads and dedicated f2p always get what the massive whales do, just a year later.
Are you telling me there's nothing going on in March???? woww LOL. The state of the game is so bad right now, there's nothing going on, seems like the game is dying. I think Kabam should have a sale event every month to spice things up or something man, game is boring right now.
Sounds like you need a side hobby outside of video games.
I just came back 2 years after quitting the game and people back then were saying the same stuff. Yea, the game is dying… for 10 years now.
Yeah, it's just a complete lack of self-awareness on the part of the "game is dying crowd." I'm not talking about the specific constructive feedback posts, I'm talking about the extremely dissatisfied posts with rhetoric about how much the game sucks and how everything about it is awful. It's like, do they ever look in the mirror and ask: "Wow, if I really feel that way, then why am I still playing and talking about it?? And if I don't feel that way, then why am I saying those things??" Of course they'll never ask themselves that question because the answer would be too painful to admit. So we just end up with daily "Kabam is dying" threads from people who need to look closer at their own issues.
Very insightful, and objective as always, what was missing in your childhood lol, start there, then there is hope
I just came back 2 years after quitting the game and people back then were saying the same stuff. Yea, the game is dying… for 10 years now.
Yeah, it's just a complete lack of self-awareness on the part of the "game is dying crowd." I'm not talking about the specific constructive feedback posts, I'm talking about the extremely dissatisfied posts with rhetoric about how much the game sucks and how everything about it is awful. It's like, do they ever look in the mirror and ask: "Wow, if I really feel that way, then why am I still playing and talking about it?? And if I don't feel that way, then why am I saying those things??" Of course they'll never ask themselves that question because the answer would be too painful to admit. So we just end up with daily "Kabam is dying" threads from people who need to look closer at their own issues.
Very insightful, and objective as always, what was missing in your childhood lol, start there, then there is hope
Ok but for once, he's not wrong. If you don't enjoy the current state of the game, why do you continue to play? That's an answer on the individual can figure out. Either move on, find another game or something in life, or accept the game the way it is currently and try to enjoy it as it is.
I just came back 2 years after quitting the game and people back then were saying the same stuff. Yea, the game is dying… for 10 years now.
Yeah, it's just a complete lack of self-awareness on the part of the "game is dying crowd." I'm not talking about the specific constructive feedback posts, I'm talking about the extremely dissatisfied posts with rhetoric about how much the game sucks and how everything about it is awful. It's like, do they ever look in the mirror and ask: "Wow, if I really feel that way, then why am I still playing and talking about it?? And if I don't feel that way, then why am I saying those things??" Of course they'll never ask themselves that question because the answer would be too painful to admit. So we just end up with daily "Kabam is dying" threads from people who need to look closer at their own issues.
Very insightful, and objective as always, what was missing in your childhood lol, start there, then there is hope
Huh? I get that you don't like what I said, but can you articulate what you disagree with and why you disagree? The childhood stuff doesn't really make any sense either without an explanation. What are you saying I was deprived of in my childhood and how would that relate to what I said in my post?
The constant bugs (rogue AI and actual bugs), constant (unchanging outdated) rewards and constant sales with the element of FOMO is tiresome. I'm semi-retired and not regretting that decision at all.
BGs well it is outdated wrt rewards an the node choices are usually not fun. Still better than the recent AW map update (path 9 is ridiculous now).
I just came back 2 years after quitting the game and people back then were saying the same stuff. Yea, the game is dying… for 10 years now.
Yeah, it's just a complete lack of self-awareness on the part of the "game is dying crowd." I'm not talking about the specific constructive feedback posts, I'm talking about the extremely dissatisfied posts with rhetoric about how much the game sucks and how everything about it is awful. It's like, do they ever look in the mirror and ask: "Wow, if I really feel that way, then why am I still playing and talking about it?? And if I don't feel that way, then why am I saying those things??" Of course they'll never ask themselves that question because the answer would be too painful to admit. So we just end up with daily "Kabam is dying" threads from people who need to look closer at their own issues.
Very insightful, and objective as always, what was missing in your childhood lol, start there, then there is hope
Huh? I get that you don't like what I said, but can you articulate what you disagree with and why you disagree? The childhood stuff doesn't really make any sense either without an explanation. What are you saying I was deprived of in my childhood and how would that relate to what I said in my post?
I just came back 2 years after quitting the game and people back then were saying the same stuff. Yea, the game is dying… for 10 years now.
Yeah, it's just a complete lack of self-awareness on the part of the "game is dying crowd." I'm not talking about the specific constructive feedback posts, I'm talking about the extremely dissatisfied posts with rhetoric about how much the game sucks and how everything about it is awful. It's like, do they ever look in the mirror and ask: "Wow, if I really feel that way, then why am I still playing and talking about it?? And if I don't feel that way, then why am I saying those things??" Of course they'll never ask themselves that question because the answer would be too painful to admit. So we just end up with daily "Kabam is dying" threads from people who need to look closer at their own issues.
Very insightful, and objective as always, what was missing in your childhood lol, start there, then there is hope
Ok but for once, he's not wrong. If you don't enjoy the current state of the game, why do you continue to play? That's an answer on the individual can figure out. Either move on, find another game or something in life, or accept the game the way it is currently and try to enjoy it as it is.
Because you can criticize something and be unhappy with it without being on the verge of quitting? Maybe you have hope it will improve, maybe you find enjoyment in a different aspect of the game. Maybe you have friendships from the game that you don’t wanna leave behind. Idk I’ve never understood the “if you don’t like it then leave” argument. If you find literally no redeeming qualities then yea it’s worth quitting, but if there’s even one then I don’t find it strange to want to continue playing.
I just came back 2 years after quitting the game and people back then were saying the same stuff. Yea, the game is dying… for 10 years now.
Yeah, it's just a complete lack of self-awareness on the part of the "game is dying crowd." I'm not talking about the specific constructive feedback posts, I'm talking about the extremely dissatisfied posts with rhetoric about how much the game sucks and how everything about it is awful. It's like, do they ever look in the mirror and ask: "Wow, if I really feel that way, then why am I still playing and talking about it?? And if I don't feel that way, then why am I saying those things??" Of course they'll never ask themselves that question because the answer would be too painful to admit. So we just end up with daily "Kabam is dying" threads from people who need to look closer at their own issues.
Very insightful, and objective as always, what was missing in your childhood lol, start there, then there is hope
Ok but for once, he's not wrong. If you don't enjoy the current state of the game, why do you continue to play? That's an answer on the individual can figure out. Either move on, find another game or something in life, or accept the game the way it is currently and try to enjoy it as it is.
Because you can criticize something and be unhappy with it without being on the verge of quitting? Maybe you have hope it will improve, maybe you find enjoyment in a different aspect of the game. Maybe you have friendships from the game that you don’t wanna leave behind. Idk I’ve never understood the “if you don’t like it then leave” argument. If you find literally no redeeming qualities then yea it’s worth quitting, but if there’s even one then I don’t find it strange to want to continue playing.
Right, I'm not saying if you don't like something about the game then you should leave. If that was true I would've left too. But if someone is out here making posts about how awful everything about the game is, how it has no redeeming qualities, and how Kabam is Satan or whatever, then yeah, have a little self-awareness. Not too much to ask imo, even from the cretins....
I just came back 2 years after quitting the game and people back then were saying the same stuff. Yea, the game is dying… for 10 years now.
Yeah, it's just a complete lack of self-awareness on the part of the "game is dying crowd." I'm not talking about the specific constructive feedback posts, I'm talking about the extremely dissatisfied posts with rhetoric about how much the game sucks and how everything about it is awful. It's like, do they ever look in the mirror and ask: "Wow, if I really feel that way, then why am I still playing and talking about it?? And if I don't feel that way, then why am I saying those things??" Of course they'll never ask themselves that question because the answer would be too painful to admit. So we just end up with daily "Kabam is dying" threads from people who need to look closer at their own issues.
Very insightful, and objective as always, what was missing in your childhood lol, start there, then there is hope
Huh? I get that you don't like what I said, but can you articulate what you disagree with and why you disagree? The childhood stuff doesn't really make any sense either without an explanation. What are you saying I was deprived of in my childhood and how would that relate to what I said in my post?
Exaaaaactly lol.
Man, I feel stupid for trying to have a discussion with what sounds like a short bus 12 year old....
I just came back 2 years after quitting the game and people back then were saying the same stuff. Yea, the game is dying… for 10 years now.
Yeah, it's just a complete lack of self-awareness on the part of the "game is dying crowd." I'm not talking about the specific constructive feedback posts, I'm talking about the extremely dissatisfied posts with rhetoric about how much the game sucks and how everything about it is awful. It's like, do they ever look in the mirror and ask: "Wow, if I really feel that way, then why am I still playing and talking about it?? And if I don't feel that way, then why am I saying those things??" Of course they'll never ask themselves that question because the answer would be too painful to admit. So we just end up with daily "Kabam is dying" threads from people who need to look closer at their own issues.
Very insightful, and objective as always, what was missing in your childhood lol, start there, then there is hope
Ok but for once, he's not wrong. If you don't enjoy the current state of the game, why do you continue to play? That's an answer on the individual can figure out. Either move on, find another game or something in life, or accept the game the way it is currently and try to enjoy it as it is.
Because you can criticize something and be unhappy with it without being on the verge of quitting? Maybe you have hope it will improve, maybe you find enjoyment in a different aspect of the game. Maybe you have friendships from the game that you don’t wanna leave behind. Idk I’ve never understood the “if you don’t like it then leave” argument. If you find literally no redeeming qualities then yea it’s worth quitting, but if there’s even one then I don’t find it strange to want to continue playing.
Right, I'm not saying if you don't like something about the game then you should leave. If that was true I would've left too. But if someone is out here making posts about how awful everything about the game is, how it has no redeeming qualities, and how Kabam is Satan or whatever, then yeah, have a little self-awareness. Not too much to ask imo, even from the cretins....
Yea sure, in that scenario I agree. I just see the “if you don’t like it then leave” argument spammed in almost every game complaint post. And I’m not saying complaint posts with no constructive criticism should be defended, but I don’t think telling them to quit should be the first response.
Battlegrounds is dying …. Blah blah blah…who cares. The problem is full scope, in almost all game modes, just look how long event quest has taken to get some attention. This is nothing new,.,the way i feel is reward tweaks should be quarterly…as in “every 3 months”,..and that’s across the board (all game modes)…excluding maybe arena. But honestly after a while people Just stop caring,..the fact that this subject has to even be posted on the companies forums shows how out of touch Kabam is. With the game advancing and expanding as it is ..this needs more attention,..and it isn’t just battlegrounds that’s the problem
Facts man. All the crappy ass bugs, in every aspect of the game, can’t even message friends because the friend list and messages have been broken for months, don’t get me started on the **** ai, terrible rewards everywhere, no response to anyone. Game is in a bad state right now… it’s only getting worse…
in terms of milking champions, don't you think they have to?
there's a certain amount of runway they have with a rarity (both the number of champs available and how high we can rank them) and if they released all rarity locked champions too fast, what else do we look forward to? wouldn't 2 new champs a month get boring?
you have a point but that's honestly not the issue, them locking certain champs and milking them is fine, but what about the rewards for f2p? All they do is roll out event sales which are absolutely dogsh*t, don't care about how much the playerbase was at loss due to their bugs, did not even acknowledge them, forget compensations.
80% of the game is outdated but UI changes are important..right? With just one fix, ACTUALLY DECENT EQ and Paragon/New Valiant gaunlet quest rewards, most problems will be gone, they can then slowly buff other areas and work on it but yeah they don't want the game to work in a long term, whatever honestly.
i don't disagree on the number of sales. it used to be 2 a year? now it's like $800-$1000 every 2 months lol
in 2024:
february - valentines event april - spring cleaning may - omega days july - july 4 september - saga sales (nefaria etc.) november - cyber monday december - banquet
a bunch of stuff with at least 2 sagas in between is a lot, and i get that, but let's be fair to kabam for a second. these events make them a ton of money, it funds the game, the spenders buy everything up, and the'yre maximizing money from unreleased champions. for the longevity of the game, isn't that a good thing? why would they should they just add them to the basic pool for free?
one other thing. game economy and a healthy f2p/spending gap is what keeps the game alive. don't you think they will do everything they can to preserve that gap over making short term profits?
2 months ago a few r4s cost $180k, now it's do a couple of carina's, maybe spend 15k-20k units and do the ares challenge and you'll have 2. no matter how many whaley they make the game, the gap always shrinks back, so f2p will always survive.
i'm not too familiar with other micro-transactional games but mcoc feels very fair. no ads and dedicated f2p always get what the massive whales do, just a year later.
Are you telling me there's nothing going on in March???? woww LOL. The state of the game is so bad right now, there's nothing going on, seems like the game is dying. I think Kabam should have a sale event every month to spice things up or something man, game is boring right now.
ya bud, only 7 whalefests a year, for now. maybe march will have a Sorcerer Supreme's Super Fantastic St. Paddy's Spendfest Event.
in terms of milking champions, don't you think they have to?
there's a certain amount of runway they have with a rarity (both the number of champs available and how high we can rank them) and if they released all rarity locked champions too fast, what else do we look forward to? wouldn't 2 new champs a month get boring?
you have a point but that's honestly not the issue, them locking certain champs and milking them is fine, but what about the rewards for f2p? All they do is roll out event sales which are absolutely dogsh*t, don't care about how much the playerbase was at loss due to their bugs, did not even acknowledge them, forget compensations.
80% of the game is outdated but UI changes are important..right? With just one fix, ACTUALLY DECENT EQ and Paragon/New Valiant gaunlet quest rewards, most problems will be gone, they can then slowly buff other areas and work on it but yeah they don't want the game to work in a long term, whatever honestly.
i don't disagree on the number of sales. it used to be 2 a year? now it's like $800-$1000 every 2 months lol
in 2024:
february - valentines event april - spring cleaning may - omega days july - july 4 september - saga sales (nefaria etc.) november - cyber monday december - banquet
a bunch of stuff with at least 2 sagas in between is a lot, and i get that, but let's be fair to kabam for a second. these events make them a ton of money, it funds the game, the spenders buy everything up, and the'yre maximizing money from unreleased champions. for the longevity of the game, isn't that a good thing? why would they should they just add them to the basic pool for free?
one other thing. game economy and a healthy f2p/spending gap is what keeps the game alive. don't you think they will do everything they can to preserve that gap over making short term profits?
2 months ago a few r4s cost $180k, now it's do a couple of carina's, maybe spend 15k-20k units and do the ares challenge and you'll have 2. no matter how many whaley they make the game, the gap always shrinks back, so f2p will always survive.
i'm not too familiar with other micro-transactional games but mcoc feels very fair. no ads and dedicated f2p always get what the massive whales do, just a year later.
Playing a game you know you can't win... 🤔 It's like being in a movie theater knowing you won't be able to watch the movie, waste of time.
in terms of milking champions, don't you think they have to?
there's a certain amount of runway they have with a rarity (both the number of champs available and how high we can rank them) and if they released all rarity locked champions too fast, what else do we look forward to? wouldn't 2 new champs a month get boring?
you have a point but that's honestly not the issue, them locking certain champs and milking them is fine, but what about the rewards for f2p? All they do is roll out event sales which are absolutely dogsh*t, don't care about how much the playerbase was at loss due to their bugs, did not even acknowledge them, forget compensations.
80% of the game is outdated but UI changes are important..right? With just one fix, ACTUALLY DECENT EQ and Paragon/New Valiant gaunlet quest rewards, most problems will be gone, they can then slowly buff other areas and work on it but yeah they don't want the game to work in a long term, whatever honestly.
i don't disagree on the number of sales. it used to be 2 a year? now it's like $800-$1000 every 2 months lol
in 2024:
february - valentines event april - spring cleaning may - omega days july - july 4 september - saga sales (nefaria etc.) november - cyber monday december - banquet
a bunch of stuff with at least 2 sagas in between is a lot, and i get that, but let's be fair to kabam for a second. these events make them a ton of money, it funds the game, the spenders buy everything up, and the'yre maximizing money from unreleased champions. for the longevity of the game, isn't that a good thing? why would they should they just add them to the basic pool for free?
one other thing. game economy and a healthy f2p/spending gap is what keeps the game alive. don't you think they will do everything they can to preserve that gap over making short term profits?
2 months ago a few r4s cost $180k, now it's do a couple of carina's, maybe spend 15k-20k units and do the ares challenge and you'll have 2. no matter how many whaley they make the game, the gap always shrinks back, so f2p will always survive.
i'm not too familiar with other micro-transactional games but mcoc feels very fair. no ads and dedicated f2p always get what the massive whales do, just a year later.
Playing a game you know you can't win... 🤔 It's like being in a movie theater knowing you won't be able to watch the movie, waste of time.
there isn't winning. we're just renting temporary enjoyment, like going to the movies.
Renting temporary enjoyment knowing you will loose? It's like watching a movie knowing it sucks... where's the enjoyment in that?
we have to be good faith about this. the game is a service and like any service we’re paying for temporary entertainment. like going to the movies, a concert, getting a netflix subscription etc.
we don’t own anything, there’s nothing to sell, and it’s not an investment that yields any tangible value.
Battlegrounds is dying …. Blah blah blah…who cares. The problem is full scope, in almost all game modes, just look how long event quest has taken to get some attention. This is nothing new,.,the way i feel is reward tweaks should be quarterly…as in “every 3 months”,..and that’s across the board (all game modes)…excluding maybe arena. But honestly after a while people Just stop caring,..the fact that this subject has to even be posted on the companies forums shows how out of touch Kabam is. With the game advancing and expanding as it is ..this needs more attention,..and it isn’t just battlegrounds that’s the problem
Facts man. All the crappy ass bugs, in every aspect of the game, can’t even message friends because the friend list and messages have been broken for months, don’t get me started on the **** ai, terrible rewards everywhere, no response to anyone. Game is in a bad state right now… it’s only getting worse…
Tbh i didn’t expect to get this type of reaction from my comment,.,and to be clear when i stated “who cares “ in regards to battlegrounds i was being a bit sarcastic when relating it to all the other game modes that have received little attention. So if battleground get’s updated relevant rewards “great”,..but should it be at the expense of other game modes? More end game content (which players have been pining about for ages), excellent, but does that mean other game mode updates should be neglected? No,..imo, because that isn’t balanced. Of course BG’s should be top rewards but all aspects of the game should stay relevant. Updating AQ every two years isn’t keeping it relevant,..and when the update drops,..will it be relevant (and for how long)? 1/2 a year until we have to wait another 2 years for it to be updated again?
What does need to be fixed and effects everyone is how broken the game is. Literally every update breaks something. I could live with that if the fixes were quick, but they are not. Things stay broken for so long and it takes so much time for the bugs to even be acknowledged. New bugs are introduced before older bugs are fixed and the communication around this is awful. That in itself feels so defeating as a player. And when things finally are fixed, we either get little or no compensation at all. Meanwhile these bugs are costing us units, revives and potions.
For me, fixing the mountain of bugs should be the priority of Kabam. Rewards buff is secondary. If the actually game keeps getting more and more broken, I don’t care about having to slog through it with a team of shiny new 7* rank 4s.
And we still waiting for reward update lol
looks like kt1 also putting his inputs,
we need more conten creators to push that the game rewards is outdated!!
BGs well it is outdated wrt rewards an the node choices are usually not fun. Still better than the recent AW map update (path 9 is ridiculous now).
But if someone is out here making posts about how awful everything about the game is, how it has no redeeming qualities, and how Kabam is Satan or whatever, then yeah, have a little self-awareness. Not too much to ask imo, even from the cretins....
But are we noticing how the usual offenders and derailers are now resorting to personal insults, taunts and baiting?
Happens everytime till someone claps them back then they cry and Kebem closes up threads with reasons to stay respectful 🤡
Thanks Kabam 🥳
Been outdated for the last 1-2-3 + years.
It's like being in a movie theater knowing you won't be able to watch the movie, waste of time.
we don’t own anything, there’s nothing to sell, and it’s not an investment that yields any tangible value.
So if battleground get’s updated relevant rewards “great”,..but should it be at the expense of other game modes?
More end game content (which players have been pining about for ages), excellent, but does that mean other game mode updates should be neglected?
No,..imo, because that isn’t balanced.
Of course BG’s should be top rewards but all aspects of the game should stay relevant.
Updating AQ every two years isn’t keeping it relevant,..and when the update drops,..will it be relevant (and for how long)?
1/2 a year until we have to wait another 2 years for it to be updated again?