how are we doing with 7* progression?

with the recent talk of gamemodes needing reward buffs (whether or not they do is not the point of this thread), i think it's important to notice how much time we have left with 7*s.
7*s were launched almost 2 years ago in may 2023. there are 6 ranks and we're probably looking at r5s by next january.
r6s are probably in december 2026, and 8*s launch in summer 2027 while they also release ascension material for 7*s. if we see 8*s in 2027, that will be 4 years.
6*s lasted 5.5 years (january 2018 to may 2023). are you okay if 7*s last 4? why or why not?
imo kabam has done a lot of good things with 7* release structure:
-max combat power rate at r1 which makes them usable from the start
-materials were really slow during the 6*s meta (both shards and rankup materials) and for some people everything took ages to but with 7*s, they've designed content and the shard economy where you have a steady rate of opening crystals and ranking up. in that sense the 7* rollout is so much smoother
that said, a 4 year lifecycle feels too fast for me and with players wanting big buffs to modes, we might get 8*s even faster.
are you happy with how things are going? are 7*s being rolled out too fast or not fast enough?
7*s were launched almost 2 years ago in may 2023. there are 6 ranks and we're probably looking at r5s by next january.
r6s are probably in december 2026, and 8*s launch in summer 2027 while they also release ascension material for 7*s. if we see 8*s in 2027, that will be 4 years.
6*s lasted 5.5 years (january 2018 to may 2023). are you okay if 7*s last 4? why or why not?
imo kabam has done a lot of good things with 7* release structure:
-max combat power rate at r1 which makes them usable from the start
-materials were really slow during the 6*s meta (both shards and rankup materials) and for some people everything took ages to but with 7*s, they've designed content and the shard economy where you have a steady rate of opening crystals and ranking up. in that sense the 7* rollout is so much smoother
that said, a 4 year lifecycle feels too fast for me and with players wanting big buffs to modes, we might get 8*s even faster.
are you happy with how things are going? are 7*s being rolled out too fast or not fast enough?
the first 6r5s were jan 2023.
I just finished exploring Act 7 after having done 8 and 9.1.
Comparing the rewards just shows how quickly the progressions have gone.
Act 7 100% completion reward: 6R4 rank up gem.
Act 8 100% completion reward: 7R3 rank up gem.
That's insane...
I'm personally happy with the current cadence 7* lifecycle because they haven't felt stale like 6*s were.
So what exactly is your complaint? I don't understand...
6r5 (big L) but they did dust thing for 6r6
So 7r7
But don't worry, 7r5 aren't coming till 2026 Banquet or even later, r4 will be milked a lot for all the good reasons.
I think they have generally done a good job with sevens. The various ways to acquire champs (mega sales, yes, but also double track events, giveaways, etc) have avoided the stagnant feeling when we were in a similar timeframe of the six star rollout.
I don’t love the Titan cadence, tbh, but I also don’t have a better suggestion. But I grind against the fact that I constantly feel like I can’t get shards for new champs fast enough, or (like now) I’m sitting on a bunch of shards for months while I wait for the crystal to refresh.
Ultimately, I think the biggest question is about the game modes needed to support an ecosystem of 300+ champs. In many ways, I think you can say that BGs saved the game or at least gave it a huge shot in the arm. It incentivizes chasing and ranking up a broad selection of champs, which makes it easier for Kabam to introduce more diverse and even niche champs.
Maybe it’s because BG has stagnated somewhat (there’s that word again) especially in terms of rewards, but it feels to me like Kabam needs another big idea. A major twist on BGs or something entirely new.
Like nothing, changing up defenders and attackers isn't anything impactful.
It's just shows that AQ and raids are bottom of barrel, raids are either
too hard (modok autoblock, invis woman shield) or
too easy (current deathless raids)
Now BG is in same condition, stale.
I'm blaming these WoW SoS fights, taking away the whole creativity from every side of game.
All I remember is when 7.1 is announced it received very positive feedback due to it's structure, difficulty and rewards.
The first 30 seconds of this video sums up the entire beta