Next Rebalancing Post when?

Eagerly awaiting the next rebalancing post mainly for Count Nefaria. Kabam said we can expect communication towards the middle of February and it’s now almost March. I know the last one was posted on the 24th but it’s even past that now.
Can we get any updates?
Can we get any updates?
Another on the long list of self-inflicted expectations that they can't manage to live up to.
When Kabam says "beginning of the month": Anywhere from the 1st to the 14th.
When Kabam says "middle of the month": Anywhere from the 2nd to the 29th.
When Kabam says "end of the month": Usually the first week of the following month.
Hope this helps!
But yea its scheduled for tomorrow morning I believe
There's too long a history of setting expectation and precedent and then failing to keep up with no explanation, but only excuses for why it's going to be done differently. It's gotta change at some point.
Sure, go ahead and drive expectations even lower than they already are…
so ur welcome everyone