But, but, but I thought the AI made it impossible to intercept in this game? I guess this proves once and for all that the game is completely healthy and it's all just a matter of skill.
And people can't say, "but MSD is a god" because if he can do this with a 3* Hela, people can do it with their 7R3s instead of whining like babies, lol....
Just curious why is there a constant need to tear down other people based on their experiences with the game?? Truthfully not everyone is MSD and he's even admitted that based on certain circumstances AI behavior plays a role in how things go. I've seen him have to restart fights several times because of his slight mistakes or the AI doing what it tends to do. Kabam have even said that the changes they've made has had negative affects with AI interactions including but not limited to Parry and Intercepting. Hell the game has a built in ability for some heroes to guarantee that opponent throws their special (Taunt)
i dont think being snarky constantly pays off. that said, when you see a video, you probably dont see hours of dedication to make that video possible.
But skill and dedication wouldn't magically make an AI intercept glitch disappear. If they did, then it wasn't a glitch in the first place.
Just because super skilled players who deeply understand the mechanisms of the game can MAKE it work, doesn't mean it's actually working as intended, or as it should. Understanding the system doesn't mean the system isn't broken.
I agree there's a lot of cope, needless whining and skill issues across these forums (and honestly, the community) but you're neglecting that there ARE legitimate issues with the AI and inputs that players have raised over the past several years. A demonstration of skill doesn't just nullify that.
Ok, but I think my posts (even the meme) were specifically directed at players who say that you cannot reliably intercept the AI in this game.
This whole thing reminds me of when me and some other parents took our kids to the Warriors arena for a basketball camp, and my friend missed all his 3 pointers despite bragging about his high school career and then kept saying there was something wrong with the rim.
Later that night we went to the actual game and when Curry made like 10 3s in a row, my friend's wife said, "It doesn't look like there is anything wrong with the rim." Obviously he didn't like hearing that and snapped back, "I'm just trying to watch the game."
Blimey, I thought you were a kid who likes a wind up all this time. Damn.
This whole thing reminds me of when me and some other parents took our kids to the Warriors arena for a basketball camp, and my friend missed all his 3 pointers despite bragging about his high school career and then kept saying there was something wrong with the rim.
Later that night we went to the actual game and when Curry made like 10 3s in a row, my friend's wife said, "It doesn't look like there is anything wrong with the rim." Obviously he didn't like hearing that and snapped back, "I'm just trying to watch the game."
Blimey, I thought you were a kid who likes a wind up all this time. Damn.
This whole thing reminds me of when me and some other parents took our kids to the Warriors arena for a basketball camp, and my friend missed all his 3 pointers despite bragging about his high school career and then kept saying there was something wrong with the rim.
Later that night we went to the actual game and when Curry made like 10 3s in a row, my friend's wife said, "It doesn't look like there is anything wrong with the rim." Obviously he didn't like hearing that and snapped back, "I'm just trying to watch the game."
Blimey, I thought you were a kid who likes a wind up all this time. Damn.
Holy f. No way Totem isn't a kid
Haha, I mean, I play MCOC and post about it online, so I'm either a loser kid or a pathetic adult. There is no third option...
Hell the game has a built in ability for some heroes to guarantee that opponent throws their special (Taunt)