Trouble getting Twitch Drops

Hi guys anyone else have issues getting twitch drops? (First time trying to get any twitch drops btw) I’m seeing it says claimed but nothing is showing up in my inventory. Attached an image for reference.

b ) if you still got nothing, and you attached/linked your kabam account username correctly, send a support ticket to Kabam. *IF* they respond to reach out to twitch, hit them back and tell them no, it's their responsibility.
Kabam should be taking care of it. They screwed me and others out of it last time so I don't really care to try this time around.
I’ve linked kabam with twitch numerous times but still won’t let me claim them…
I would highly recommend anyone that hasn't received them that still hasn't submitted a ticket, do so ASAP because they may try to come back and claim you took too long if you continue to wait.
Here it shows that I got notifications that I got them but I hadn’t received them like I did for the previous month (which I think was January). Is there any way that we can be compensated for missing Twitch drops?
Can you clarify exactly whose responsibility it falls under?
I made the ticket following your suggestion only to be disappointed by the response. As you can see there are two ticket numbers mentioned in the screenshot, thats because this is now the 2nd time this has happened to me.
I strongly urge you to pass it on to the team to get rid of the twitch rewards and revert back to the promo codes. Why even do the twitch rewards when theres no control over it if issues arise and it leads to a back and forth as indicated by my screenshot and the posts above?
So you guys can help @KabamPinwheel
I don't think that "72 hours" matters, clearly, since y'all are still dealing with it this time around.
Seems like if you get the drops, you're lucky, and if you don't get them right away, you're SOL and never going to get them.
I think it's especially frustrating because I understand Kabam's reasoning for implementing these specifically at 'twitch drops' rather than promo codes - but they took something that worked, and changed it into something that currently just isn't.
I'm glad to hear that you're really trying to figure out what the issue is and get to the bottom of it - and personally I would recommend a promo code or something at the next stream *instead* of drops IF the issue itself is not resolved.
I know the early road with twitch drops has been nothing less than bumpy, but we're committed to getting this ironed out so that the way is clear to do some cool things in the future.
Please understand my anger and frustration are certainly not at you, as I do appreciate your transparency in this issue and communicating, but this is now over a month (factoring the january stream as well) of hearing "Not our Problem."