Who are you guys voting for Women's day Rework



  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,305 ★★★★
    Proxima Midnight
    Too many good mutants also there are the upcoming reworks.

    Skill with bleed is there with cheeilth so don't know what more they would do with squirrel girl.

    Proxima is someone who is unique, potential unlimited power of it wasn't for the damage cap. Making it quicker to get to that potential would be nice.
  • Mickey_the_dark_69Mickey_the_dark_69 Member Posts: 24
    Oh wait this is mcoc people don’t care about who will have more power and utility lol they’ll probably vote for X mid 23
  • Mickey_the_dark_69Mickey_the_dark_69 Member Posts: 24
    Just because claws = good champion
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,613 ★★★★★

    I've been wanting her to get the buff she deserves. Even more so now since we have new abilities that she needs to steal lol
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,639 ★★★★★

    Oh wait this is mcoc people don’t care about who will have more power and utility lol they’ll probably vote for X mid 23

    More of because she deserves to be better from release she had a cap of 5 cruelty or 5 bleeds her regen is just 1 with a very short duration her bleeds are rng
  • Ant_WarriorAnt_Warrior Member Posts: 188
    As it stands, everyone else looks fine and is animated/skilled well.

    Rogue is just janky and needs a tune up
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 738 ★★★★
    Squirrel Girl
    I love rogue but I'd love Squirrel Girl to be actually good. She's unarguably my favorite character to play, love her animations.
    A deal breaker for me has always been her combo meter, no combo shield and she gets wrecked if you take one single hit.

    Take away that combo mechanic and she'd be very good, she also got lots of utility with evade and autoblock counter.
    Change her bleed to rupture. Give her longer lasting ruptures, take away her knock down combo mechanic I get that they had to make a cashout as her damage was INSANE in 2020 but its 2025, power creep has already peaked.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,686 Guardian
    The Poll here seems to have left out Morningstar as a choice.

    From Stream Recap (and underlying Women's Day post), who the choices are, and who had nominated each of them to potentially get the Rework.

    Invisible Woman – Allison Edits
    Jubilee – Dragon
    Morningstar – MystiKay
    Proxima Midnight - Royal
    Rogue – KabamRiRi
    Squirrel Girl – Cat Murdock
    Wolverine (X-23) – Volatility

  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,797 ★★★★★
    Invisible Woman
    Only because I already have her as a 7*. If we ignore that fact, then Rogue.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,580 ★★★★★
    Invisible Woman
    Emilia90 said:

    With FF coming up I want her to be good :) and I love the science class so watching it get more crazy would be hilarious. Though I could be convinced to do Morningstar

    This 😍👆 Sue Storm
  • VolatilityVolatility Member Posts: 26
    Loving all of the X-23 support here! I’m incredibly excited to be representing her in the campaign to get her buffed

  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,613 ★★★★★

    Loving all of the X-23 support here! I’m incredibly excited to be representing her in the campaign to get her buffed


    So awesome! 👊🏽
  • 713_o_f1673r713_o_f1673r Member Posts: 571 ★★★
    Anyone but Invisible Woman. I'm picking Jubilee, cause I wanna see what more they can do with the power of pyrotechnics
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,469 ★★★★
    X-23 since Elektra is not there
  • HarryatomixHarryatomix Member Posts: 479 ★★★

    The Poll here seems to have left out Morningstar as a choice.

    From Stream Recap (and underlying Women's Day post), who the choices are, and who had nominated each of them to potentially get the Rework.

    Invisible Woman – Allison Edits
    Jubilee – Dragon
    Morningstar – MystiKay
    Proxima Midnight - Royal
    Rogue – KabamRiRi
    Squirrel Girl – Cat Murdock
    Wolverine (X-23) – Volatility


    Totally forgot Morningstar, thanks for this.
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 840 ★★★
    You forgot Morningstar
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Proxima Midnight
    I would love to see proxima getting a rework. She has the potential to be the absolute goated damage dealer once she finishes her missions and got her furies. But.... in shorter fights, once she finishes ramping up, at that time, everybody have finished the fight. And in longer fights, against beefier healthpool, they all got the damage cap which basically erased 80% of proxima damage.
  • TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 501 ★★★
    Why did you leave out Morningstar?
    It's between her and Rogue for me.
  • EluxElux Member Posts: 63
    Non of the above
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,189 ★★★★★
    Proxima Midnight
    It's clear that Proxima will never be allowed to shine as she is. Damage caps simply mean she can never reach her potential. Also despite the fact she's cosmic; she was one of the first champions to use Prowess. Prowess has since become a hallmark feature of mutants, and is increasingly susceptible to interference (Indication) from a number of Tech opponents; giving Proxima a disadvantage against Tech opponents that she should dominate.

    So I think she needs a full-on redesign, and some different methods of inflicting damage, to bypass damage caps/resistances in Boss content. A redesign should aim to revisit her original design intention of making a champ who rewards careful gameplay to make her genuinely powerful and useful in long fights:

    Proxima Midnight (rework suggestion)
    (stats for 6* 5/65 champion)

    Attack 4158
    Health 49935

    Always active
    Each buff on Proxima grants her +250 Critical Rating.

    Proxima has a 15% chance to Perfect Block. Her Block Proficiency cannot be passively reduced, although it is affected by debuffs such as Incinerate and Fragility.

    Proxima's ability accuracy cannot be reduced by Tech champions.

    Proxima reduces the opponent's Offensive Ability Accuracy by 200% whilst she is blocking.

    Proxima can activate the Parry Mastery against non-contact attacks.

    Well-timed Blocks generate a Bulwark buff, granting +750 Block Proficiency and +10% Perfect Block for six seconds.

    When Proxima reaches a combo multiplier of 25, she generates an indefinite Safeguard buff (max stacks three).
    Each Safeguard buff reduces the Damage from any single hit, or blocked hit, other than a Special-3 to a maximum of 5% health. Safeguard buffs are removed once triggered.

    Missions from Thanos
    Proxima starts the fight with a mission from Thanos. Whenever Proxima Midnight completes an objective for one of her missions, she activates a True Sense buff lasting six seconds. Whilst she has a True Sense buff, her attacks cannot Miss or be Autoblocked.
    Missions 1-3 are assigned one at a time, in a random order. Mission four can be completed at any time.
    Mission One - Deflect their Attacks: Perform a well-timed block. Complete this objective five times.
    Mission Two - Punish their audacity: Intercept the opponent's Dash or strike an opponent who is recovering from a Special Attack. Complete this objective four times.
    Mission Three - Overwhelm their defences Knock the opponent down with a Heavy or Special Attack. Complete this objective six times.
    Mission Four - Extinguish all Hope: Reach a combo of 100.

    When Proxima completes a mission, she gains a Thanos's Favour buff. These buffs are indefinite, and each grants Proxima +1042 Attack, and +240 Armour Penetration.

    Additionally, as she gains stacks of Thanos's Favour, Proxima gains cumulative benefits:
    • One or more buffs: Special Attacks gain +1042 Attack and cost 10% less Power for each Thanos's Favour buff.
    • Two or more buffs: Armour Break and Corrosion debuffs gain 25% Potency for each Thanos's Favour buff.
    • Three or more buffs: Proxima gains immunity to Power Drain, Power Burn, and Power Steal effects from non-Mystic opponents.
    • Four buffs: Proxima gains Immunity to Reverse Controls, and hits on Unstoppable opponents affect them as though they were not Unstoppable.
    Special Attacks:

    Special-1: The final hit of this attack inflicts a Corrosion debuff inflicting 1880 damage over five seconds. An additional stack of Corrosion is inflicted per 33 hits on her combo meter (max four stacks per Special)

    Special-2: This attack inflicts True Damage.
    Inflict Stun for 2 seconds.
    For each hit in Proxima's combo meter up to 100, this attack gains +20 Critical Damage Modifier and inflicts a burst of Energy damage equal to 2% of the damage inflicted.

    Special-3: Inflict Stun for 5 seconds. 100% chance to Inflict one stack of Armour Break, plus an additional stack per 50 hits in her combo meter (max three stacks).
    Each stack of Armour Break removes an Armour Up buff and reduces the opponents Armour Rating by -2650 for ten seconds.

    Signature ability:
    Proxima's True Sense and Bulwark buffs gain +60% duration.
    Additionally, when she completes the mission Extinguish All Hope, Proxima activates an indefinite True Sense buff, and an indefinite Fury buff which increases Attack by +4158.

    Adjusted Synergies:
    Special Assistance (Adjusted synergy with Corvus) - Each Mission requires one fewer objective, except Extinguish All Hope which requires 25 fewer.

    Control the Offensive: (Solo synergy with Cull Obsidian) - When her combo is below 50, Proxima gains an additional point in her combo meter with each successful hit.
  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 159 ★★
    Invisible Woman
    Rouge got some insane marketing in the livestream so she's probably gonna win. Personally it'd be cool if invisible woman got a buff
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