While some ppl have claimed (?) that they were able to use either Google or Apple card on WebStore at some time (or from some countries), in general that would be counter to the whole point of moving away from Google/Apple (in game) for making purchases.
Not sure what “processing fee” Google/Apple might potentially charge XSolla/Kabam if they allowed ppl to use those cards for purchases on WebStore (like how credit cards charge stores maybe 1% to 3% processing fee), it might actually be a higher % than that, more in line with what they would charge Apps for in-app purchases (which is what, between 10-20% ?)
May not be reflective on the User's end, but the App is being charged and thus making less money from your purchase.
u see, I wanted to buy it in the summoners market, vanilla card did not work, so bought a Google play gift card so I can use on my tab, they changed the password on that adnn all this money was made by selling a Nintendo switch game so I didn't ask my parents cause they hate buying stuff for games and games in general
So what are you playing on now ? (hopefully NOT on a hacked PC)
Or some tablet or other phone, that just does NOT have your Google Login credentials, as parents have disabled that to prevent any Google PlayStore downloads or purchases via Google ? (but can still use the phone/tablet itself, with whatever apps are already on it ?)
It’s best to just let the pass go since it really is a parents thing. Don’t let the fomo get to you and understand that the game has intentional addictive mechanics that is making you act in a way that you probably normally wouldn’t. Selling off games to get gift cards is messy and not worth it. Use that gift card for something more practical. Let the pass go and maybe even the game if it’s causing this much drama in your family life.
y'all calm down, I got the pass, its just that I didn't want to ask my parents for money, and I play on my dad's phone, I'm in America and I am not raj from tech support, GUY DON"T JUDGE A BOOK by its cover. HE IS THE ONE WHO HELPED ME WORK IT OUT.
Not sure what “processing fee” Google/Apple might potentially charge XSolla/Kabam if they allowed ppl to use those cards for purchases on WebStore (like how credit cards charge stores maybe 1% to 3% processing fee), it might actually be a higher % than that, more in line with what they would charge Apps for in-app purchases (which is what, between 10-20% ?)
May not be reflective on the User's end, but the App is being charged and thus making less money from your purchase.
Or some tablet or other phone, that just does NOT have your Google Login credentials, as parents have disabled that to prevent any Google PlayStore downloads or purchases via Google ? (but can still use the phone/tablet itself, with whatever apps are already on it ?)