Stream titan crystal

Pete85Pete85 Member Posts: 8
Hi all i want to ask if that is real or not.

My problem is i cant answer and this message dont have the date when it was send to me.

I see that message too late after stream. Im watching on twitch.


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,760 ★★★★★
    Contact support they can help
  • CandyCane2CandyCane2 Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    Sounds too good to be true, I wouldn’t trust it
  • Pete85Pete85 Member Posts: 8
    When i tap on that message its open the original kabam chanell. But it must be from the 3rd february stream maybe
  • BogoBogo Member Posts: 89
    edited March 2
    Sounds too good to be true however none of the details they're asking for can cause any harm to your account so I think it's legit.
  • Pete85Pete85 Member Posts: 8
    I think its legit. My problem is i dont use twitch every day and i didnt notice i have a whissper message. I see that message after the last stream.
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 963 ★★★★
    edited March 2
    They aren't asking for your password or anything important, so I would go for it.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,294 Guardian
    That is legit but you needed to reply to it within 24 hours or something like that or else twitch won't allow you to respond. You can reach out to Kabam Pinwheel sometime during the week and he can get that situated for you.
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 749 ★★★
    edited March 3
    Hmmmmmm…I don’t know man, seems sketchy…

    How about you give them my account information and I can test if it’s real or not :)
  • Pete85Pete85 Member Posts: 8
    Thanks all for your answers.
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★
    wouldn't it just be easier for Kabam to make a complicated promo code which they could include in that same message, which you could redeem in the online store to claim your champ?

    They could limit the code to one total redemption (so sharing it would be pretty dumb)... not sure if they have the technology to limit it to a specific account, but given how they can tie offers to your tier, I would think it would be possible.

    That way, summoners just "get what they won", and don't have to worry about clicking links / fraud.
  • KabamPinwheelKabamPinwheel Community Posts: 464
    Hey, I think Ive already reached out to you, but just to clarify twitch autocloses chats after 48 hours (so since the message was sent on friday twitch was blocking a reply on monday), but yes this is legit
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