War Rating

Matty_IceMatty_Ice Member Posts: 629 ★★★
There was an issue where the 1st offseason war counted for war rating, and it has not be adjusted back. The new season starts in 2 days. Are there any plans to get that fixed before season starts?


  • Tx_Quack_Attack6589Tx_Quack_Attack6589 Member Posts: 717 ★★★★
    Can guarantee we are SOL on this issue it is deep under the rug by now
  • Matty_IceMatty_Ice Member Posts: 629 ★★★
    I figured as much, but thought I’d check. With the scoring change a few seasons ago, being in a lower tier for even 1 war can destroy your whole season. Sucks for those who dropped a tier because of that.
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