İf they check i am sure that my ban will removed. I only use iphone login same device and have lots of proof videos for bg if they say why i banned i will prove myself with a video.
They check what reason you got flagged by AC for. They don't randomly ban just because many people reported you, with this logic I could make 10 accounts and report you to support to false ban you, there is more to this that pinwheel will show, as far as I can recall, there was never any case of a false ban in BGs, only a dude in Necropolis being falsely flagged and that was 1 in a million.
Fing Nick136 on youtube. You'll find your false BG ban.
İf they check i am sure that my ban will removed. I only use iphone login same device and have lots of proof videos for bg if they say why i banned i will prove myself with a video.
It's quiet clear that you came to forums when so many of these BG players starts calling you modder.
They check what reason you got flagged by AC for. They don't randomly ban just because many people reported you, with this logic I could make 10 accounts and report you to support to false ban you, there is more to this that pinwheel will show, as far as I can recall, there was never any case of a false ban in BGs, only a dude in Necropolis being falsely flagged and that was 1 in a million.
Fing Nick136 on youtube. You'll find your false BG ban.
İf they check i am sure that my ban will removed. I only use iphone login same device and have lots of proof videos for bg if they say why i banned i will prove myself with a video.
It's quiet clear that you came to forums when so many of these BG players starts calling you modder.
Yeah this is the exact situation i have received lots of ingame messegaes from my opponents and decided to reveal my secret but didnt think it will result in a ban. Anyway if modding or cheating is the reason i can %100 prove my skills but if there is sth else lile the post i did also yesterday about cheaters and shown a profile of cheater i dont know.
İf they check i am sure that my ban will removed. I only use iphone login same device and have lots of proof videos for bg if they say why i banned i will prove myself with a video.
It's quiet clear that you came to forums when so many of these BG players starts calling you modder.
Yeah this is the exact situation i have received lots of ingame messegaes from my opponents and decided to reveal my secret but didnt think it will result in a ban. Anyway if modding or cheating is the reason i can %100 prove my skills but if there is sth else lile the post i did also yesterday about cheaters and shown a profile of cheater i dont know.
Crashed has said that they don't ban accounts based on the volume of reports that come in. They still have to do their due diligence and investigate the account being reported. I am not saying you did or did not cheat, but you didn't receive a ban "just" because you were being reported by players that suspected you of cheating. I can only assume that you've already submitted a ticket, but if not then do that. They may not be very helpful, but reaching out to Crashed or DNA might help make some progress if you're innocent. If you're not innocent, I would highly suggest...that you keep pleading your case because it feels like it's been forever since Crashed destroyed someone's soul publicly.
Yeah this is what i will do. I am innocent and if the cause of ban is cheat or modding i not only request my ban be removed but also will insist on a satistfying compensation for “showing me as a cheater”
They check what reason you got flagged by AC for. They don't randomly ban just because many people reported you, with this logic I could make 10 accounts and report you to support to false ban you, there is more to this that pinwheel will show, as far as I can recall, there was never any case of a false ban in BGs, only a dude in Necropolis being falsely flagged and that was 1 in a million.
Fing Nick136 on youtube. You'll find your false BG ban.
Sorry couldnt understand what you mean
He's a part of Content creators His main account got banned from BG reports, and was live after it happend.
I have shared some screens about hyperions and bullseye fights. Let me share a video about how to nuke bullseye with hyperion in bgs. Please stop reporting me 😜
İf they check i am sure that my ban will removed. I only use iphone login same device and have lots of proof videos for bg if they say why i banned i will prove myself with a video.
It's quiet clear that you came to forums when so many of these BG players starts calling you modder.
Yeah this is the exact situation i have received lots of ingame messegaes from my opponents and decided to reveal my secret but didnt think it will result in a ban. Anyway if modding or cheating is the reason i can %100 prove my skills but if there is sth else lile the post i did also yesterday about cheaters and shown a profile of cheater i dont know.
You are right i am sure they invesitigated and since they dont have ingame video of what has happened probably the see what will see in the result bg screen they saw 24 secıond 27 second bullseye fights with hyperion almost full health and decided wow this is impossible. If i hadnt share a video and told you that i can beat bullseye in 24 secods with hyper full health what would be your first response? So please assess the situation like this.
A very highly skilled player found a way to get really good results others have not seen before . Hence people complained and reported. People always rush to call someone is guilty but as fellow players who enjoy this game, I think we would all appreciate kabam following up and allow people to prove their case . If indeed it was the Hyperion fights killing with realty fast times then let kabam allow the player to needed proof. I don’t think being cynical to sarcastic is necessary as fellow players . Sure some people banned are legitimately cheating but we hope Kabam has an accurate way to determine that. But as fellow players I don’t underhand why we wouldn’t agree that we all like a fair process where truly innocent people can have an avenue to provide supporting proof . We should all support this . If they are quilty after proof is provided is insufficient or the person fails to provide proof so be it. I think that’s all he is asking for . Support from the community to get kabams attention to allow him to provide proof. As fellow players who love to play this game I think we would all see a process put in place to allow players who could potentially be innocent proof themselves be a positive thing .
Still trying to understand how using Hyperion the way most people would (or should), aka multiple Heavies to build Furies, then SP's is such a big “secret/unknown” way to use him ?
Unless you’re saying after you get the Furies, don't start next attacks at all with normal combos (just go directly to SP's) to avoid opponent getting extra Power Meter increase from regular hits. (still doesn’t seem like a secret)
Still trying to understand how using Hyperion the way most people would (or should), aka multiple Heavies to build Furies, then SP's is such a big “secret/unknown” way to use him ?
Unless you’re saying after you get the Furies, don't start next attacks at all with normal combos (just go directly to SP's) to avoid opponent getting extra Power Meter increase from regular hits. (still doesn’t seem like a secret)
Judging by the reactions to this guy’s post it seems like the majority of people didn’t know Hyperion could kill Bullseye before Bullseye could do anything stupid. So it seems like this strategy was, in fact, unknown to the majority of people.
I am uploading all my bg videos to prove the community i am not cheater. If my ban is due yo cheating KABAM made a mistake and i am sure that they will fix this false ban
I am uploading all my bg videos to prove the community i am not cheater. If my ban is due yo cheating KABAM made a mistake and i am sure that they will fix this false ban
They've fixed false bans before and will here if that is the case.
Understood @ItsClobberinTime only problem is is that outside the skill class there’s not much usage . Either ways she does her job well and she is mutant tbf
For the result who are following me my ban is removed just now i am very happy to prove that i am a clean player. I want to thank all of the mates who supported me.
A good example to not always rush to judge someone and accuse them before the truth comes outs. Some people seem to get a kick out kf judging others. I do have to commend Kabam for turning this around so quickly and fixing a bad situation.
For the result who are following me my ban is removed just now i am very happy to prove that i am a clean player. I want to thank all of the mates who supported me.
For the result who are following me my ban is removed just now i am very happy to prove that i am a clean player. I want to thank all of the mates who supported me.
I can only assume that you've already submitted a ticket, but if not then do that. They may not be very helpful, but reaching out to Crashed or DNA might help make some progress if you're innocent.
If you're not innocent, I would highly suggest...that you keep pleading your case because it feels like it's been forever since Crashed destroyed someone's soul publicly.
His main account got banned from BG reports, and was live after it happend.
Well, lets see the final chapter...
Either way, at least we all know how to kill Bullseye in 27 seconds now.
Unless you’re saying after you get the Furies, don't start next attacks at all with normal combos (just go directly to SP's) to avoid opponent getting extra Power Meter increase from regular hits. (still doesn’t seem like a secret)
I want to thank all of the mates who supported me.