Phantom Store notifications

Is anyone else dealing with this? Over the last week or so (I forget exactly when it started), one phantom notification appeared and then it became two.
As you can see here, neither of them are from the daily free ISO/gold selector (when it refreshes, I see three notifications).
I've gone through every single store section, scrolled past every single item so that they've been marked viewed, and yet these two notifications persist.
I had hoped the update would clear them but, nope, they're still there.
Is it just me?
It's that catalysts offer, need to scroll up for it.
Tried many times going to each TAB, didn’t work then.
Tried COMPLETELY (more exact explanation of above suggestions), and FINALLY GOT RID OF IT.
Don’t just click each Major group (and Sub-group).
But start with each Major group, and SCROLL thru the complete pages of the actual offers within the whole Major Group (while scrolling, it will proceed thru each of the Sub-Groups automatically.
Then proceed to Next Major Group, (repeat).
What did it for me was (maybe) the 7* Incursions Crystal (not sure when that last updated).
Or 2 new Profile Pics (both came up with NEW label on top of their entries, although I only had a (1) notification that was hanging around).
No further Notification for Store now.
Can't they just FIX the damn thing, it s not like they don't know how to do it, it s been there before.
For now.