When will the alliance mission, AQ, be discontinued?

It's a time-consuming game mode and the rewards aren't worth it. It also ends up creating friction between Alliance members. You could just keep RAIDS, it's much quicker to finish. AQ is long overdue for a change or extinction.
why keep the incremental prices?
I get the incremental prices with the “titan shards using units” deals, but don’t get the incremental prices in glory store at all.
You are asking for worst thing
Is AQ stale? Yes
Does it need a change? Big yes
Should AQ be eliminated altogether? Hell No
AQ store have some good rewards and really good chunk of it especially for mid game or early game players but still needs lot of changes. One of the most pain point in store is incremental prices.
Now if Kabam can remover incremental prices, that would be huge win. If store can get some upgrade for mid-late gamers in terms of quantity and prices cuts, It will be huge win.
Most people won't agree but AQ is grind, which necessary, But in current AQ that Grind is "Vey Boring". That's one of the big reason most of players shy away from this "Necessary Grind". Imo, there should be new maps/changes and map rewards should be buffed. Make the Grind worthwhile not in terms of "Rewards" but as well in "Gameplay"
Otherwise, don't play that part of the game if it actually causes issues in your alliance, that's a you problem!
Getting rid of content won't happen and doesn't solve anything.
AQ is in desperate need of an overhaul. It is, in my opinion, the least fun mode in the game. Doing the exact same fights four days a week every week forever is insanity-inducing. And if you forget to do it or have a real life conflict or anything else, you’ve let down up to 29 other people.
I know it’s built in such a way as to force daily activity, but don’t we have enough of that with the DSE? Do we really need AQ to also hit that same design goal?
Hey, how come haven't you joined AQ?
You joined AQ a few hours ago, but haven't moved.....?
2 hours left, how come you haven't joined AQ?
You get the idea LOL. All of those scenarios will be gone and for good.
Prices are balanced around the cost of buying out the whole item and then given the incremental prices to allow people to get more for their glory if they only need the first few of each stack.
Your issue comes from there not being much you even want from the glory store these days since there's nothing really of value in it that we can't get 10x more of from BGs. That's a whole separate issue though. I typically just burn my glory on raid tickets since I don't need any of the rankup mats in the glory store.