Please don't vote Rogue

QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 170
Rogue is just a bit weak damage wise. She needs a tune up perhaps but certainly not a rework!
This is why I think why (apologise for the lengthy rant):

Shrugging debuffs 70% quicker is great and essentially makes her immune to stun as she can shrug it and parry so quickly (literally during the opponents own combo in which you get stunned!) .
Any ability or node that grants furies or boosts special attack damage (on which there are loads) boosts her regen to ridiculous levels. She can heal from near death to full in one special! It's also great having easy access to regen on the first special.
The steal is insane too. You can keep hold of it (made easier with the gambit relic) and that stops them getting their buffs permanently! This is quite useful in certain scenarios.

Regen, power steal, buff steal and shrug abilities are all round fantastic and are amazing in specific encounters. She really doesn't need a rework in my opinion.

Proxima never had her day to shine as I don't believe she ever realised her initial design goal due to the damage cap in LoL. She's got my vote.

Please don't nerf Rogue under the pretense of a buff.


  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 170
    You've misunderstood my point. I like Proxima's utility. However, she was designed around the time of LoL. She was supposed to be useful for that content with her ramp play style. Unfortunately, the presence of the damage cap undermined this and so she never got her day in the sun. This is why I think she would be a good choice. Her utility is good but she didn't meet ( I believe) her initial design intentions.
  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 170
    I also didn't say she was strong. I actually said she was weak.....
  • Newman0067Newman0067 Member Posts: 180 ★★

    You've misunderstood my point. I like Proxima's utility. However, she was designed around the time of LoL. She was supposed to be useful for that content with her ramp play style. Unfortunately, the presence of the damage cap undermined this and so she never got her day in the sun. This is why I think she would be a good choice. Her utility is good but she didn't meet ( I believe) her initial design intentions.

    But why is that different now? The big pieces of content still have damage caps. I understand where you're getting at, but its a flawed argument. If you want to talk about lost potential surely it's Jubilee that deserves the vote? If you want to vote prox because you personally think she's got the most potential put of a buff, go head, not like i could stop you anyway, but it's a flawed argument trying to justify prox over rogue over something as opinionated as "lost potential"
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,827 ★★★★★
    Vote for squirrel girl. Let's get a better future for skill champs.
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 764 ★★★★
    Anyways, what is the promo code for Squirrel GOAT. And how do I enter it? I'm out, so haven't really had time to go in game and see what's up.
  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 170

    You've misunderstood my point. I like Proxima's utility. However, she was designed around the time of LoL. She was supposed to be useful for that content with her ramp play style. Unfortunately, the presence of the damage cap undermined this and so she never got her day in the sun. This is why I think she would be a good choice. Her utility is good but she didn't meet ( I believe) her initial design intentions.

    But why is that different now? The big pieces of content still have damage caps. I understand where you're getting at, but its a flawed argument. If you want to talk about lost potential surely it's Jubilee that deserves the vote? If you want to vote prox because you personally think she's got the most potential put of a buff, go head, not like i could stop you anyway, but it's a flawed argument trying to justify prox over rogue over something as opinionated as "lost potential"
    Anyone over Rogue....Rogue just hits weak. She's otherwise fantastic. Needs a tune her sure. Rework no.

    I just voted for Proxima as I don't believe she lived up to her original design purpose. But yeah....Jubilee needs one too
  • DONZALOOG1234DONZALOOG1234 Member Posts: 382 ★★
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,151 ★★★★★
    Mcoc player base : skill class needs better 7*'s

    Also mcoc player base: votes for a class just as busted as science
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,669 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Too late, voted Rogue.

    Again and again and again and again. Got alts voting for Rogue. I'm making an account for my dog just so he can vote Rogue.

    <----- That forum picture was not chosen randomly. Probably my favorite champ from the early days. If she can get buffed back into meta relevancy again, I'll take her to R4 as soon as they get around to releasing her as a 7*.

    I think all the champs deserve the rework. There's no undeserving champs in there. I used to love using Morningstar back in the day as a ramp up champ and I have a soft spot for Invisible Woman as her boss rush designer. But on this one I'm voting with my heart.</p>

    Your sincere opinion now....

    Dont you think ,Kabam guys promoted ROGUEBESTHAIR on VideoStream was absurdly unfair with other contestants, as Rogue's Kabam Riri was the only present there.

    And everyone only knew this code....
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,189 ★★★★★
    I wouldn't even sweat the vote, we all know by now the ones that lose end up being better champs 🤣
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,827 ★★★★★

    I wouldn't even sweat the vote, we all know by now the ones that lose end up being better champs 🤣

    Antman didn't end up better than guillotine, atleast imo.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,189 ★★★★★
    edited March 5

    I wouldn't even sweat the vote, we all know by now the ones that lose end up being better champs 🤣

    Antman didn't end up better than guillotine, atleast imo.
    I like the old guillotine better...
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,827 ★★★★★

    I wouldn't even sweat the vote, we all know by now the ones that lose end up being better champs 🤣

    Antman didn't end up better than guillotine, atleast imo.
    I like the ole guillotine better...
    Me too but now we have deathless guilly who does everything old guilly does but better.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,189 ★★★★★

    I wouldn't even sweat the vote, we all know by now the ones that lose end up being better champs 🤣

    Antman didn't end up better than guillotine, atleast imo.
    I like the ole guillotine better...
    Me too but now we have deathless guilly who does everything old guilly does but better.
    Yeah... Only reason I like DGuilly
  • CaboDestro1CaboDestro1 Member Posts: 59
    Not voting this time!Tech is missing so not fair. To many mutants. Skill also needs ❤️. Goodluck everybody!
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 754 ★★★

    Not voting this time!Tech is missing so not fair. To many mutants. Skill also needs ❤️. Goodluck everybody!

    If Skill needs love why not vote for Squirrel Girl?
  • HulkbusterN1HulkbusterN1 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    It seems like we get another good mutant instead of balance some other classes. Personally, I think mutant class is still overpowered. There are too many good options, that many people gladly take to r4. I got lucky with my epoch of pain rewards and got r4 mutant gem. My vote was for squirrel girl, because I think she has a good damage potential, and if add some utility she would be an insane attacker. I believe skill class needs good attackers more than mutant, but community cannot be stopped…
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★
    I know science class is busted already but I like invisible woman’s animations, design, and concept . I’ve always been big on the fantastic 4 and to have her on my team with torch for pesky mystics since I can’t seem to pull photon or silk, I would love to see yet another science champ that’s a dual threat
  • SkyfawSkyfaw Member Posts: 222 ★★
    Already voted and do not regret it Rogue is an Alpha level mutant. Would love to see her get reworked and be meta relevant. Yes she does some cool things but in 2025 no one would play her as is over other champs. Which is why she on the ballot.
  • gannicus0830gannicus0830 Member Posts: 704 ★★★★
    Rogue all the way. I like her current abilities, but her stolen buffs are too limited, expire to quickly, and she hits like a malnourished 6 year old.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,669 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Too late, voted Rogue.

    Again and again and again and again. Got alts voting for Rogue. I'm making an account for my dog just so he can vote Rogue.

    < ----- That forum picture was not chosen randomly. Probably my favorite champ from the early days. If she can get buffed back into meta relevancy again, I'll take her to R4 as soon as they get around to releasing her as a 7*.

    I think all the champs deserve the rework. There's no undeserving champs in there. I used to love using Morningstar back in the day as a ramp up champ and I have a soft spot for Invisible Woman as her boss rush designer. But on this one I'm voting with my heart.

    Your sincere opinion now....

    Dont you think ,Kabam guys promoted ROGUEBESTHAIR on VideoStream was absurdly unfair with other contestants, as Rogue's Kabam Riri was the only present there.

    And everyone only knew this code....
    I think it is more balanced than that: while Rogue did get the early promo during the live stream, it is all of the other champions that are going to get a lot more promotion from the content creators backing them. Most players are not going to learn about the Women of Power event from the live stream, they are going to learn about it through other channels.

    I doubt the code itself is going to change things much. I, and I assume a lot of other people, are just going to redeem them all, which means they end up contributing a neutral number of votes.

    In fact, since the bulk of the votes are going to get locked up when players make their first Women of Power ballot choice, and I don't think who was mentioned in the live stream is going to influence a lot of players when they make that choice I'm curious to see to what degree advocacy matters at all. Because there's only going to be one round of voting, and because you more or less have to make your choice right at the start, it might be less which champ is more popular and more which champ's voting block is more consistently active and generating ballots.
    Ok...but you can see by the realm numbers inside the game, since yesterday, Rogue has almost double the points of all other female champs, mostly due to the 1st campaign by @KabamRiRi in the VideoStream.

    And all of us, was thinking only this promocode would be accepted for the woman's day, and maybe give a crystal or a pfp.

    Well, let's see how the votes will evolve for Invisible Woman

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