Please don't vote Rogue

Rogue is just a bit weak damage wise. She needs a tune up perhaps but certainly not a rework!
This is why I think why (apologise for the lengthy rant):
Shrugging debuffs 70% quicker is great and essentially makes her immune to stun as she can shrug it and parry so quickly (literally during the opponents own combo in which you get stunned!) .
Any ability or node that grants furies or boosts special attack damage (on which there are loads) boosts her regen to ridiculous levels. She can heal from near death to full in one special! It's also great having easy access to regen on the first special.
The steal is insane too. You can keep hold of it (made easier with the gambit relic) and that stops them getting their buffs permanently! This is quite useful in certain scenarios.
Regen, power steal, buff steal and shrug abilities are all round fantastic and are amazing in specific encounters. She really doesn't need a rework in my opinion.
Proxima never had her day to shine as I don't believe she ever realised her initial design goal due to the damage cap in LoL. She's got my vote.
Please don't nerf Rogue under the pretense of a buff.
This is why I think why (apologise for the lengthy rant):
Shrugging debuffs 70% quicker is great and essentially makes her immune to stun as she can shrug it and parry so quickly (literally during the opponents own combo in which you get stunned!) .
Any ability or node that grants furies or boosts special attack damage (on which there are loads) boosts her regen to ridiculous levels. She can heal from near death to full in one special! It's also great having easy access to regen on the first special.
The steal is insane too. You can keep hold of it (made easier with the gambit relic) and that stops them getting their buffs permanently! This is quite useful in certain scenarios.
Regen, power steal, buff steal and shrug abilities are all round fantastic and are amazing in specific encounters. She really doesn't need a rework in my opinion.
Proxima never had her day to shine as I don't believe she ever realised her initial design goal due to the damage cap in LoL. She's got my vote.
Please don't nerf Rogue under the pretense of a buff.
I went for Jubilee but I think she’s in dead last 😭
The better action would be put every Promocode here and on social networks, so Invisible Woman voters would know the correct one is RANKUPRONIN
I just voted for Proxima as I don't believe she lived up to her original design purpose. But yeah....Jubilee needs one too
Again and again and again and again. Got alts voting for Rogue. I'm making an account for my dog just so he can vote Rogue.
<----- That forum picture was not chosen randomly. Probably my favorite champ from the early days. If she can get buffed back into meta relevancy again, I'll take her to R4 as soon as they get around to releasing her as a 7*.
I think all the champs deserve the rework. There's no undeserving champs in there. I used to love using Morningstar back in the day as a ramp up champ and I have a soft spot for Invisible Woman as her boss rush designer. But on this one I'm voting with my heart.
Also mcoc player base: votes for a class just as busted as science
Dont you think ,Kabam guys promoted ROGUEBESTHAIR on VideoStream was absurdly unfair with other contestants, as Rogue's Kabam Riri was the only present there.
And everyone only knew this code....
I doubt the code itself is going to change things much. I, and I assume a lot of other people, are just going to redeem them all, which means they end up contributing a neutral number of votes.
In fact, since the bulk of the votes are going to get locked up when players make their first Women of Power ballot choice, and I don't think who was mentioned in the live stream is going to influence a lot of players when they make that choice I'm curious to see to what degree advocacy matters at all. Because there's only going to be one round of voting, and because you more or less have to make your choice right at the start, it might be less which champ is more popular and more which champ's voting block is more consistently active and generating ballots.
And all of us, was thinking only this promocode would be accepted for the woman's day, and maybe give a crystal or a pfp.
Well, let's see how the votes will evolve for Invisible Woman