Ok.. y'all picking on my boy Rulk, but what about this guy?



  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,188 ★★★★
    edited March 11

    @Captainaiden I am asking why is there such a hype for Rulk. It's true that you should rank up champions that you like, but my question is why are people so crazy about Rulk?
    What am I missing? I have a 7 star Rulk as well and I have tested him.

    Red Hulk is garbage.

    Diablo is very good.


    For those who think red hulk is garbage, see the youtube i provided.

    But red hulk need some tweak and i agree
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,327 ★★★★★

    @Captainaiden I am asking why is there such a hype for Rulk. It's true that you should rank up champions that you like, but my question is why are people so crazy about Rulk?
    What am I missing? I have a 7 star Rulk as well and I have tested him.

    Red Hulk is garbage.

    Diablo is very good.


    For those who think red hulk is garbage, see the youtube i provided.

    But red hulk need some tweak and i agree
    This guy gets it 😌
    Haha, this was exactly me hunting for him in the Titan.. while all my alliance mates had him at like s40 R1- I just couldn't pull him, but I finally did and immediately used a Science AG and stopped opening Titans 😂
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,188 ★★★★

    @Captainaiden I am asking why is there such a hype for Rulk. It's true that you should rank up champions that you like, but my question is why are people so crazy about Rulk?
    What am I missing? I have a 7 star Rulk as well and I have tested him.

    Red Hulk is garbage.

    Diablo is very good.


    For those who think red hulk is garbage, see the youtube i provided.

    But red hulk need some tweak and i agree
    This guy gets it 😌
    Haha, this was exactly me hunting for him in the Titan.. while all my alliance mates had him at like s40 R1- I just couldn't pull him, but I finally did and immediately used a Science AG and stopped opening Titans 😂
    Yeah he need dup/awaken to get an early 2 charges. And with each charges, he gain phsyical resistances, means he can be tanky.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,327 ★★★★★

    @Captainaiden I am asking why is there such a hype for Rulk. It's true that you should rank up champions that you like, but my question is why are people so crazy about Rulk?
    What am I missing? I have a 7 star Rulk as well and I have tested him.

    Red Hulk is garbage.

    Diablo is very good.


    For those who think red hulk is garbage, see the youtube i provided.

    But red hulk need some tweak and i agree
    This guy gets it 😌
    Haha, this was exactly me hunting for him in the Titan.. while all my alliance mates had him at like s40 R1- I just couldn't pull him, but I finally did and immediately used a Science AG and stopped opening Titans 😂
    Yeah he need dup/awaken to get an early 2 charges. And with each charges, he gain phsyical resistances, means he can be tanky.
    Exactly.. I am investing sigs.. I was happy to see he can easily still take node 44 in AW (Ruptures are physical damage - at high sig he actually net heals from it)
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