That was fast or is it still undecided?

X-23 is pulling ahead with more than 2 million votes compared to the next highest Rogue and it looks like a 2 horse race now
However there is still plenty of time left in the realm event voting so will there be a surprise outcome or is the result apparently obvious?
However there is still plenty of time left in the realm event voting so will there be a surprise outcome or is the result apparently obvious?
That was fast or is it still undecided? 46 votes
Based on the points across all the different choices, the participation is equivalent to around 500,000 players actively doing daily fights compared to 1,000,000 players opening at least 1 crystal (which is a lower barrier to entry)
However the number of players participating in the forums is a small subset of the entire playerbase
It would be nearly impossible to rally sufficient votes for a surprise outcome simply for the fact that no one can reach every single player out there whether through the forums or discord or global chat
The poll is meant to quantify the general feeling from the forums about the vote
A poll is meant to collect data from voters
You can express yourself in a post but no one is keeping count
I have cast my vote
But I guess some of yall want more bleeders that are like one of the most easiest thing to counter.
I'm actually a neutral party, I don't really care who win and gets a rework
The vote could be so much better if Kabam could include roughly what potential rework could be for each champion instead of having players vote blindly based on just the champion's profile picture and name
I guess it's over by now
Missed Sue Storm in the Poll