With the Advent of 5/65 Five Star Champs and 6 Star Coming

Is it time to change health potions to a flat percentage? I realise that may yield slightly less revenue for Kabam but I think the time has come to convert them all to a percentage.
The different levels could correspond to different percentages. I just can’t see the point in having lv2 health potions for circa 30k+ health champs. Apart from costing a fortune to revive back to almost full health.
Interested in thoughts.
The different levels could correspond to different percentages. I just can’t see the point in having lv2 health potions for circa 30k+ health champs. Apart from costing a fortune to revive back to almost full health.
Interested in thoughts.
Lvl 1could be 5%
Lvl 2 could be 10%
Lvl 3 could be 20%
Lvl 4 could be 30%
Lvl 5 could 40%
Pulled those numbers out of my arse, no reasoning behind em.
30k health
5 potions needed
500 units just to heal a rank 5 5* to full health. That's $25 worth of units.
Kabam needs to convert them to a flat percentage and also increase ISO storage size by a fair amount too.
However, from a business point of view, there will always be people spending 500 units to pot a 5* r5 to full health. And most people who don’t wanna spend in wars, will still not spend in wars regardless of the price.
Using Mmx1991’s example, it’s 500 units vs about 240 units if pots were percentage based.
So... why make pots more affordable and lower their own revenue?
Just some food for thought.
You're not wrong from a business standpoint, but we're their customers and we shouldn't be arguing for higher costs. Eventually Kabam will have to make it a flat % cause who is going to spend $30 to heal a 6* just once?