Losing control of champs [Under Investigation]



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  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    A sluggish mess in both AW and AQ again today. Champs either drunkenly pogo all over the place (without any input) or take root at the spot (with input). Maybe to see the grass grow. Oh well, guess that’s a pretty healthy past-time. Once again, arena is utterly unaffected.

    On the plus side, I’m so disillusioned at this point, particularly because nothing seems to be done about it, I’m spending all my game money on other hobbies now. Got some great vintage records the other day.

    As always, iPhone X, latest everything, 5g WiFi.
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  • TKalTKal Member Posts: 534 ★★
    AW and AQ, and MODOK’s lab are pretty much unplayable, especially boss of AW, you can’t intercept them like what is going on ?

    You do the exact same input as you ever did in this game for 3 years, and suddently it doesn’t work, amazing
  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Good point! 🤣
  • ChrisS1506ChrisS1506 Member Posts: 52
    TKal wrote: »
    AW and AQ, and MODOK’s lab are pretty much unplayable, especially boss of AW, you can’t intercept them like what is going on ?

    You do the exact same input as you ever did in this game for 3 years, and suddently it doesn’t work, amazing

    That's been everyone's point. The Moderators have seen these posts, they've just chosen not to acknowledge us.

    My personal opinion is the only way they'll fix it is to stop buying offers.
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  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Jordan128 wrote: »

    Just gona quote u.

    In case........ you know.

    Got ya!
  • edited March 2018
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  • ChrisS1506ChrisS1506 Member Posts: 52
    borntohula wrote: »
    Here’s what we should do to help them out. We should specify;

    (1) our device and
    (2) the champ (s) this issue occurred with
    (3) if and, if so, what we ate prior to that/those fight/fights, and in what quantity
    (4) whether or not we were watching a Bob Ross marathon, running in the background and
    (5) if so, if we felt vaguely tree-like at the time
    (6) whether we produced fruit, and, lastly
    (7) if the neighbors were line dancing in a vaguely threatening fashion when the specific issue occurred

    If we finally step up to the plate and provide them with this important info, they will investigate this. Pinky promise.

    Gonna fall out over here! Be careful you don't hula into a happy lil bush!
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  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    On Galaxy S8+ here and I can't even play the game properly either anymore. I just lost a few champs in AW because I was tapping the screen to do a combo and my champ stops attacking during a combo (EVEN THOUGH I'M STILL TAPPING THE SCREEN). Instantly died cause I ate an unblockable special.

    Other frequently occurring bugs are:

    - Champs doing random heavy attacks (when I want to do a medium attack)
    - Champs doing random medium attacks (when I want to do a heavy attack)

    The game has seriously become unplayable and it's costing me a lot of revives/potions for no reason. It's sucking all the fun out of the game tbh. And I'm not just pissed because it's costing me items, it's also costing my alliance wars, because I'm giving away attacker kill points.

    And yes, I know sweaty hands can cause this problem. That's why before every battle I rub my hands against my clothes to dry them of any sweat. So it's definitely NOT a sweaty hands problem, it's the game not responding properly.
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    On Galaxy S8+ here and I can't even play the game properly either anymore. I just lost a few champs in AW because I was tapping the screen to do a combo and my champ stops attacking during a combo (EVEN THOUGH I'M STILL TAPPING THE SCREEN). Instantly died cause I ate an unblockable special.

    Other frequently occurring bugs are:

    - Champs doing random heavy attacks (when I want to do a medium attack)
    - Champs doing random medium attacks (when I want to do a heavy attack)

    The game has seriously become unplayable and it's costing me a lot of revives/potions for no reason. It's sucking all the fun out of the game tbh. And I'm not just pissed because it's costing me items, it's also costing my alliance wars, because I'm giving away attacker kill points.

    And yes, I know sweaty hands can cause this problem. That's why before every battle I rub my hands against my clothes to dry them of any sweat. So it's definitely NOT a sweaty hands problem, it's the game not responding properly.
  • ChrisS1506ChrisS1506 Member Posts: 52
    Here's another thread complaining about issues with party and the unwillingness to fix it.

  • TheeWolverineTheeWolverine Member Posts: 78
    This is how they make money! Pure and simple! They have to compensate for people who grew to big and can beat certain things cause the hero's they have maxed out. But to those of us who don't have that we are just profit for them. They have all kinds of BS things in act 5 they aren't listed that happen. Blocks that don't block, poison that isn't there, bleed immune champs that bleed! It's all **** to make money. They will kill the game then sell it off to GAEA like the other games that greed killed!
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  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited March 2018
    Aw just started. First fight I bring DV and meet Doc Oc. First bit is perfect. I have him. Easy. I parry with the intent of unleashing a special. Parry registers. I attack. Champ jumps back. I start to curse a little. No matter. Just try again. I do. Parry registers. I move forward (on my screen, that’s the right), but - what do you know - the game decides I really need to move left. After which my champ freezes, ice popsicle style. My popsicle gets hit. A lot. I parry a final time. Attack. Same **** again. I’m now at the wall. Parry appears to equal death. I somehow evade a barrage and finish Oc at last. Remaining health: 10 percent. If this isn’t tackled by then, I quit the game once this season ends. Just announced in my alliance. So far, three more players - all serious, all spenders - have voiced the same intention. I’m appalled and, frankly, a bit astonished by the ungoing silence by the game manufacturer.

    As always, iPhone X, latest everything, WiFi, no help asked.
  • PureRage13PureRage13 Member Posts: 164
    This just happened to me in Modok's Lab. EXTREMELY frustrating.
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    borntohula wrote: »
    Aw just started. First fight I bring DV and meet Doc Oc. First bit is perfect. I have him. Easy. I parry with the intent of unleashing a special. Parry registers. I attack. Champ jumps back. I start to curse a little. No matter. Just try again. I do. Parry registers. I move forward (on my screen, that’s the right), but - what do you know - the game decides I really need to move left. After which my champ freezes, ice popsicle style. My popsicle gets hit. A lot. I parry a final time. Attack. Same **** again. I’m now at the wall. Parry appears to equal death. I somehow evade a barrage and finish Oc at last. Remaining health: 10 percent. If this isn’t tackled by then, I quit the game once this season ends. Just announced in my alliance. So far, three more players - all serious, all spenders - have voiced the same intention. I’m appalled and, frankly, a bit astonished by the ungoing silence by the game manufacturer.

    As always, iPhone X, latest everything, WiFi, no help asked.

    Thank you so much for the comments! Posted this issue on August 19th btw people!!! They merged it with another newer post deleting the original #of views even on this page!!!!!! It was at 13.6k when the merge happened btw too! Keep em coming in guys and gals!!! Boycott coming soon!
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  • Darthmalice66Darthmalice66 Member Posts: 128
    Experiencing the same issues.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    The game is ridiculous right now; my willpower isn’t activating under debuffs but sometimes I get health when I get punched? Im successfully evading and I’m seeing health being taken off me while dexteritY pops up and my champ shows no signs of getting hit, block is failing about 20% of the Time... strange things are happening with champs being on 1% and still taking two punches to finish (not punisher or hela) ...
  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited March 2018
    If ANYONE from Kabam actually reads this, please acknowledge. I lost another AW fight due to my champ doing random **** (e.g. jump back after each successful parry) or not moving at all (e.g. stop moving entirely, halfway combo). I jumped into arena immediately after. And zero issues there. It MUST be related to either AI settings, 'complicated' nodes and/or something else that's AW/AQ/hard content specific. These issues never occur in arena. Yes, there might be some jitter (slight lag) at times, but I never lose control of the champ. By that I mean, not ever.

    I am quitting the game once the AW season ends. I simply had enough of this ongoing **** and the money it costs me to compensate for a broken product. But just in case you actually want to help players who do decide to stay, THAT'S what the issue is. It's not our connection, not our devices, not the champions we use, not the food we eat, not the drinks we drink, not the way we raise our children nor the cars we drive and/or the route we take to work in order to keep feeding a game that has turned into a monetary black hole.

    There. Now do something about it. Before everyone jumps ship.
  • FerroWezFerroWez Member Posts: 5
    My champs aren't blocking effectively, I get hit by an special while blocking, or while blocking the champ decides to dash forward :( and it is a problem in key alliance events causing my alliance silly kills
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