Epic 2* Tales: RoL Winter Soldier (2nd Anniversary Remake)

Time flies and my channel is now over 2 years old, and to celebrate that I did a remake of one of my first (and most watched) videos, the 2* Star-Lord vs RoL Winter Soldier.
Soundtrack: Cybernetika "Stinger (One Arc Degree Remix)"

Soundtrack: Cybernetika "Stinger (One Arc Degree Remix)"
Took me a couple tries, and I never had intention to do whole RoL with a 2 star, don’t think it’s even possible nowadays since Star-Lord attack raise is cap at 400 hits and if you look at his damage output at that time it’s quite far from what is needed to bring down Wolverine. Please note this was just a remake of one of my first videos 2 years ago, which afaik was the first time anyone did (or at least recorded) this with a 2*.
It's cool. Not trying to take anything away from you. Re-makes don't have to be identical to the first. The game has progressed quite a bit in 2 years. Just maybe update it a bit from 2 years ago?
It’s quite different then the original one with suicides, which took 16 min instead of 9, and required over 50% increased number of hits, mostly cause I had to use SP3 to rest and clean swet made by a burning iPhone 5s. It’s funny to compare how gameplay in general evolved in 2 years too.