Arena AI is too annoying!

Arena AI is too annoying, it should be a bit more aggressive and opponents should use more often those specials not only the l3. Fight often are boring, they sometimes never throw a punch at you, it takes away all the fun on using your heroes. I find it a waste of time sometimes since they often just stay in guard but they hit you when you try using heavy. I have a lot of maxed 3 stars thet I enjoy using but in arena it takes away all the fun specially when you’re bulding the strike and fighting higher champs that keep starring at you waiting to charge the l3.
Hope I’m not the only one that finds it this way.
Hope I’m not the only one that finds it this way.
Roaster is very important. For 3* featured arena, using max 3* is like a walk in the park. For 4* basic arena, nowadays I don't even bother to use max 3* anymore, just bring in 5/50 or 4/40 and AI will be dead in less than 30 seconds. (Loading time on Android for each fight is LONGER than the fight itself, sadly). Even for 4* featured arena, a handful of 5* (R2 or R3, helps alot, of course better if got R4) plus 5/50 and 4/40 will help achiving some lower rank milestone, but without enough 5* and/or unit spending, hard to fight for top ranking coz that needs 15M-18M for popular new champs.
I know a few places that are not boring and will worth your time. You can stop doing Arena and spend most of your time in:- (1) LOL; (2) ROL; (3) Act 5; (4) Uncollected Difficulty. Good luck spending your time in those LESS ANNOYING and LESS BORING modes! Cheers!